Deadlines (possible definition = you are either dead or living in the safe haven of 'cold storage' or exotic paradise, if you ignore these auspicious dates) and datelines (somehow we try to avoid having a date with our bosses)

And you know what. I've almost forgotten that now is a school holiday. I need to get some rest. Some breakaway. A getaway with the loved ones. At the same time my accumulated annual leave over the past years has almost reached its maximum number that I can bring forward (our maximum accumulated annual leave is 90 days). I think it is timely that I reduce the number a little bit. The Golden Hand Shake benefit recently has been revised and is looking good too.
Tonight, I am leaving the Boleh-land for my honeymoon and I will be missing nasi lemak and roti canai for the next one week.
Until then, Ciao!

This currency and denominations has nothing to do with my great escape. There are however some interesting stories behind this notes . Probably if I got mood and time permit, I will share this story with you my friends.
selamat bercuti dr sam!
have a good break - cant say when i will have mine. thus menyepi dan membisu di dalam blog.
So jealous..
Last two weeks has been a extremely hectic week for me too..I have no time to blogging and visits other blog as well..
Have a nice trip & eat more sushi, sashimi & cawanmushi...
Have a restful break doc, and come back with stories.Of course I envy u as school going to start soon..
Have a safe trip dr sam. I demand pics of ur trip. Hehe
hav a happy holiday....jelesnye orng dpt cuti.
Selamat bercuti, Doc :)
lupa lak..sekarng cuti sekolah...
patut la ibu bapa like dr sam , kena bercuti jugak....
happy holiday...dr sam
happy holiday drSam.
lame x singgah blog..sibuk la sekarang ni.
besnye g bercuti~~~jeles!
I am going somewhere too..
I'm with Johnjenin with additional flavour - "I demand romantic shots of your trip " :D
Happy honeeeeeyyyyyymoooooniiiingggg DrSam & Sis Zayda *wink2*
And, be safe while travelling.
have a gtreat time doc...regards ti your wife...:-)
hey..have fun you two!! enjoy every second of it!!
Lama tak singgah.
Sekali singgah dah pergi bercuti rupanya.
Have a nice trip....bestnya dapat bercuti..
Selamat Bercuti bro...
Well, what can I say...a times life can be a little stressful for professional rubber tappers....hahaha
Happy Holiday Dr.Sam..!!
happy holiday..
Looks like somebody is going to Korea.....isn't it? Kimchi getaway, 안녕히 가세요 n have a nice day.
Have a wonderful holiday dr sam! Don't forget to share those beautiful experiences, OK :D
Selamat Bercuti!!!
Dr Sam,
psssttt..and don't forget to bring along...errrr never mind...err..unless you want to errr...err... err..
ish..apa hal pula aku sangkut sangkut ni...
*wink wink**
hepi holiday!
just visit. you have a beautiful blog. Success for you. By the way, what dream in your life?
Hey guys!
Thank you for keeping this blog alive. Manage to sneak into one of the internet kiosks in the hotel lobby.
Actually I just came back from our last itinerary today (local time 2030 hrs). Did not expect the timetable is going to be this packed, and finish quite late at night. So far so good. However, too much of kimchi indulgence has also upset my tummy too :)
Will update this blog again when I got the chance.
Have a nice day guys!
looking at d time difference..i guess u r somewhere north of our Peninsular..Bangkok perhaps?? Vietnam?? Ho Chi Ming..where r u ???...hehe..
Now at Gimpo Airport, going back to the main land. The weather is so unpredictable. This morning the fog was very thick and the visibility was only less than 100 m. And it was cold!
Have a nice weekend evryone.
selamat bercuti... :)Dr.Sam
ooo..ber'winter' sonata d Korea rupa2nye..
still on holiday...doc?...
slamat bercuti n slamat kmbali drsam..
Sis Maria told me that you're off to Korea. Korea sounds good. Tell us about it, okay?
Just be back safely in one piece. Plus Sis Zayda, 2 piece. :P
I just came back from Kuching yesterday after 4-days eating non-stop. My great escape always end-up with Jalan2 Cari Makan.
**Maybe I can try to audition for Maria Tunku Sabri position for Jalan2 Cari Makan upcoming season. Haha.
Salam Doc,
Enjoy the holidays... taking a break once in a while is what's needed sometimes.
Kelayakan cuti dah max out at 90 days? Wow... bila pencen nanti, banyak lagi peluang nak gi makan angin tu :-)
wah cuti... bestnya!
Dr Sam!!!
tak tau mane nak bgtau nieh..
so,komen kat sini je lah..
nad(nadia yg jumpe kat FRIM dulu...hehehe)dah tukar url blog nie...
blog lame..
moh meraban
ke url baru,blog baru...
sorry for the troubles...
Enjoy your time, Dr Sam
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