14 May 2013

The third Haiku

This year, unlike the previous years  I traveled the long and winding road down South  from my blissful Benua to visit Tikus mondok of which I left behind in the city. It was no the main intention though. It was about the choice. The Tikus has not changed much so was the city. But the voice in the shadow is becoming loud and clear. That was the  day my fingernail  tainted blue. That was also the day when the sky closed its heavenly door and never pour the shower onto my Benua.  So I wrote this Haiku...

Inai biru  
sejuta harapan
kemarau semakin panjang

This is not a foretelling from a human with the least of sanity.
It is a prophecy.


Nizam.Ariff said...

dalam sungguh maksudnya
jauh sungguh pandangan..

DrSam said...

Perasaan terpendam

Temuk said...

Salam bahagia DrSam
I was just wondering whether there was actually any hope for the Tikus and the city to change at a faster rate, and whether the voice in the shadow that had become louder and clearer had actually promised anything meaningful. It's a pity that the sky could be unfair at times by not drenching your Benua with its heavenly shower.

DrSam said...

Salam Temuk. In general all tikuses are very strong and quite resilience to external forces. They had survived the changes and really looking forward for another good shift in their environment. I am sure tikus kota have the same trait. The hope is high and the desire is burning intensely. My benua is burning hot too. The sky hasn't open its heavenly sky for few months. Hope the weather would show some mercy here.

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School Of Tots said...

Clever Mentioning
Various Color of Life
Keep Me Awaking..

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zafi said...

So deep! Touched

ASH said...


Adliff said...



Lamo sungguh dok bertande di blog ning.

Ambo tersumbat oleh angin bayu denge satar Pata Telok Mok Nik...

Akhirnyo baru lepas..

#Glad you are still writing in the blog. Now I am in kampung also.. Menjunjung perintah kerajaan Malaysia ke Jempol sebagai tukang sain kertas kaler pink..

Faisal Admar said...

Hmm I re-read and cannot chew much. Perhaps second post will elaborate more?

Tengkubutang said...

hai.. salam kenal,
follower no.387
done follow sini,
jom follow teman yea ..=)

http://tengkubutang@blogspot.com/ -->(official)
http://kucenkucenbelog.blogspot.com/ -->2nd blog

MaizaC'Joe said...

terpendam dah terluah ni doc :)

Salam AidilFitri doc.. maaf zahir dan batin

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