That was the moment I will not soon forget. The moment I had to dash to the nearest toilet like a mad sprinter chasing for a gold medal. It was the third examination day when I was in a primary school, my second primordial year in Sultan Ismail School (SIS), Kemaman to be precised.
The wild butterflies in my stomach didn't seem to calm down a bit and mixed with a very potent dose of my mother's fish-head curry the previous night, my bowel was at nobody's mercy. Lo and behold, I spent countless hours squatting on the glorious hole while having a very rare chance to enjoy a quiet and solitary moment re-thinking of what I want to be when I grow up. Luckily I managed to finish the exams like anybody else in the school.
That ticklish-in-my-tummy ordeal kept hunting me until my varsity days. Tonnes of my precious adrenalin had been untimely flushed out from the body system, in my opinion, unnecessarily. Exams always bring me anxiety, no matter how well prepared I was.
Today is the last day my eldest son sit for his PMR. I hope and pray he is doing very well. I got the feeling he will do well. Even if he is not doing well I have no qualm about that because I know he has done his level best. I can empathy on his anxiety as I've walked the same path before. The thought of my son sitting on the exam gave me a familiar feeling I almost forgot many many moons ago.
There are so much pressure in life and everybody is talking about KPI or balance score card. For my son, his school score card is just a beginning to the many many more score cards he will have in this life. Some KPIs will be determined by others and some will be determined by us, based on what the objectives are. The only problem is that KP-I will always not be the same as KP-you. When the whole system is not sharing the same KP-I or doesn't has the agreeable KP-us, then the system will have the worst diarrhoea ever.
I hope when PMR is abolished in the near future, then the butterflies will not enter my tummy anymore. But with SBA in place and I think more workload in the pipeline for the teachers, then they should get more Pil Chi Kit Teck Aun well stocked up in their first aid box. Just in case, they will have the worst diarrhoea ever :)
Occasionally when the moon is full, I still dream of sitting in one of that dreadful exams...sweating!
The wild butterflies in my stomach didn't seem to calm down a bit and mixed with a very potent dose of my mother's fish-head curry the previous night, my bowel was at nobody's mercy. Lo and behold, I spent countless hours squatting on the glorious hole while having a very rare chance to enjoy a quiet and solitary moment re-thinking of what I want to be when I grow up. Luckily I managed to finish the exams like anybody else in the school.
That ticklish-in-my-tummy ordeal kept hunting me until my varsity days. Tonnes of my precious adrenalin had been untimely flushed out from the body system, in my opinion, unnecessarily. Exams always bring me anxiety, no matter how well prepared I was.
Today is the last day my eldest son sit for his PMR. I hope and pray he is doing very well. I got the feeling he will do well. Even if he is not doing well I have no qualm about that because I know he has done his level best. I can empathy on his anxiety as I've walked the same path before. The thought of my son sitting on the exam gave me a familiar feeling I almost forgot many many moons ago.
There are so much pressure in life and everybody is talking about KPI or balance score card. For my son, his school score card is just a beginning to the many many more score cards he will have in this life. Some KPIs will be determined by others and some will be determined by us, based on what the objectives are. The only problem is that KP-I will always not be the same as KP-you. When the whole system is not sharing the same KP-I or doesn't has the agreeable KP-us, then the system will have the worst diarrhoea ever.
I hope when PMR is abolished in the near future, then the butterflies will not enter my tummy anymore. But with SBA in place and I think more workload in the pipeline for the teachers, then they should get more Pil Chi Kit Teck Aun well stocked up in their first aid box. Just in case, they will have the worst diarrhoea ever :)
Occasionally when the moon is full, I still dream of sitting in one of that dreadful exams...sweating!
Butterfly...up until now, I still having it when dealing with important persons at work...and giving talk in public. lol...
gudluck for your son!!
nice picture there doc. huhu..
Long time no hear friend. welcome back. Now butterflies behave a bit.
That pic was taken when I was in a tadika long-long time ago. But then...there was no butterfly yet going into the tummy :)
gud luck utk anak dr sam..
wish score straight A
Salam Dr Sam..ahaa, thinking about butterfly i belive everyone must have one in their stomach;)..no matter how cool they are...eceh
All the best to your son!..insyaAllah may Allah shower him with success in this world and here after...Ameen..
thank you besi.
Afida Anuar,
Salam Afida. I think you are right...the cooler the guy is, probably the more butterflies in their tummy :)
hahah.. i too when 'sitting there' would think about lots of things.
ideas come, things planned..
hopefully your son will get good results for his exam.
Salam sdra..
ermm...butterflies tgh mengamok sekarang ni dalam perut pelajar selagi exam tak habis...:)
Saya doakan semoga anak sdra beroleh kejayaan dalam peperiksaannya..amin
insyallah, kejayaan utk anak2 yang berusaha :)
to be honest, the dream is sometimes worse than the actual exam- mimpi nak periksa tapi satu apa pun tak tau!
hope all will end well with your son. my sisters and I, all three of us have the sweetest memory of obtaining 7As and 1B in our PMR from different exam years.
i've read that PMR will be assesssment based in the future, in a future where my future child will live in. hope the new system will be much more life worthy than PMR purely exam based system.
Doc,my last butterflies in my tummy was inside the operation theater while waiting to deliver Hasya.Seriously there were more than 2 butterflies..hehe
anyway,may your son's result will be SUPERB! insyaallah...
gudluck for your son!
Insyaalah tidak akan menghampakan harapan ibu dan ayah...
Ida Athanazir,
So...it seems our brain churn more ideas given that particular 'conducive' environment :)
Abd Razak,
salam sdr. harap-harap semua 'butterfly' dah tak hinggap lagi :)
Mak Su,
Insyaallah Mak Su. sama-sama kita doakan kejayaan anak-anak kita.
I think you right and you must have had the same dream before :) Sesat cari dewan exam le...tak ready le...nota hilang le...kapcai pancit le...kih...kih...psycho betul!
... that was another impressive achievement to add into your colorful score card. bravo!
Well...Everything changes and we have to fit into whatever new things that come by. Hopefuly things change for the better.
Wow...2 butterflies? Did I miss any of your interesting story lately?
Insyaallah. Thank you Naddiea.
Salam. Insyaallah. Melihat kepada uasaha yang diberikan, apa-apa keputusannya pun nanti, saya tetap bersyukur.
Salam Doc,
no worries..am sure ur son will achieve great results..like father like son i reckon..
"But with SBA in place and I think more workload in the pipeline for the teachers, then they should get more Pil Chi Kit Teck Aun well stocked up in their first aid box. Just in case, they will have the worst diarrhoea ever :) " ...oooo boy...ooo boy..u r 100% correct on this one!! huwarrrr!!!!
...hoddowww... wat tubik gambo hok lama jjamang ko'ong... dok lih nok ccang starang hok mane sse Dokto Sseng..!!!
Semuga anak DrSam berjaya dengan warna2 terbang. Saya terlebih konfiden dalam banyak hal.. terutama masa nak menghadapi peperiksaan.. the results, however ..tak lah se comel mana.. ha..ha..
salam mdm. Now no more butterfly in the tummy.
SBA...tumpang simpati...
kelah tadika kat Dungun. Kita hok dua beradik pakai baju belang celoreng tu
Wan Sharif,
Terimakasih Ayoh Wang. Harapangnye begitule. overconfident bertempat tak ape Ayoh Wang...
ank dr.pasti boleh kptsn cemerlang pnye.insyaAllah.sbb dh bwt yg terbaik..sy fikir ank dr sam mesti bijak..cam dr. jg
paling risau kena sakit perut masa jawab exam..tak boleh nak tumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya..
saya doakan anak lelaki Dr Sam dapat result yang cemerlang.
I agree with you that even though we may not achieve our target, at least we have no regret as we have done our level best! I give the same advice to my children who sit for their major exam this year!
Saya masih rasa rama rama dalam perut especially kalau nak meeting dengan supervisor untuk present progress report hehehe...
Rama-rama dalam perut baru aja selesai tadi (mengadap bos baru).
salam moga ur son berjaya di dalam exam dengan cemerlang InsyaAllah....
terimakasih. Insyaallah.
Salam ann. risau memang tak boleh nak elak. kalau tak risau dan 'cool' sangat pun bahaya juga :) TQ.
Small Hiker,
As a parent, we always have some expectation to our kids. That is a norm. As long as we know they have done their best, that is good enough. At least for me.
Ismail Fitry,
Rama-rama tu memang akan tetap ada :0
aliff muhammad,
Ha...ha...good for you. Finally its over...
I am sure by now you must have a lot of wild butterflies tickling your tummy :)
salam doc, hold the worries at bay...la tahzan doc (this goes to me as well!)
buat pembaca blog kami
Kami Kembali lagi... Maaf atas lama tak ziarah...
Yup harap dia berjaya... Good luck pada anak kamu... moga tak menghampekan harapan ayahnya...
tapi berserahlah atas ketentuan Allah... kita cuma usaha... kami doakan jua kejayaannya ye
salam nahmy. My worry is over as I can see the cheerful face of my son today. Thanks.
Terimakasih sdr. harapannya begitu. sama-sama kita doakan kejayaan anak-anak kita.
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