I am trying my best not to write much on politics. Especially in this blog, as that is not the reason why this blog comes to be in the first place. Politics is not my piece of cake. I have been reminded from time to time by my respectful sifu, and I still remember his wisdom clearly. If you don't know much on the subject - it is best that you shut up. Period.
But as much as I am refraining myself not to, the more the ticklish feeling erupting in my belly. As if there are many butterflies entrapped inside my ever-growing belly, the feeling translates into an earth-shattering giggle I almost spilled out my drink on the table. It was not politics, it was a joke.
"What's wrong with these people?" asked my darling over a cup of his favorite jasmine tea
" Ala.... apa nak diherankan, nama pun politik dan politikus" my reply to her very serious question.
"Tak habis-habis...gaduh sana...gaduh sini. kalau gaduh pasal macamana nak bagi elaun pekerja lebih ke...naikkan gaji ke...turunkan harga barang runcit ke tak pe lah juga..." her blabbering echoing in my ears.
I giggled as I remember my sifu's wisdom. Somehow, my drink by then has a very peculiar taste. Bitter. Ahhh...no wonder, it was made by my new maid. Black coffee. The last time I had black coffee was during my jihad in the far land, because everybody drinks black coffee over there. Sugar was a forbidden luxury in our laboratory.
"Nak muntah pun ada" She lamented again. The last time I heard she talked like that was during her first four month of pregnancy. That was three years ago. Her jasmine tea has now becoming very cold. For that split second, I had cold sweat running down my cheek.
hehe..enjoyed reading this n3..very tranquil..two luv birds having tea (n coffee) together..even like d ending better!! klakar ka DrSam nih..
I had to read twice before I could understand the 'punchline'. Ehehe. Tapi kalau betulkan, let me be the first to congratulate you Doc! :D
Dr Sam, am apolitical too - try to stay clear from politics though cant say i can get away from politicians. that's the nature of work.
well, as for nak muntah pun ada...do we get to read another follow up entry soon?
If you don't know much on the subject - it is best that you shut up.
indeed it is true Dr :)
akhah, nak muntah pun ada.
Politics is like a sketch of caricature... 'Big head' and funny.
Tumpang promo skit yer DrSam... hehehe..
My darling kalu teh da sejuk.. taknak minum.. nak muntah katanya.
Alasan nak ajak minum luar.
always feeling good to be home early from work so that I can sit and listen to her many interesting stories. Learning to be a good listener takes a lot of effort too.
Si Penconteng,
Did I punch a line somewhere? alamak...wrong message :) No...no...no...
Kak Teh,
I guess you are right. Part of the job, yes...tak boleh lari. Kak Teh... now you make me even soaking wet with my own sweat! Tissue please!
are you coming this saturday?
Promo no problem. FOC (I mean a small token of a cup of Milo would do during the gathering :)
politics?...whats that?
now...for a more serious question...cold sweat?...erm....
probably taste like budu and full of small ikan bilis.
Is it still raining there? (berapa kali mau tanya daaaa :)
Hmmm...as much as we want to avoid talking/writing about politics, we have to have a firm stand on which side we are.
P/S: I was thinking the same as Si Penconteng about punchline, the only difference - I read it thrice :D
Heartiest rgds to Sis Zayda.
yup...storm monday morning, rained all day yesterday, rained again this evening...stopped now...makes me wonder, sekarang musim apa ya...
re:...tak sabar2 nak balik dungun this sat...hehehe...
I believed people who believed in people. That is as far I can go in politics.
Wow...everybody is seems to have the same though. What wrong with you ladies :)
Have a nice day, and looking forward to seeing you at Ikano this saturday.
Sura Gate 'happening' ke? Have a wonderful weekend.
I still can't get the punchline..
argh,..maybe i'm too young for this..haihz..
i'm a political sc. student...
i like politics...
yet, i dont talk politics in my blog
sbb politik tu kotor1
sandiwara & kekecohan yang berlaku kat perak sekarang ni buat rasa nak muntah je!
hope kebenaran akan menang...
Al-Muallim Shah @ Dino,
Mereke-mereka itu saja nak mengusik je tu :)
PJ Selamba,
I really hope everybody starts to get down to their business fast and focus on the real issues (now I am talking politic :) haishhh...
The Perak saga...no wonder why the beautiful Sg. Perak turned so cloudy recently :)
politik.... ???
heheheh SORRY Dr.Sam ...
fahmi jarang baca paper, tegok tv, dgr radio...
bab politik ni ... fahmi tak leh menjampuk sebab fahmi out to date pasal2 politik...
kadang2 tahu pun dari blog sir nik.. cerana blog tapi fahmi tak komen pun sebab tak tahu nak komen.. heheheh... :)
politic? no commnet :)
sebab pic tue kat negeri aku...aku sedih la....after 8 march 2008 election perak macam negeri lain gak biasa2 je...tak de benda2 pelik... lepas 3 katak lompat...semuanya jadi pelik....
itulah politik.................
as for us living here in Ipoh..its a bit sad..what we really want is peace and harmony...
fahmi latiff,
kita serupa. Biar jauhari yang menilai manikam.
bercakap @ berbincang isu politik boleh jadi sensitif. siap haribulan kawan pun boleh bermasam muka.
kita semua jiran tetangga. Cubit peha kiri peha kanan terasa juga.
Al-Muallim Shah @ Dino
Everybody is wishing the same thing - peace!
DrSam, I have the same feeling like you, I tried to stay away Malaysian politics because it will pissed me off with no end..I have so many Expatriate friends & each time when we talking about Malaysian politics news are like talking of all the dirty jokes! Malaysian politicians made our country become the laughing stocks!
Talking about Malaysian politics make my head spinning now....
See you this Saturday and let alone politics ok?
so it's on this sat? i'll inform you later, cant really decide now.
how can i contact you personally nway?
I am grinning (now) reading your comment. With so many clowns and jokers around, life is full of laughter.
Wokay bro, see you this Saturday. The theme...No politics please!
email me shamsulbahri68@gmail.com and I will give you my phone no.
Hope you can make it.
Comment I dah terdelete lah.
I just nak kata. Life is just like that
Semuga Dr akan jadi Yang Berhormat atau Yang Amat Berhormat, doa!!!!
Tak mengapa, sempat lepas kat email I dan dapat baca komen you yang terpadam tu :)
Ex Starian,
Terimakasih. Memang dari dulu jadi YB ni. Yang Berusaha, Yang Bekerja, Yang Berpinar-pinar dll.
My other half and me just cant have a long cozy mengeteh session if the topic is on politics.Our views are like kutub utara and kutub selatan..
pasar malam sura gate...memang happening...tak boleh miss...hehehe
"people have to learn to stay cool whenever someone else raises his voice or make accusations"
madam gold,
sometimes between my wife and me, we have different opinion too, but all will end in peace over a cuppa.
wow...have 'cuti' will travel. Probably you can share with us what makes Sura Gate so happening. I missed those makeshift shoplots that sells varieties of fruits along the main road (in front of the old cinema)
Keyword = stay cool. I like that.
i love to read perak political issue..
kind of funny..
Politic sucks. It's ever clean.
That's what happening inside and outside Parliament.
You think you vote them so that they can bring your matter in the Parliament and good discussion will be discussed? Dream on :)
I'm not keen about politics either. But I cant help not to care when I read papers or watch it over the news.
Somehow, I dont know where 'this' is going. And latest, they picking on the PBSMI issues plak. They have to decide, or else our next generation gonna to suffer.
p/s: It's time for them to sort their priority in line!
encik ariff,
rakyat has the right to know and kept abreast with all their antics. No harm.
Let's keep our dream alive bro :)
Let's pray that the jokers and the clowns in the town get hold of themselves and don't try to be funny anymore. The circus is very crowded these days.
Malaysian politic is in the hand of politician and they do what ever they what to do. Rakyat? ooohhh no we politicians will beg them when election come...
Soalan lazim yg disoal kpd Sally lately..Ape hal negeri u Sally???
Aduss..whatever lah!!
Actually you are right. Our fate, Malaysian and it's nasi-lemak eating people are in the hand of politician and policymaker. Hope for the best.
'they' memang banyak hal, we should be no hal! cool cikgu.
Perak negeriku amat dan damai...rakyatnya tetap dalam aman. Mengeteh di kedai Nyonya, segelas cuma sembilan kupang.
Cuma kadangkala, Laksamana Fasola membuat onar, maka terpaksalah Perak berubah menjadi kerajaan pasir sebutir yang bersidang di bawak pokok ketapang...ish..ish..ish..
Mungkinkah Laksamana Do Re Mi akan datang?!
If they win about vanishing English text book and education for Math and Science... it really get on my nerve!
Gampangnya Waikato,
Wah! sahabat ku di Waikato yang gampang
Melonjak hati dapat bersembang
Gampang sungguh kehidupan di Waikato ini.
Dulu kegampangan itu beronak dan berduri di sini
membawa diri jauh bersama secebis hati.
Aku di sini mendoakan kamu
supaya sentiasa gampang selalu Doaku tiada batas waktu
Lain kali, lain hari
kita layan lagi secawan teh secangkir kopi
Aku masih disini
teguh berdiri
ppsmi...there will always be two sides of the coin. Personally I would support any good idea that will benefit the majority.
i reading anxiously to know which party that Einstein Wannabe supporting. But couldn't find the answer :P
Einstein Wannabe has no gut to talk here. The wall probably got ears. Einstein Wannabe would rather see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Probably Pak Cik can join us tomorrow and we can trade in stories.
hiks... apasai lak tetiba berpeluh ni dr.. ekekekeke.. the way you wrote.. is so captivating.. Dr buatlah buku... definitely i'll be the first in the line to have it ;D
Berpeluh tu sebab hampir tekujat badak orang kata, dah le masa tu tengah concentrate baca paper. False alarm :)
Terimakasih diatas candanga tersebut. Insyaallah jika ada masa dan umur panjang.
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