The most imaginative thing I did as a growing up kid back then was to form a small band of 'kampung' infantry and we would indulge ourselves in a mock battle using senapang buloh (a hollow bamboo with small semi-hard seeds or wet newspaper as bullet - I thought that was quite an ingenious invention) shooting birds (and innocent girls :) around the kampung.
So apparently I could not complain much when my little juniors, during one of our outings will invariably ask me to buy this and that. I could understand their urge as I've been in their shoes too. The memories are quite vivid it seems. Most of their fancies are toys or memorabilia from their favorite cartoon shows. I didn't
mind of their pestering me because that was also exactly what I did to whoever brought me along to Pasar Kedai Payang, long time ago.
The deep interest in those child-play never died off. My significant half would have by this time understood my deep interest in this childish indulgence too. I thought it was a rather peculiar sight for her at first when she saw how I could let myself deeply rooted in my potato-couch watching my favourite Manga movies for hours or standing still and mesmerized staring at TV screens in a shopping mall watching free hi-tech figure-transforming Japanese anime during one of her shopping trips . Did I tell you I pick up Japanese (I mean the language) from these movies too? Well at least now I know what Arigato gozaimasu means :)
Seeing my kids enjoying their toys or anything that fancy them really make me feel very contented. The inherited power of mangaekyu sharingan - the power that controls and distorted time and space dimension, really invoke back my childhood fond memories. In a way that brings out the kid in me as well.
Seeing my kids enjoying their toys or anything that fancy them really make me feel very contented. The inherited power of mangaekyu sharingan - the power that controls and distorted time and space dimension, really invoke back my childhood fond memories. In a way that brings out the kid in me as well.