I think many of us are having a similar dilemma or share the same 'problem' as I do. We sometimes failed to realize that our home sweet home, over the years had and could become a good dumping site for many unused usable items laying idle somewhere in every corner the cockroaches can reach . I won't be surprised if we look closely and list down every single items in our house and come out with a good and discernible asset inventory we will find for example an extra rice cooker that was given during our wedding day sit on the top of the shelf, branded handbags from annual mega sales shopping frenzy hidden somewhere in the closet, extra golf set to impress prospective business partner but at the end failed, an expansive-underutilized and problematic maid sitting aimlessly in one corner of the kitchen or even a stockpile of Scud missiles post-Iraqi war at our own backyard as a unique memorabilia. Those unused items and artifacts if left idle much longer will surely degrade, rot, gather dust, reduce in aesthetic value (read menyemak) or even pose a health hazard to us.
With all that scary possibilities in mind and after some poking into my left and right brain, I've come up with a "syok sendiri', bombastic but holistic idea. I've decided to set up a special platform in this Blogosphere with the intention to share the items with you, my trusted fellow bloggers in hoping that those unused items will find another good home, good owner and good use. It is a concept of recycling things and the best thing is they are free (if you don't include your petrol for traveling).
You can have a peek into the new blog "khas untuk Blogger aje" to get the feel of the concept and see if there are items of your interest for a quick grab. It is still in its infancy and any suggestion to make the idea to flourish and metamorph into a community playground is very much anticipated. More items will be added up from time to time. I just have to find the right time to gather all those items and convert them into a photogenic material.
This is just the beginning and I hope it won't be the last.
You can have a peek into the new blog "khas untuk Blogger aje" to get the feel of the concept and see if there are items of your interest for a quick grab. It is still in its infancy and any suggestion to make the idea to flourish and metamorph into a community playground is very much anticipated. More items will be added up from time to time. I just have to find the right time to gather all those items and convert them into a photogenic material.
If you want to take one step further though and make this effort a blessed one which hopefully can becomes a future saham in our next life, a sincere donation as a token for those items which can be used for many good causes is very much treasured too. One immediate recipient that come into my mind is a surau in my neighborbood (Surau Al-Hikmah) that is now being upgraded into a KAFA. I hope the work can be finished just before the fasting month. You can bank in your token/donation into the Surau's account and come and get the item(s) of interest and value to you from me.

Those items could actually well be featured in our local lelong scenes or other international auction platforms but I don't feel like doing so because by jumping into that bandwagon this effort will loose it personal touch, exclusiveness and not cool anymore. That however is just my personal opinion.
Perhaps another idea is, other Bloggers can chip in too in this effort by disposing and recycling their unused item through this platform for the benefit of the others. Just email me the details and I will post them in the new blog. I promise I will accept and post anything but please don't dispose your grumpy husband/wife here - those kind of thing if you know what I mean.
Summary of the new concept :
1. Free unused but workable items to dispose/recycle
2. Collect yourself (small items can be posted/couriered but at cost of the recipient)
3. If you feel a bit generous, donate for any good cause (optional and no obligation)
4. Exclusive to our Blogger friends only!
Please feel free to comment, critic and give suggestion to improve this effort. Your endless support, my Blooger friends is very much appreciated.

Those items could actually well be featured in our local lelong scenes or other international auction platforms but I don't feel like doing so because by jumping into that bandwagon this effort will loose it personal touch, exclusiveness and not cool anymore. That however is just my personal opinion.
Perhaps another idea is, other Bloggers can chip in too in this effort by disposing and recycling their unused item through this platform for the benefit of the others. Just email me the details and I will post them in the new blog. I promise I will accept and post anything but please don't dispose your grumpy husband/wife here - those kind of thing if you know what I mean.
Summary of the new concept :
1. Free unused but workable items to dispose/recycle
2. Collect yourself (small items can be posted/couriered but at cost of the recipient)
3. If you feel a bit generous, donate for any good cause (optional and no obligation)
4. Exclusive to our Blogger friends only!
Please feel free to comment, critic and give suggestion to improve this effort. Your endless support, my Blooger friends is very much appreciated.
This is just the beginning and I hope it won't be the last.
Alhamdulillah, satu usaha yang murni.
Tie biasanya eksport barang2 termasuk pakaian dan makanan ke kampung suami, beri pada orang2 yang memerlukan.
Walaupun tak dapat nak contribute apa-apa, kita tetap sokong dan harap ramai bloggers ambil bahagian. :)
P/s - kita dah pos samples tu...
pernah menetap di vietnam.. takde masalah nak lepaskan barang2 terpakai di sana sbb keadaan sosio ekonomi nya (esp muslims there).. kadang pulak rasa bersalah sbb beli yg baru, let go yg lama..
and now kat kerteh.. pon sama.. senang nak lepaskan barang terpakai.. saya sokong usaha ini.. will try to contribute..
doc, saya dah comment di situ. menarik!
,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
" Antara kau dan aku
Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
Maaf lama tak ziarah kamu semua….
Jom Terjah entry terbaru ??
diy repair dan spray helmet lama
eeemmm Insya Allah moga terlaksana usaha baik tersebut...
"Hadith Nabi SAW
إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث : صدقة جارية , أو علم ينتفع به من بعده , أو ولد صالح يدعو له
Ertinya : "Apabila mati anak adam, terputus semua amalannya kecuali tiga perkara : Sedeqah jariah, Ilmunya yang dimanfaatkan orang selepas kematiannya, dan anaknya yang soleh yang mendoakannya.
((وأن ليس للإنسان إلا ما سعى ))
Ertinya : "Dan sesungguhnya setiap manusia tidak akan memperolehi kecuali apa yang diusahakan.." ( An-Najm : 39 )
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, Nabi s.a.w. sabdanya:
Sesiapa yang mengajak ke jalan mengerjakan sesuatu amal yang baik, adalah baginya pahala sebanyak pahala orang-orang yang menurutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi sedikit pun pahala itu dari pahala-pahala mereka, dan (sebaliknya) sesiapa yang mengajak kejalan mengerjakan sesuatu amal yang menyesatkan, adalah ia menanggung dosa sebanyak dosa orang-orang yang menurutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi sedikit pun dosa itu dan dosa-dosa mereka.
yupp selalunya kalau dalam bentuk bantuan ni banyak kemudahan diberikan...kerana benda baik ni Allah juga permudahkan segala urusan
Jazakallah Khairan
Usaha yang murni...kak Hazel doakan segala nya dipermudahkan. p/s Kak Hazel selalu contributes kepada family yang dekat d sini aje.
Assalamualaikum Dr Sam.
Woww, hebat juga ya idea Dr. InsyaAllah in case ada yang berkenan nanti, i'll let u know:).
such a noble effort doc. insyaAllah, i'll to take part lebih2 bab 'saham' akhirat tu. nak ke sana tu 'bekal' kena ada...
Sokong dan setujuuu!!! (sambil mengangkat dua belah tangan :))
iringan doa yang tulus ikhlas ke arah menjayakan usaha ini pun sudah memadai Tie. terimakasih.
p/s: Terimakasih. Saya menunggu dengan penuh harapan ni :)
Jika tak keberatan, boleh berkongsi pengalaman di Vietnam dengan kita semua. Mungkin ada yang boleh diambil pengajaran.
Faisal Admar,
Terimakasih Faisal. saya pun dah jawab komen di situ.
p/s: bungkusan dah terima?
Alhamdulillah. Saya buat setakat yang termampu. Yang baik kita kongsi bersama semoga masing-masing mendapat munafaat. Lagipun semuanya di alam Fana ini hanyalah pinjaman sementara bukan hak milik kekal kita.
hazeleyed lady,
Terimakasih kak hazel. Kita doakan semoga usaha-usaha kita semua ke arah kebaikan sekecil manapun mendapat keredhaan dariNya.
Afida Anuar,
Waalaikumussalam. Insyaallah sama-sama kita cari bekalan. Banyak sedikit, masing-masing punya bekalan. Kita usaha bantu bagi peluang dan ruang.
Alhamdulillah nahmy. Saya pun masih jauh ketinggalan dan modal pun bukannya banyak sangat untuk dibuat bekalan. Buat mana yang terdaya selagi diberi kudrat dan akal yang waras.
Wan Sharif,
Ambe suke ayoh wang suke :)
dr sam...satu usaha yg murni. bagusla dr sam ni...semoga Allah memudahkan semua urusan hendaknya aminnnnnnn
Assalamualaikum Dr
Satu usaha yang baik Dr..insya Allah saya akan berusaha juga dan jika ada yang boleh disumbangkan akan saya beritahu Dr..
assalamualaikum Doc..
satu usaha yang murni yang perlu sokongan dari sesama muslim...
Alhamdulillah. Jika tiada keberatan dan kelapangan boleh saudara dan rakan-rakan lain turut menyumbang sama.
A very good idea. Used to give my book (dah habis baca tak cukup rak nak simpan) to projek membina perpustakaan untuk anak yatim.
Keep up!
,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
" Antara kau dan aku
Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
Maaf lama tak ziarah kamu semua….
Jom Terjah entry terbaru ??
diy spray bumper dan grip handle pintu
Alhamdulillah ... segala usaha yang di jalankan moga menambah berkat dari Allah
Apabila kita mensyukuri rezeki Allah s.w.t maka Allah s.w.t akan memberkati hidup kita dan Dia akan memberi tambahan rezeki dijalan yang tidak disangka-sangka.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang maksudnya, “Makanan untuk seorang mencukupi untuk dua orang dan makanan untuk dua orang mencukupi untuk empat orang dan makanan untuk empat orang mencukupi untuk lapan orang.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Hi DrSam, best idea. I put unused items beside the garbage bin, n saw the garbage collectors are happy with it. Infact look forward to trade items like papers, plastics with paper lama vendor. Long procedure at least something to them. About the tea tu, herbs like ginger etc. Have a taste soon :)
aliff muhammad,
That was one good idea and a commendable effort too.
Alhamduilllah Afzainizam. Semoga usaha-usaha baik kita membantu saudara seagama mendapat keberkatan.
TheFusion Tea,
I used to do that too. this is just another way to recycle our unused items. Looking forward to get a taste on your special tea.
,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
" Antara kau dan aku
Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
Jom Terjah entry terbaru ??
diy boot kereta karat
diy spray bumper dan grip handle pintu
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud:
³Berbuat baiklah (kepada hamba Allah) seperti Allah berbuat baik kepadamu (dengan
pemberian nikmat-Nya yang melimpah).´ (Surah al-Qasas, ayat 77)
Good idea! And I'll support!
Allah jua yang dapat membalasnya....
Acid Rain For bloggers-funded project
salam dr Sam. Tinggal satu lagi tabung uji tidak berisi. Once dah berisi saya akan segera poskan kepada Dr. Betul la Dr,ada orang suka kacau rupanya bekas tu..he he sudah 3 sample air hujan saya 'dicuri' begitu saja oleh tukang sapu yang bekerja di sini. Saya tinggal di pangsapuri, jadi bekas untuk tadah air hujan tu, saya letak di kawasan parking. dah tulis dah don't disturb kat bekas tu, depa tak paham kut Dr.. hu hu.
Doc,menarik ni..i'm looking forward for next items..heheeh..it's a good deeds and efforts..syabas!!
Idea hebat yg memberi inspirasi :)
salam bro...im back to hornbill land early this year. Lama tak update my blog, so busy. Kalau ada dtg kuching inform me k...will email you my number
What a great idea!
Sunyi jer begitu lama..
Sibuk ke Doc?
Hi Doc,
Just wanna wish you a very Happy Father's Day. Stay wonderful just the way you are. Regards to your beautiful clan.
,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
Jom Terjah entry terbaru ??
happy 2nd anniversery
Maaf dah lama aku tak ziarah blog ko lahhh... Maaf lah yerrrr... terputus hubungan tapi dah jumpa balik lahhh...
kudos Dr sam.. nanti LIBL visit that blog.. :)
salam doc, lama menyepi. semoga sihat sekeluarga, ramadhan kareem! :D
Salam Doc. I've been away from blogging for some time too..
Sorry I've not posted the rain samples back to you. Actually I managed to get 5 samples from my previous project in Sg Besi but a change of work location screwed up my free time. I'm thinking now of ditching the previous samples and taking new ones at this present work place.
Love your new idea. I have plenty of stuff gathering dust in my storeroom. Let's see if I can find the time to do some spring cleaning and donate some items to you.
selamat berpuasa Dr sam..
Entri dr mesti penuh dengan pegisian.
Diharapkan ramai yang menderma untuk projek pembesaran surau.
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