
The pace of my life has to be dangerously close to the lightning speed, especially during last two quarters of this year. It superseded the sonic boom barrier. I've almost lost count of the passing days. My life has been very hectic but yet very fulfilling. Many things happened which undoubtedly make this life very interesting. Even though I am no longer chasing the rainbow and never intended to, I found the colors of the rainbow are becoming more and more beautiful each day. From my years of observation, I realized that chasing the rainbow can be very hazardous and detrimental to health especially to the aging people like me. The rainbow will come if you are at the right time and right place - God willing.
Despite the momentary lapse of time and I missed all the fun in this wonderful Blogosphere, I can't help myself but wondering - why on earth this slow-pace and interesting creature has to be called by that undeserving name? Which part of the snail resembles a "babi"? The look? The behavior? Or simply because our jolly good nasi-lemak-eating nation found it very amusing to label anything with such a weird name. Perhaps these questions can be addressed in a more academic manner and become a good sociological study in one of our local universities that of late sprouted mysteriously in abundance. Perhaps "The babiness of a lone siput babi" could be a good title.
Somehow, I have to thank that particular siput babi for tickling my brain and become a good precursor for my brain to start wondering again on some rubbish issues. Most importantly I thank that siput babi for making me realize that I still have a blog.
Welcome back. Lamo dok bertapo ? :) Missed your writings.
how funny. i wrote sth bout siput babi too tadi petang
I think my blog misses me more. Good to hear that you are all well. Bertapa lama sangat boleh beku juga otak :)
What a nice coincidence! It must has been a siput season.
Glad you're back, Dokter Seng! I was at Cellular Phenotype Microarray (Biolog) workshop held at UPM yesterday morning. There was one Lembaga Getah's representative. I asked him whether he knows Dr [your-name-here]. Yes he indeed knows you.
"What people call him? Dr... Dr Sam?" I said.
"Yeah. Haha!" he chuckled.
"So he's [your] boss over there?"
"He's working at another department. You know him?"
"I course I do!" I said.
One of my colleague was given no chance at all and shot down indiscriminately by one of mat salleh biul (external advisory comm. member) two weeks ago when he presented his research proposal on genechip and microarray. This particular mat salleh received first class treatment courtesy of our Malaysian hospitality, but yet has a third class mentality. Really wasting our tax-payers' money.
My colleague used to work with the same group (i supposed) that held the workshop at UPM (Dr. Martin Broadley, Dr. John Hammond et. al.). This group have a very good credential in this field.
ha...ha...you are checking on me. DrSam is a nome de plume only exist in the underworld of Blogosphere. If that guy knows me, then he must be another blogger from kebun getah sekangkang kera.
my god! its really been a while hah doc...glad you still here. tang 'sesungut' tu la doc..tengok bawah microskop..sebijik cam 'dongos' si babi tu..
hi dr sam,
how r you?
i'm reading ur blog on a moving train. 13 hour journey to north.
welcome back . keep writing yea/
Dr Sam... ya Allah...finally...it's been a long time Dr...
he he, mungkin juga orang yang letak nama tu geram sangat dengan siput, jalan lambat....kot! tp babi takde pulak jalan lambat macam siput... Allahualam la;)
Assalamualaikum Dr Sam..
Yesterday, tetiba teringat dengan Dr kerana agak lama tak update blog. Di awal pagi tadi tengok Dr ada menurunkan komen kat blog saya, dalam hati saya mesti ada N3 baru di blognya..good to see you back..:)
Moga Dr sihat hendaknya dengan izin~Nya..
agak suka duduk kat kandang babi kot siput tu? (macam tak logik je pulak)
salam doc! :D
kah...kah...bab 'dongos' tu tak boleh nak tahan gelak. Perhaps you are right. I need to comfirm this under a microscope. But where to get a good 'dongos' sample huh :)
I am qood catz and hope everything goes well too for you. Cuti @ kerja catz?
Ye lah Afida. Jika masa itu boleh berkata-kata, saya akan cakap "Aku cemburu kamu".
Ada logiknya tu, pasal terhegeh-hegeh sangat mengesot si siput yang malangnya tu terus kena sumpah seranah oleh orang Bolehland yang tersangatlah sopan santun tu. Selalu sangat terjadi dijalanraya Bolehland ni.
Abd Razak,
Waalaikumussalam sdr Abd Razak. Terimakasih kawan kerana masih mengingati diri saya. Perbualan terakhir pun masih terngiang-ngiang di telinga. Semoga kita sentiasa diberi kekuatan olehNya mengharungi liku kehidupan.
yang pasti di kebun saya dah penuh dengan spesis ni.
Salam ketemu kembali.
lamo sungguh dok tunggu DrSam update blog
sib baik ingat lagi password ...
he he he
Hi...hi...Benar...benar sunggoh pB. Nasib baik masih ingat password. Lepas ni password kena simpan masuk kocek :)
ingat ke tak mboh tulis blog doh.. hehe
lame sgt tingga ek pon..
apa2 pun.. enjoy your beautiful colors of rainbow...
bukang tak mboh ida tapi dok dang stabok ame nok nnulih sining :)
..still enjoying myself watching the rainbow...
Alhamdulillah...YOU ARE STILL ALIVE!!
selamat berblog kembali!
'Kebun getah' macamana sekarang?
Oh yes, thank God I am still alive!
mmmm...kebun getah sekangkang kera kurang memberangsang sikit. Tak lama lagi jadi padang jarak padang terkukur...harap-harap lembah Kelang yang kerap banjir terkujat ni takkan bertambah teruk atau tenggelam terus bila kat sini dah digondolkan kelak. Nauzubillah.
How are you mem?
Me? sihat alhamdulillah...syukur!
Moga kalian satu keluarga juga diberi rahmat Allah utk terus bertapak di muka buminya..
walaupun 'kebun getah' tergondol.
Alhamdulillah....Dr Sam kita dah mula berblog!
Jgn pula lepas2 nii...'bertapa' lagi yaa..:)
Ha tu lah rasa lama berdooh doh dok dengar cerita Dr Sam. Semoga sehat sokmo sokmo!
Yelah, nama pun Dr. , mestilah bz.
Glad that u are back..
Uihhhh tah kenapa lahhhh nama dia siput babi.... kesian pulak nama dia cam tu..... kalau siput khinzir ok gak sedap sikit nama dia kan...
ooohhhh Dr dah buat entry baru saya mesti lah singgah....
Story terbaru blog kami...
tip pilih sport rim kereta
Kebun getah gondol namun tetap senyum sokmo!
Pn. Kartini,
WSM kak. Insyaallah jika dikurniakan ruang waktu yang lebih dapatlah kita berkongsi cerita seperti biasa.
Wan Sharif,
Nok buat guane stabok Ayoh wang . Dok dang sokmo nok duduk depan komputer lening.
sibuk yang entah apa-apa :)
Thank you anon. Thanks for dropping by.
siput khinzir bunyi macam sopan sikit kot.
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