As the year draws it last curtain, I am feeling excited and contented at the same time. This however has nothing to do with the recent success of our courageous Harimau Malaya smack-downed the Garuda or the prospect of having another year with loads of meaningless meeting.
This is partly about my relentless urge. In January 2009, I had a resolution. For a man who used to play golf at least three times a week and almost alternate day spending time on the golf range, a two years hiatus was among my biggest achievement. Now I have to agree with some of my earlier critics, G.O.L.F -Golongan Orang Lupa Family. Not that I am discouraging this wonderful sport. Everything is good if done in moderation, golf included. But with many "kaki hantu" around you, it is not that difficult to be possessed.
As the clock is ticking and the new Christian calendar is approaching I am feeling a bit worried and my anxiety running high as well. This mixed feeling has something to do with the yearly mass pilgrimage of our younger generation to the many hot spots around our city in Bolehland for a celebration. Of course there is nothing wrong with congregating among friends and watching dazzling firecrackers on display, but usually some chemistry will spark and chain reaction will follow. If the randy pubescent hormone is not balanced properly we are going to witness another catastrophic consequences in the next eight or nine month later, in fact in the next thousand years. The result from the same phenomenon we had already experienced this year. Some even believe that this is a fertile breeding season for our own species. I really hope not.
This is just a reminder. A reminder is also a fardhu kifayah (unlike fardhu ain, fardhu kifayah is always misunderstood as fardu-tak-payah by many).
Anyway, with positive attitude I am really looking forward to the new exciting year. I hope this new year will bring many more happiness, self-improvement and success to us, the nasilemakeating nation.
Inflation, fuel price hike, no bonus, everything naik....who cares anyway. We the nasilemak nation are man enough to face all those small hurdles in life. We are the ONE maaaa...
p/s: ...too excited rambling about my re-solution and the breeding season I forgot to write something about the photo. Next time kot...
This is partly about my relentless urge. In January 2009, I had a resolution. For a man who used to play golf at least three times a week and almost alternate day spending time on the golf range, a two years hiatus was among my biggest achievement. Now I have to agree with some of my earlier critics, G.O.L.F -Golongan Orang Lupa Family. Not that I am discouraging this wonderful sport. Everything is good if done in moderation, golf included. But with many "kaki hantu" around you, it is not that difficult to be possessed.

This is just a reminder. A reminder is also a fardhu kifayah (unlike fardhu ain, fardhu kifayah is always misunderstood as fardu-tak-payah by many).
Anyway, with positive attitude I am really looking forward to the new exciting year. I hope this new year will bring many more happiness, self-improvement and success to us, the nasilemakeating nation.
Inflation, fuel price hike, no bonus, everything naik....who cares anyway. We the nasilemak nation are man enough to face all those small hurdles in life. We are the ONE maaaa...
p/s: ...too excited rambling about my re-solution and the breeding season I forgot to write something about the photo. Next time kot...
If I asked my students in my class, ada tak born in august or september, mesti ada at least one. Indeed, december and january are breeding months, hihihi.
My husband dah start playing golf. And I definitely will join him after I complete my study. And I will bring the whole family to tag along. Senang kan? And I make sure everybody join my aerobic class as well. Paksa rela gitu, hihihi.
Happy New Year and may you have a great year ahead.
I like the conclusion part very much...
nation with nasi lemak... "lemak society" :P
Happy New year Dr Sam... May All your wish come true again this year!
Ahaaa, your thought about breeding season is same like mine la Dr...
Anyhoo, Happy new year Dr Sam... May 2011 bring all happiness, insyaAllah..
i did see this this add recently when i was in KL and tried not to say anything about it because i was with 8 year old kids in d car, but ooooopsss! my girl asked.."mama, ape tu adult toys"..DrSam tolong jawap sat..hehhhehh
assalamualaikum doc. selamat tahun baru 2011...dan semoga kita semua jd 'lelaki-lelaki yg kuat' di tahun 2011 ni...hehh..
i think the picture explains itself. how we explain to the younger generation, is the hard part..
...haha... iklan tu tulis: UBAT KUAT LELAKI DURJANA..! rait?
(panjang bebenor tukor nama :) It is a monsoon season and everybody has not much to do and no where to go - so the most natural thing to do is...
Family golf! that is the most sensible way to embrace that sport. I am sure the whole family will enjoy it.
Have a wonderful year ahead.
Ha...ha...memang lemak. Paling banyak turun kat perut :)
This morning when in NSK Selayang, I overheard somebody (who was walking in front of shallot and onion areas) mentioned that the cost shallot and onions are more expensive than the fish and chicken..
As I am just starting to put a leg in farming or growing cattle.. information I got are not too encouraging.. food shortage is a rather real and tangible thing in not too long a future..
It is happening, even at time of writing this comment I guess. Muda mudi sempoi, tabur DNA merata-rata ikut suka aje.
Have a great life ahead!
Alamak...Saya bukan doktor pakar puan atau pakar pemainan dewasa. Jadi nak menjawab tu kena hati-hati takut bagi ajaran sesat atau menyonsang fikiran :)
Selamat kembali bersilat cikgu...dah bersedia ke?
ha...ha...itulah harapan kita semua. Semoga kita semuanya jadi lelaki yang kuat jati diri, gagah perkasa dan tidak mudah layu gitu...
Semoga selamat semuanya.
Frankly speaking, the advert is very confusing. I am confused as well. at first I thought adult toy can make lelaki very strong or does it make lelaki looks strong :)
budak2 skrng konon western abis nak celebrate new year. tp making love not babies part, sgt jahil. x payah tunggu til august or sept. just wait till april...
terer yohteh can deciphered my blurred wording. Tapi pembeli dan penjual tu memang sah durjana belake...
Wan Shariff,
As I don't really understand the economic life cycle of our consumer goods, I am in no position to add my thought on this. But I am fully understand and aware and almost certainly believe that our policy makers have never buy the shallot or onion themselves or even know where and how the condition in NSK Selayang. Let alone experience the the absurd price of these essentials. However Ayoh Wang, you venture into livestock industries is very much applauded. As I can see not only our Bolehland is currently heavily depending on the import goods but also has no control on the quality halal/haram) and quantity of these products. Go ahead Ayoh Wang...
ouT oF My Mind,
What? Do you mean there is another breading season apart from this? Merdeka breading season ka? Ayoyo amma appaaa...
Selamat Tahun baru DR serta keluarga. Moga di tahun ini sentiasa di limpahi rahmat DariNYA InsyaAllah..
Happy new year drsam...
Salam DrSam :-D
Well, talking about New Year "congregation", I left the office around 9 last nite. Though the underground was crowded at almost every station, it was quite deserted when I reached St Pancras. As I got on the FCC to get home a group of teenagers got into the train. Their conversation well - you know, the more educated type - at one time they call their Mums wishing Happy New Year and informing that they'll be going to a party. All seemed well. Until they were about to stop, one of them was saying,"I brought a champagne" and the other saying - don't bother, beer will be free flow!
Then I started to worry. Regardless of my belief differences from them, motherly instinct took place - I just hope they are responsible enough and know when to stop.
And I hope those at our Bolehland will remember their roots well.
Salam Maiza. Sama-ssama kita doakan semoga semuanya selamat dan senantiasa mendapat keredhaanNya.
Semoga kita semua diberkati olehNya.
Selamat bertugas.
Mia's mom,
Salam Mia's mom. Hey...I thought London is frozen at the moment. What were you doing at St. Pancras/King's cross? Don't worry too much about the western teenagers - they grows faster than their biological age.
Have a wonderful year ahead.
Salam New Year Dr,
U are rite about the breeding season. If it is legally done, its ok. If not, then its too bad. Worse if the consequence of the illegal breeding being dumped on the streets.
Selamat Tahun Baru Dengan Azam Baru
Selamat Maju Jaya... Di harapkan Tahun ini adalah terbaik dari sebelumnya...
Bulatkan tekad mencapai impian ... Bukan sekadar manis dimulut.. Bukan sekadar hangat-hangat tahi ayam
tak tahu mai golf lahhhh kata orang mmg buang masa aje kat padang tu betuk tu golongan orang lupa family
Salam Hani. JAIS effort that night was very much applauded. That was the fardhu kifayah I was talking about. Tabik spring to you and your courageous muslimahs. Zionis laknatullah 5F (film, family, fun, food, fashion) agenda is surely working perfectly on our younger generation cum future leader. You are our savior and Islam last bastion. Keep up your good work sis. May Allah bless you.
Kita doakan semoga impian kita semua bukan sekadar menjadi angan-angan. Jika disertakan dengan perancangan yang betul, azam yang kuat dan usaha yang gigih, seterusnya tawakkal...Insyaallah.
Paling penting kita perlu senantiasa beringat. Perjalanan di sini tidaklah sepanjang fasa-fasa perjalanan yang akan datang yang memakan masa beribu-ribu tahun lamanya. Sama-sama kita memasang azam untuk membuat persiapan perjalanan yang aaaaaamat panjang itu.
saya sokong lurpak yang dah bernama panjang! family golf is the way to go!
sepupu saya dapatkan handicap 36 untuk ikut suami dia main golf, hehe, asal lepas masuk padang! :)
.....and happy new year!!!!
Happy New Year doc!
happy new year dr sam! go nasi lemak go!!! aiyahh.. very hard to kontrol the urge for our fav mornig bekpes laaa hahaha
Kita sering dibayangi maksiat berleluasa setiap kali menjelangnya tahun baru. Semua harus bertindak, jika tidak tunggulah musibah dari Allah.
Usually I played with a bunch of people who doesn't really care much about handicap. As long as you can hit the ball straight and know where to put your ball in, that is just fine for them.
Have a wonderful and lovely year ahead!
Wishing you a blissful and prosperous year ahead VA.
My routine morning diet has really scared me of late. It is not the food but the urge to go out with friends whenever the clock ticked 10. My biological time clock and crave for food works really work in a very nice synchronization :)
Abd Razak,
Salam ustaz. Itu yang paling kita rungsing dan takuti. Mudah-mudahan kita semua mendapat petunjuk dan hidayah dariNya.
Doc,selamat tahun baru.emm mmg betul nanti bulan 9 tgk la banyak baby kene buang.nauzubillah..kalo la ada authority yang concern dgn benda2 macam ni,kemungkinan besar konsert2 segala dpt dikurangkan.tolong la insaf..negara jiran banyak ditimpa bala semua sebab manusia yg tinggal didalamnya x reti bersyukur dgn nikmat hidup yg ALLAH bagi..wallahuallam...
Once, I shot the same iklan masa kat traffic light. Wife said, 'Jgn nak call pulak nombor tu' :)
Kita memerlukan authority yang besar untuk menangani isu ini, authority yang kecil-kecil dan ciput ni hanya buat sekadar yang termampu aje. Baik ada (usaha) daripada tak ada langsung.
Ha...ha...Your wife should be glad instead...
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