While I was sitting on the beach at Bagan Lalang recently, I have this urge to do something that I'd never done before. As if I am stranded on a beautiful deserted island, waiting to be rescued, I wanted to write a personal message, stuffed it in a bottle and sailed it away until it reaches its destination, wherever the current may flow. However a knock on my head by a pinus cone brought me back to a reality thus I ended my short daydreaming.
So my friend, bro A. Rahman. I am sending this special message to you anyway through this medium, a bigger island than my fantasy paradise called blogosphere. We first met 7 month ago, a comradeship flourished and we met again last week. This is a short note to a long distant friend - Thank you very much for your friendship. I hope you are doing very well in your jihad. I pray for your success, a good health, a smooth sailing in whatever endeavor you may embark and hopefully we will meet again this coming Eidul Fitri. Insyaallah.
p/s: Couldn't stop myself with 3 plates of nasi each time having that terubok :) This can't be happening...I need to be strong...
Dr sam,
if you could show me the picture of that Camera Shy guy..
ha ha ha
geee..makan sorang jer ek that TERUBOK!!
now I know HIS name!
Ora..ora...ora...I scared the wrath will befall upon me if reveal a true identity of this mysterious entity.
mmmm...that terubok thing...I am hooked!
p/s: Oppsi daisy..
I guess this is way way better than message in a bottle. :)
Hope your friend will be doing just fine. :)
p/s: Terubok? Hehe. Sis Zayda really knows how to tackle your tummy. :P
Dear DrSam...
Ukhuwah fillah tidak terjadi dengan sendirinya. Ia perlukan insan-insan yang sedar bahawa tidak sempurna iman seseorang sehingga saudaranya lebih dia cintai daripada dirinya sendiri.
Jadilah yang mendekati, yang menghulurkan, yang menasihati, yang meleraikan pergaduhan, yang mengingatkan kepada Allah dan Rasul.
dr sam...kawan2 kita adalah org yang terdekat dengan kita, selepas saudara mara kita....
pasal terubok tue..ikan ke?
Dr Sam
sometimes patut juga berangan anga.. kerana dari angan angan kita akan usaha jadikan realiti..
Having terubok with nasi make u tambah 3 pinggan?? wow bahaya tu.. :)
Hye Doc,
message in a bottle eh..pitty those turtles la doc..they might mistakenly swallow ur bottle for a squid or something..
terubok? sedap tapi banyak tulang..terubok masin from Sarawak sedap kan..anyway..sampai 3 pinggan nasi???..fuyooo..
drsam...hati2 makan terubuk. kawan saya tercekik tulang, 6 jam tunggu kat spital semata-mata nak buang tulang tu je.
Salam DrSam
Guessed now I know this mystery's friend real name. Anyway, I have once thought of sending a message in a bottle. But, when armed with a pen and paper, I simply can't think of what to write. Pathetic huh? Anyway, what's the "success" rate of messages sent this way, yeah? Does it really work? I wonder....
Saya pun suka berangan juga. Asyik-asyik berangan.
i agree with out of her mind, be careful with the bones... i joined in the waiting. huhuu, at long last the doctor took out the bone from the friend's throat by hand after the ultra long wait.
For me, the first time I went to the Ikan Bakar gerai behind the Istana, I picked Terubuk and boy was the small bones aplenty. Now I stick to plain pari only. The fish is good but the bones sucks.
When I think of things in a bottle, I remember "I DREAM OF GENIE" - A 70's comedy series about a female jin who lived in a bottle, and who kept house for her American master. It was hillarious - where kapiaq got these ideas from I don't know, I thought only easterners know of such things.
Yes, I suspected by now the 'bottle' has already reached the intended recipient :)
Terimakasih diatas ta'alim yang bermunafaat tersebut. Saya senantiasa menghargai kawan yang menghargai saya.
harap-harapnye begitu. yang jauh didekatkan, yang dekat dieratkan.
Terubok tu ikan masin yang popular dari bumi kenyalang. memang yummmylicious.
Zareda norman,
tepat sekali dan setuju. Tanpa angan-angan tiadalah impian untuk dijadikan kenyataan.
No wonder there is hardly any Leatherback in Rantau Abang these days :)
Baru berkenalan dengan terubok ni. khasiat berkenalan dengan orang Sarawak.
ouT oF My MinD,
Ye ke? terimakasih kerana mengingatkan. Memang kalau terlekat tulang, walau kecil sekalipun sengsara tu berpanjangan.
Mia's Mom,
interesting question. We can try with a campaign too. But then, as tchersally pointed out the campaign might have wiped out the entire population of turtle.
Aiseh...tiga kali berangan, tiga kail tukar nick :)
Your friend must be very relief. Was it the last terubok he/she had after that incident? for some people, the more the risk, the more we will get excited. Between terubok and pari, I'll still prefer terubok more.
Yes Master! Indeed it was hilarious. Love the funny Larry Hagman.
I think the westerners really make things happened, whereas most of the easterners, especially during that period of time were still daydreaming under a palm tree eating keropok.
how do U bottle up a message in the blogospere erk?
the message becomes open to all, instead bottled up to be opened by the discoverer?
but then, its the message that is important, not the mode of delivery erk?
so creative doc. nak tiru =)
In this virtual world, everything is possible, nothing is impossible. Just close your eyes and start your wildest imagination :)
You are most welcome.
sideline the method...the only thing that's count is the 'intention'...
salam...dr sam I bet Bro A Rahman must be very pleased with the message. The best wishes and dua is what he really need at this moment of time. May this friendship remains abadan abada.
p/s watch ur diet...
kalau kawan tu ada blog dengan segera dia akan dapat mesej ni .. kalau tak mubkin dia tau dari kawan lain yg ada..
ikan terubuk tak berapa pandai nak makan banyak tulang hehe..
Terubok ROCKS !! :D
Just love it....
Have a great weekend to you & yours Doc...
yes, everything should be done with good intention.
salam. I bet bro. A. Rahman must has started to 'bersilat' again. My advice to him...focus one thing at a time. Insyaallah everything will be fine.
memang sah dia dapat mesej ni :)
selalunya yang banyak tulang tu yang sedap tu. Cobaaannn..
We should have another family gathering - a terubok luncheon together.
Have a nice weekend to you and the gang too.
Dr Sam,
Impian, angan-angan, harapan,imagination, dreaming, anything we call it,memang lah sedap. Some more, its good for relaxing our mind, rite? As long as tak berangan benda2 yang mereperk2 dan menyalahi syarak. Cuma kadang2 kalau terlampau berangan, membuang masa, lebih baik fikirkan perkara yang realiti, contohnya macam makan terubuk..memang sedap! Hmm.. kaylah.. Take a break la jap,nak berangan!! Macam sedap jerr... hehehe..
I reckon that ancient people did send message in the bottle for their good knowledge in art of understanding sea waves and ocean winds besides clinging their hope on luck, wishing that it would slip into the hand's of the desired receiver. Hmmm... I don't know.
But I'm not sure about yours as it might stumble upon the terubok passing by. Heh.
Terubok tastes good. It's elbow-licking good if you're enjoying terubok in Sarawak, which is a lot cheaper.
Mkn the Beras Faiza, more more rice no problem one!! LOL
terubok my fav too, masin or panggang memang best!
Kalau ramai sangat Mat Jenin panjat kelapa dan duduk ditempat tinggi-tinggi memang bahaya dan boleh memudaratkan - kepada diri sendiri dan juga kepada yang duduk kat bawah.
Sir Pok Deng,
I remember not too long ago during my pubescence years, I used to witness people sending 'acok' in the river or the open sea to please the unseen spirit during Pesta Main Pantai. I suppose they stopped the customary when they realized the only recipient to that offering were adventurous kampung boys whom waited in the distant to feast on the ayam panggan, nasi kunyit etc.
Ida Athanazir,
I used to lost 7 kilos in two months when I reduced my nasi consumption to once a day quite recently. So I bet, at this age with the current lifestyle, probably I have to really control the urge.
simple but nice..huhuu
message in the bottle sounds classic.
i love terubuk too......just got terubuk masin from sarawak.....
errr ni post pasal angan2 ke message in the bottle ke terubuk?....
Dr Sam..mujur bukan jinnie in da bottle.kalo ada jinnie in da bottle itu sudah kes berat.hhiihi...anyway message in da bottle is classic.macam citer cast away la pulak kan.
Dear Dr.Sam,
It's have been a long time since I catched a glimpse into your blog. It was because so many unahappy things happened around and sad stories occurred (I'm not gonna reveal here as this is a happy momment blog a.k.a cheers buddies blog). There were so many stories to share but why want to tell sad stories and affected others with dull and grieved emotions?
I only realised my picture was taken during makan with the red batik on and appeared a liite fatty.....a little only.....really little.....Alamak..I have to workout after this.......Thanks for the dinner(after working hours in Dr.Sam' roof, anybody don't mistaken we were having party during working hours or what)
3 pinggan je? takpe takpe, tambah lagi... saya toleh tempat lain, tak tengok ;)
Salamun'alaikum, I want to share my experience that may be of interst to everyone.
I am 57 years old man, retired and on 25th Jun 2009, I fainted while driving.
Syukur alhamdulillah, my wife is on leave and was with me at that time. When she realise I fainted she take control of the wheel and woke me up.
When I become conscious again, I am able to take back the wheel and stop beside the road.
Later on I went to see a doctor and found out my blood pressure was about 100/53, lower than required to be normal..
Anyone can explain why this thing haappen? Low blood pressure, wgat are the causes?
Please let us know...
Thank you.
wahhhh.. sgt la x tahan 3 pinggan nasi with terubuk.. agak2 nye Doc ensem neh bertambah gemoks skang neh.. hehehehehe.. lama x singgah menyibuk disini.. aduhhhai.. busy life tuh idak le sgt.. cuma connection problem je.. huhuhu..
salam sayang to sis zayda n anak2 from riben in paradise island, Langkawi.. meh la melawat I disini.. hehehehehehe..
Dear Tok Man,
I feel sorry to hear that you have a low blood pressure or hypotension.
Normally you will not shown any sign as there is no obvious sign unless you always fell dizzy. My aunt also low blood, had faited twice during cooking and watching TV. Doctor give her some sweet to take(I dont know if that is a special made sweet for patient).Exercise is a must.
You were faited because the blood pressure from heart too low to supply blood to brain and other organs. Hope that you get well very soon.
Opps, hope that Dr.Sam don't mind.....macam bagi advice medical pulak kat blog dia.
TuN TeJa,
Welcome back to school. Have a nice and happy student life.
Happy as usual.
encik ariff,
this method probably not as efficient as the current mail delivery system, but at least you don't have to stick a stamp on it. the best thing is, they don't carry spam, worm or virus along.
Enjoy your terubok bro.
Kalau ada ginnie dalam botol, saya simpan botol tu atas almari. Buat hiasan.
Dear bro. Jon,
Yes, it has been a while too we haven't met and have our chit chat together or an outing for a lempeng pisang. I hope everything will turn out well for you. I feel very sad to hear your predicament. The recent good news I hope will cheer you up bro. September is just around the corner. Just be patience.
If your auspicious date fall after Raya, then we could have another round of BBQ.
Dr. Sam.
kucingorengemok memang 'sporting'!
Tok Man,
Firstly, let me congratulate you for your retirement. Now you have ample time to do whatever you've missed previously, while working.
I am no a medical practitioner, so I could not give you an appropriate advice on this. It is just sad to hear what you'd experienced. I have also one colleague who have retired and had a similar experience as yours - he passed out near the Duta Tol Plaza.
I hope you will be in your good health soon.
semenjak jadi orang pulau ni memang dok layan perasaan tepi pantai aja agaknya :)
No worry bro. You explained it well.
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