Quickly we hopped into the lift and the moment we stepped out from the lift on the top floor of Ikano Power Center, we straight away stumbled upon Maria and her entourage (her charming hubby Faizal, little Adam and cute Ayesha). Without wasting no more time we rushed to the gazetted meeting point, but to our astonishment, the food court was not there to be seen. Vanished. The place that used to be buzzing with foodlovers was no more there. Zilch! Instead it was now stood proudly an interior house accessories supermarket. No way! I secretly checked the date on my handphone to make sure it was not the 1st. of April.
Did David Copperfield come to Malaysia recently? I almost banged my head onto the wall. To make the matter worst, I didn't have the other bloggers' numbers to inform them of this unexpected discovery and the changing of plan. Undeterred, the cool Maria came to the rescue and straight away got into action. With utmost confident she put up her brave face and started asking strangers these unfamiliar question - "Are you looking for DrSam Sir?". Haa...haa...Go Maria! I am proud of you. I am sure those strangers have a very lasting impression on you that day.
We finally decided to go down to the ground level and settled down in Uncle Lim Kopitiam, hoping that the others would have the same thought as ours. As if on cue, I saw a group of curious youngsters coming down on the escalator. The unmistakable faces of skullsplitter and CAHAYA with the whole gang brought me a big relief. Somehow, they made it to our spot. I would love to read their own version of that day misadventure in their blogspot. A bloggers' meeting almost become a bloopers of the year :) Until now, I am not so sure if there were other bloggers who did actually come, but went straight home and missed all the fun. For my utterly ignorance, if there is any, I humbly apologize. Mistake learned.
All in all it was a good meeting with lot of laughter. Thank you everybody (Maria, Faizal, Skullsplitter, CAHAYA, TuN TeJa, Farah, Nadia, Kamaliah, Juita and not to forget little bloggers Ayesha and Adam) for making the effort to come. and wishing to meet all of you again soon!

sounds like fun...
Yes, it was :)
I love the idea on putting DrSam name on the balloon to make whole world know the meeting place - meet-the-famous-blogger-DrSam :)
Waaaaa. Oooohhh. Besnyaaaaa.
wahh sungguh seronok berjumpa blogger kan...
zar kalau jumpa secara gitu harus kelu mulutku.. hehheh
Waaahh.. bloggers gathering part1.. yeayy!!
Owh.. ramai blogger perempuan je nih.. Happy weekend Dr.Sam =)
It was fun. And yes, it so hillarious! :) Thanks all. Looking forward for another meet-up! :) Yeay! Lets picnic!
The last pic? Tourism ads ke?
Mai le ramai-ramai datang Anzac...ushhh
apasal jadi camtu?
nasib baik tak dapat pi...
sebab takde nombor sesapa...
i'll try next week...
dr sam, how bout taman tasik titiwangsa?
Hi DrSam,
Yes it was hillarious but definitely memorable to me. And, I'm thankful that my hubby's such a sport giving me chance to preach to others, :D
I wonder if Daniel & Miezi were there too :)
Yup, we sohuld do this again & others shall suggest of where the next location be.Some cool peeps suggested Alamanda Putrajaya, some FRIM Kepong.
It was really nice meeting you all - Cahaya, Eddy, Juita (sorry I missed out ur name in Cahaya's blog :),Teja, Kama, Farah, Nadia, Sis Zayda & of course DrSam :D
Can I import these shots DrSam. please?
Ha...haa...I should have put the ballon on sale in eBay :)
Ada tersedak ke semalam? Because Maria kept saying your name, whenever there was a missed called in her phone "This must be JohnJenin calling asking for the direction"...
Si Penconteng,
Orang disinin seronoknya.
Zareda Norman,
Tak sempat nak kering gusi. Kalau tak ketawa, tersengih dengar loyar cerita yang bermacam-macam.
Picnic sounds very irresistibly interesting. Location?
Gampangnya Waikato,
You are always in my mind bro :)
PJ Selamba,
Itu le. ter-overconfiden. bagus juga cadangan tu.
Yes, wondering if Caturist was there too. (Miezi got my hp no). I think with your excellent job handling that critical situation, unanimously you are the best person to be the bloggers' event organizer!
Check you mail box for the photos please!
p/s: if you want to 'cilok' the photos from this page is also no problemo.
have a great weekend.
Memang power puff girls power betul semalam.
Hi there!
Wow, really sounds like fun, maybe more people would participate in that thing the next few times? :P
Sucks that the foodcourt, the meeting place, right? Was gone!
Much Love,
Hello there too!
Things happen unexpectedly sometimes :)
Join the bloggers' meeting next week?
Have a nice day and a good weekend.
salam..wahhh bestnya....jeleous seh tak bole join ahahaha.For the next meeting... You choose the significant date of me and my dad...14 march...another remarkable day of us getting old by 1 year
teringinnya nk join
tahniah Dr.Sam
"mengeratkan silaturahim"
ni usaha murni,
setiap inci kearah kebaikan akan dihujani halangan... tapi halangan itu hanyalah ilusi.. sahaja...
Dr.Sam ibarat ayah buat blogger... tq Dr.Sam.. :)
ooo yer lupa!!!
tak adil gambar Dr.Sam lates punya tak ada pun...:o
dr sam.... menarik
waaa..blogger friends DrSam smua muda belia seh!! naik segan plak Sally nak joinnnn..
FRIM sounds cool..close 2 nature..*wink *wink
err..tak aci nih..gmbar Dr x de..how am i going 2 recognize u if anthing like yesterday were to happened next week eh..
Thanks Dr Sam for this gathering! Nice meeting you, your wife, kak maria & family, and others. How do u know what was in my mind? Hehe. No la, Just joke. Ape sy fikir, in terms of production, Kak maria and Cahaya blh jadi script writer, you can be a producer, your wife boleh jadi executive producer, teja, kama and little blogger Adam & Ayesha blh jadi actor & actress and Farah and her friend, nadiah can manage the production and last skali Cahaya's friend, juita can be our account manager. I'm the director. Complete one production team. Equipments and technical side, hire outside. Ok? Hehe.
tahniah DR berjaya merapatkan hubungan silraturrahim, memang nampak hepi sangat perjumpaan tu,
Scriptwriter? Whoa...I'll write comedic, ha ha...
Padang MBSA S.Alam?
I have posted another conclusion of the meet-up.Thanks for the photos.Regards to Sis Zayda.
Salam bro. You are the one who actually introduced me to this blogger ritual thing :) I should give you an award "1st blogger to meet"!
14th...We will sing a birthday song for you on that day!
Selamat menyambut maulidurrasul.
Kalau ada kelapangan silalah join. Boleh bertukar-tukar cerita.
fahmi latiff,
Memang tujuannya begitu. untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim. Tiada sempadan usia, warna kulit, ugama, latarbelakang dll. Macam ayah bloggers...:) Sebab tu lah Fahmi, takde foto terkini sebab tak fotogenik dah tua..hi..hi..
encik ariff,
Ramai juga blogger Penang yang berminat. Boleh penuh satu bas kalau geng penang turun Kay El :)
menarik kerana berjumpa dengan ramai sahabat-sahabat baru. masing-masing dengan latarbelakang yang menarik. ada kelapangan harap boleh jumpa.
muda remaja :) semuanya baik-baik belaka.
Memang perancangan ada candangan nak buat kat FRIM. Insyaallah jika ramai yang setuju, kita buat picnik ala pot luck kat situ minggu hadapan. Boleh mandi manda dan main air terjun sekali kat situ.
Eddie, nice meeting and having to know you. Youth is your asset now and I can see with your good attitude and strong determination, you can go far in your business. I wish you all the best and pray for your success. Thank you for coming and hope to see you again soon.
Perjumpaan yang penuh dengan gelak ketawa dan berakhir pun dengan gembira.
Good write up and report. Padang MBSA pun O.K juga.
DR SAM : belum lagi DOC tgh menghitung hari nih :) harap2 semua doakan gak ye semua selamat. Ikutkan tarikh due tu 20mac doc. ikutkan 2-3 kali scan, baby girl doc.
doakan semoga kedua-dua ibu dan anak sihat. Baby girl...pasti comel. Take care both of you.
bestnye kalo saya pon ada sama time tu kan??hihi
Mana-mana pun okey.Buat perlawanan bowling antara bloggers pun ok what? Amacam Dr?
jemput datang 14hb, sabtu akan datang.
Nurhani Salwa Binti Jamaluddin,
Cadangan yang bagus tu. Buat perlawanan persahabatan. Mesti meriah. O.K boleh kita usulkan. terimakasih.
sgt2 sronok!!!
walaupon dpt jumpe skejap je, but still, farah ngan nadia hv so much fun!!
thanx for the gift!!
really appreciate it!!
best tu..tak pelawa saya ke DrSam..
Memang Best!
Teramat sangat nak hadir... tapi belum kesampaian. Insyallah bulan 5 nanti baru free.. harap2 akan ada lagi perjumpaan.
Saya amat2 berharap DrSam yg saya hormati tidak berkecil hati dengan saya.
By the way, saya dah tolong promo sikit dalam posting terbaru saya.
" Macam ayah bloggers...:) Sebab tu lah Fahmi, takde foto terkini sebab tak fotogenik dah tua..hi..hi.."
Dr.Sam BUKANNYA tua.....
usia itu hanyalah no...
sajer je Dr. Sam ni....
mana boleh.. letak pic terkini...
tak adil..
lalalalala.. :)
FRIM!!..FRIM..!! FRIM!!..DrSam..any request 2 b brought from Klate???
Tiada aral melintang..i'll b there..err..how 2 recognize u eh??
Ah ok. I miss this fun. But I didn't go for a reason. I'll update my blog maybe tomorrow for the reason why I didn't go (I really want to go and I can't make it on 14 as I've to attend Joe's gathering in Penang).
Maybe there's no luck yet but soon I hope I can meet you guys ;)
Aww, would love too but I live in the Philippines and I don't have money. :P Enjoy! :)
Much Love,
And whoa, seems like most of the people here are Malaysians! Malaysians right, or am I wrong? Lol!
This is Mine,
Thanks for coming last Saturday and it was nice talking to you Farah. I hope you can join us again this weekend.
Semua rakan blogger dijemput. Kecil besar tua muda semua dipersila.
Terimakasih. Tidak mengapa, Insyaallah jika ada rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur kita boleh jumpa.
Fahmi latiff,
sebab tu masa Fahmi kat Bkt Bintang hari tu, ingat nak jumpa dan mengeteh. Saje tak letak foto terkini, adalah unsur-unsur saspen sikit :) Bila dah ramai jumpa dan hilang elemen saspen tu baru boleh letak banyak-banyak foto sendiri - cuma takut ada yang muak pula...
tempat kita tengok dulu apa kata rakan-rakan lain. FRIM memang menarik untuk bersantaian, parking senang dan banyak aktiviti boleh buat. Tak perlu bawa apa-apa, bawa badan aja :)
saya dah email no hp.
I hope to meet you earlier, probably during one of your trip to Puchong. But later I found out you abandoned the project. Probably next time.
Enjoy the gathering with Joe.
Sorry, I didn't realize at first that you are staying in Philippines. But you are most welcome to drop by anytime as we are now living in the borderless world. No boundary.
Doc, I nak sgt jumpe u.. tapi tuh la.. masa dan keadaan cam x bersesuaian je utk I yg jauh neh join.. huhuhuhu.. sad.. sad...
I'll be around Shah Alam from 17th until 28th.. perghhh.. lama sgt tuh.. Hope u can spend time to meet me..
Insyaallah jika tiada aral. 17 dan 18 ada kelapangan. 19 hingga 26 ada projek mega dengan wif. Boleh ajak Maria and the geng join sekali.
mcm byk je vote untuk ke FRIM (ngee~)
farah x sure la leh join @ tak...
tapi kalau ikotkan hati~
mmg nk join gak, no matter wut happen~
*uish? nekad dh tue bunyinye~
hope dpt jumpa lagi dis week~
wish all of u happy gath...
this is mine,
nampak gayanya gitu le...pot luck picnic kat FRIM.
Jom. Wakil dari Klang.
biasanya senyum tanda setuju ;)
Soooo very happening, eh.. 2 minggu berturut ni kira lasattt oooo ;D
Dr Sam, don't forget to upload more gathering picas, ye.Tak leh gi dpt tengok pun jadilaaa..
lepas ni boleh pencen :) Bagi can kat orang lain dan muda-muda pula jadi penganjur. kita hanya 'start the ball rolling' aje.
re:...pertandingan bahas kat UM tu...Debat ASTAR...tapi dah lepas in february...takpe la...lain hari kita jumpa...:-)
a good meeting among bloggers..
thumbs up to those who organize this and to those who come!
hee..thanks drsam untk gift tu..hee..n sesi mengeteh ni ye..xsabar nk jumpa lagi..
n walaupun smple je our 1st meeting nui..but really fun kan.. :)
n..dis week..xsure la cmna..huuu..why not wat next week ke..kui3..lalalaa..
Oh ye ke...bunting masih kelihatan di K.L.
Al-Muallim Shah @ Dino,
TQ. Hopefully you too can join the others this weekend.
TuN TeJa,
terimakasih Emma kerana sudi datang, jauh nun dari Melaka. Kalau ada kelapangan sila lah datang lagi. Namun jika ada aral, bila-bila pun boleh buat bloggers meeting. Tidak semestinya yang saya buat sahaja, blogger lain pun boleh sambung aktiviti baik ini.
Salam Dr.
i'm your new & young follower.
the gathering sounds very
interesting. Hope to see you.
just by reading your post i felt like i was there with you all having fun hehehe.
tahniah :D
hopefully, next time i can make it :D
thank you for dropping by and follow this humble blog. young and old, everybody is welcome. Hope we can meet this weekend. Got any blog?
Hi bro. We can kopi O kaw kaw when next time you cross the ocean and landed here in K.L.
Memang bagus untuk merapatkan silatulrahim antara bloggers.. tahniah dari untie ;))
happy for you guys!!
take care n be happy!
wahh besnye..tringin nk join jmpe bloger sume tpkan jauhhh..huhuhuhu...
ini betul mengeteh nie...
hehheheh.. Dr.Sam OK tq... :)
ayahnda best la ..... :)
wah, mkin meriah ye blog DRsam..
ayahanda blog ek..
bestnye.. dpt jumpa blogger...
terimakasih untie. Saya sekadar memenuhi permintaan rakan-rakan blogger.
eh...masih kat Penang ke dah kat KL?
Dari Alor Setaq turun bertandang
singgah sebentar di pekan sehari
Jika ada umur yang panjang
Lain hari boleh jumpa lagi
kulna Jentayutiara,
yang minum teh sorang aja :)
fahmi latiff,
jangan lupa lain kali helo..helo
lama betul menyepi diri.
sesekali tu turun le kesini.
sioknya dpt jmpa blogge
rs yg len....hohohoh
DrSam..terima kasih kerana sudi melawat dan sudi meninggalkan ulasan walau sepatah kata dalam blog saya..saya amat menghargainya DR.
wah3..this weekend pn ada?
i have nasyid competition this weekend at UTP..huhu..
Adoi. I forgot to update about the location. Aiyoo. :) Now dah update. :P
adakah saye di boleh pegi gath kali ini( hari sabtu kan...? )dr sam...??
bakpe sume gamba saye hyper je ek??
nk belon ade nama kite tatu!!!
Lama tak dengar cerita :)
saya memang jenguk blok sirnik, cuma ada masalah sebelum ini untuk memberi komen kerana "word verification" tidak keluar.
Al-Muallim Shah @ Dino,
Good luck with your nasyid. Hope to see you next time.
Nampak gaya, jika tidak ada aral, memang kita akan di FRIM.
Kedatangan memang dialu-alukan.
[S]itie [B]Um [b]Um,
Wah...nick yang unik.
ok. pls leave msg kat shoutbox abt time of the gathering yer. and berapa org dijangkakan yer kali ni dr sam?
Dr. Sam...
farah dh update bout the gath esok!!
cant wait.... cant wait....
ah..blogger meeting..beshnye..
should make blogger reunion...
i wonder who gonna sponsor..
. . .
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