This is the ultimate keropoklekor-nation past time food delicacy that if fully appreciated will give a psychedelic assault of all the senses. There is no secret recipe or fancy ingredient for this simple and humble crafty edible sensation but a pure affection. I presume all seasoned Ganu folks or one who speak a heavy G-slang should know how to produce it in the kitchen or at least appreciate the unspeakable taste of this traditional cuisine. During my toddler time, I like to stick this food onto my palate and let it melted onto my mouth slowly just to make sure it goodness will last. I thought my peers would do the same. Probably that wast also the reason why we retain much 'G' in our conversation.
In the keropoklekor-land this beautiful and unique man-made creation is popularly known as kuih khasidah. This appetizing food is closely synonymous with another local traditional produce called 'kolleh' of which also became a very frequent vocabulary in my late grandmother's kitchen long time ago. According to my Che', who has stopped producing it in her kitchen for umpteen years now, khasidah has nothing to do with Qasidah (burda), a classic Arabic poetic chanting. Probably the emotional and wonderful spiritual power of Qasidah al-burdah and the lengthy preparation time for this food coalesced and finally a fusion of delectable marvel.
Actually I almost forgot how and what khasidah taste like until recently one of my good neighbors who had just come back from the keropoklekor land knocked on my door and gave me this utterly familiar experience to my taste bud. It is not a normal sight anymore to see khasidah sold at any shops or market in the keropoklekor land. So it was such a homecoming reception to have and sample this food again for me. My kids love it so much I have to promise them a special treat of this khasidah when we go back to keropoklekor land.
The sight of this soft-textured and mildly sweetened food is almost extinct from my taste domain but the feeling knowing that this exotic-but-almost extinct food can still be found in some of the remote corner in the keropoklekor land is very soothing indeed. This feeling has now becoming deeply very personal.
In the keropoklekor-land this beautiful and unique man-made creation is popularly known as kuih khasidah. This appetizing food is closely synonymous with another local traditional produce called 'kolleh' of which also became a very frequent vocabulary in my late grandmother's kitchen long time ago. According to my Che', who has stopped producing it in her kitchen for umpteen years now, khasidah has nothing to do with Qasidah (burda), a classic Arabic poetic chanting. Probably the emotional and wonderful spiritual power of Qasidah al-burdah and the lengthy preparation time for this food coalesced and finally a fusion of delectable marvel.
Actually I almost forgot how and what khasidah taste like until recently one of my good neighbors who had just come back from the keropoklekor land knocked on my door and gave me this utterly familiar experience to my taste bud. It is not a normal sight anymore to see khasidah sold at any shops or market in the keropoklekor land. So it was such a homecoming reception to have and sample this food again for me. My kids love it so much I have to promise them a special treat of this khasidah when we go back to keropoklekor land.
The sight of this soft-textured and mildly sweetened food is almost extinct from my taste domain but the feeling knowing that this exotic-but-almost extinct food can still be found in some of the remote corner in the keropoklekor land is very soothing indeed. This feeling has now becoming deeply very personal.
salam DrSam,
how are you?
kuih khasidah? tak pernah dengar.
tapi nampak sedap!
akan cuba google cari maklumat dan resepinya.
Kalau senang nak try buat.
Tersenyum pepagi tgk gambar kuih khasidah...!!:)
Teringat ayahanda mmg suka..tp tulah manisss:)
Tak pernah saya dengar kuih ni, tapi tgk pada rupanya memang pernah makan. Mungkin di tempat saya namanya lain..:):)
that looks yummy but i never heard of it. the only kasidah i know is dewa's song kasidah cinta.
Salam DrSam :-D
Khasidah reminds me of my late Dad. He loved this delicacy soo... much. In my younger days, we will prepare it without fail every Aidil Adha - no coincidence I supposed. I am not sure if we have the same version though. But I remember my Dad will take it with some bawang goreng as well. Coming to think about it, I haven't really seen it in any house that I visited in Selangor (not that I visited that many though! :-D) except ours and my Aunties' & Uncles'. Now, where am I suppose to satisfy my palatable desire?...
Salam Dr Sam,
Khasidah used to be the favorite kuih of my two sisters.. I like it only if it goes with a lot of fried onions..
Luckily for me my mother is still around to satisfy my craving.
Rasanya kalu bulan puasa.. kuih khasidah masih boleh di beli di pasar cabang tiga atau di simpang jalan gong tok Nasek dan Jalan Nngadang Akar..
Selamat mencuba..
dr sam..tak penah dengar nama kuih ni..dan rasanya tak penh makan...
kena pegi tgannu ni..
(satu satunya negeri disemenanjung yg aku tak penh sampai lagi..)
Salam Dr Sam
Haven't tasted khasidah in my entire life. It looks pretty. Must be tasty! Could one's qasidah chanting be affected by his addiction to khasidah? Have a nice day!
Laa..kuih ke..
ckLah ingat tadi Qasidah yang itu...
Kalau berzanji ckLah tau juga sikit2..
eh khasidah ganu kaler kuning. Berbeza dengan yang pakcik selalu beli kat Alor Setar. Kaler krim. Khasidah always in my mum must buy list bila bulan puasa.
tak pernah dengar plak nama nih. aduh lapar plak.
tak perasan pulak pernah makan ke tak ya hehe
Salam Doc,
the only khasidah that i knew before this is the one xiiinam mentioned above..hehe..rupa2nya kuih pon ade nama khasidah ye.
Dr Sam, zar pernah makan kuih di sewaktu ke utara dulu..
Salam Catz. Alhamdulillah, I am feeling very good now thank you.
Saya sendiri pun dah lama tak makan kuih ni. nanti kalau dah masak dan jadi kuih macam dalam photo tu, jangan lupa helo untuk kita rasa ye :)
Pn. Kartini,
Salam Pn. kartini. Agaknya kerana memang kuih tu manis...orang yang suka makan kuih itu senyumnya pun jadi manis...
Abd Razak,
salam sdr Abd Razak. Sebenarnya saya sendiri pun kurang pasti asal usul dan kepopulariti kuih ini, cuma saya ingat kat Ganu kite memang dulu-dulu kalau ada majlis memang kita akan jumpa
He...he...you should give this unique human food creation a try. It rareness in the common marketplace makes it such a sought after delicacy these days.
Mia's mom,
I have yet to see this khasidah in Selangor or surrounding area (not that I roam this vicinity that much either :). Mmm...a khasidah delicatessen in Dundee sounds a very salivating idea...
Wan Sharif,
Salam Pak Wan. It is such a fantastic delicacy and yet so simple to make, but at the same time became a rarity these days. This khasidah reminds me of my old days with my late grandmother as she really love to cook this for me.
Terimakasih di atas maklumat lokasi dimana boleh saya cari khasidah. Biasanya saya akan pergi ke pasar kedai buloh untuk mencari hasil dapur yang eksotik ni.
Aiseh...kena cari 'khasidah' Ganu macam ni baru kerap sikit pergi Ganu...tak gitu sedara :)
salam Temuk. I think this khasidah should be preserved well so that our next generation could taste and share the similar wonderful delectable experience we are having now.
Saya... Qasidah yang itu tu kurang mahir sangat...makan khasidah aje yang mahir :)
John Jenin,
Agaknya kuih yang sama juga sebagaimana yang pak cik cakap tu, cuma pewarna aje yang berbeza. Mungkin lepas ni boleh lah buat lebih kreatif dengan tambah macam-macam warna.
laki cikgu kimia,
saya rasa dari cerapan yang singkat ni, kuih ni lebih popular di bahagian pantai timur dan belah utara aje kot.
macam tu saya ingat kita kena buat satu acara 'food tasting' terutama yang kuih muih eksotik ni supaya ramai dapat merasa. Amacam?
I thought the place you are residing now, this khasidah command the same popularity with her neighboring state...no?
Zareda Norman,
Amacam...sedap tak rasa kuih ni Zar?
salam Dr Sam,
ziarah ukhwah sambil2 menikmati khasidah...
moga Dr dan family ceria & selalu dlm redha Allah.
i ate this before... but not my type :)
...lama dok singgoh, pa dok ssedor ada kosidoh..!!!
salam piewahid. Insyaallah semoga ukhuwah berkekalan.
Faisal Admar,
can give another try :)
sabit kate...lama doh khasidah tunggu yohteh ning.
kasidah is a kuih bukan lagu ker doc.. where can get kasidah here in KL?..
maybe yours?
I've been asking the same question :)
Faisal Admar,
My sweet geisha is still experimenting with the recipe in her kitchen.
Dinda, from the comments here I can imagine that this kuih is really2 sweet in taste, but what's intriguing is that it's topped with bawang goreng? Now that's really mind-boggling - only ganu folks can appreciate, surely..
For being so illiterate in the recipe of traditional Ganufolk's cuisine, that interesting combination of bawang goreng and sweet-tasting kuih intrigued me as well. But I can appreciate the goodness of this khasidah, yes.
Doc,saya pernah jumpa kuih ni tp x pernah makan.one sweet day saya kene try kuih ni.mana tau lepas tu jadi fav pulak.tp sah2 kene balik Ganu baru jumpa ni kan..
Kuih ni mungkin ada kat Kedai Payang...naik bot je dari Seberang Takir. seingat saya, kalau khasidah yang 'original' memang manis letteng :)
you made it sound so delicious and almost like a rare treat these days! I go to Keropoklekor land once in a year/two... must ask around then...
Doc,manis letteng tu yg x tahan tu.hari tu makan kuih jala mas hantaran bertunang sepupu saya pun rasa mcm dok leh gi je..dok tahang manis.hehe..
waaa...suka kuih ni..sdapnya..lama xmakan..nyum2...
It IS a rare treat these days :)
mungkin version dulu-dulu yang manis letteng tu. Khasidah sekarang dan diubah suai dengan citara masa kini.
Miss Teja,
kena cari tu...nanti mengidam pula :)
Salam dr Sam..i love this kuih too;).. lama dah tak makan..huhuh
btw, dr Sam orang terengganu ka?
Afida Anuar,
Salam Afida. Saya memang orang Terengganu. Now kat Ganu tengah cari khasidah ori :)
tetiba teringat cerita TIG AABDUL..
khasidah,hamidah,ghasidah,JALAN DAAAAHHH...
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