I was not in the city center last weekend, when 6000 or so of my countrymen celebrated a scaled down 52th Malaysian Merdeka Day in Parliament square. As far as I can remember, that was the first time one of our country biggest annual festivity was held in that place, with a very limited numbers of people involved.
Actually I was with my family 240 km away from the city center, to be more precise in Kuala Kangsar. We traveled there a day earlier. It was not because I ran away with the fear that the 6000 or so people who mingled freely with other unsuspecting carrier of the dreaded disease will escalate the spread of the already widespread pandemic, but because the school holiday was over and my eldest son once again forgot to remind me to buy him a bus ticket.

On most of the occasion, I will drive up north and come back again the same day. But the idea of doing a terawikh at one of the mosque listed as the most beautiful in Malaysia was so hard to resist. We booked and stayed at Resort Safari Sungai Perak, which is situated closely to the bank of Sungai Kangsar. It was only a walking distance from the bustling marketplace. There was a pasar ramadhan so lively with people and all the delectable choices of delicacies but we decided to have our iftar at the resort as the iftar promotion was very good.
Having an iftar at the resort was quite a memorable experience. The wide selection of traditional buffet was very impressive, tasteful and comparatively cheap (RM15/adult, RM10/kid plus one guess FOC). With our tummy well stuffed, my other half and me finally got the chance to perform tarawikh at Ubudiah mosque.
Indeed the architecture of the mosque was so stunning. If not because the imam beautifully reciting the verses in the Al-quran, I almost couldn't concentrate well in the pray - too mesmerized. We finished the tarawikh with only 8 rakaat. Still donning in my favorite sarong I quickly took the chance to snap some photos of that majestic man made creation (there were few who did the same :)
'Hari ini dalam sejarah'. I was there, 2 years ago on the 50th. year of Merdeka celebration. That was on the rehearsal day (2 weeks of rehearsal and strict practice on 'kawat and tabik spring' under a watchful eyes of 'Mat misai', in the 'terowong' waiting for the procession.
On the day itself with custom made and colorful costumes to mark the different era before the Independence. We marched and marched with pride, chanting with high spirit '..inilah barisan kita...'
Salam Doc.
Yes it is nice to have terawikh at different mosques and listen to the holy verses read by different people,especially those tahfiz.Merdunya and sayunya rasa hati.But I missed the terawikh at Masjidilharam the most.
Comel2 anak-anak you ..
walaupun masjid kuning tue dlm satu daerah dengan aku..tapi masih belum berpeluang utk pergi lagi...
nanti2 kena melawat gak sana.....
haha..dulu2 pernah la jugak bangun awal nak pegi subuh kt masjid nih..
I've planned to masjid-hopping this Ramadhan, supposedly. But I've fallen in love with the one that I went currently.
Tazkirah best sangat. Bacaan pun mendayu ala2 Semerah Padi version. Missed my schooldays.
KK dengan kami dalam 30 minit aje..tapi tak pernak jejak lagi masjid tu..he he
madam gold,
salam madam. For the time being, I am quite comfortable with the invited tahfiz from Cambodia at our surau. But it was an enlightening experience to pray and listen to other tahfiz with different reciting style.
Budak-budak tu tengah tak sabar tengah tunggu berbuka...
biasanya macam tu. kalau yang dah dihadapan mata tu selalu ditangguhkan sebab kita selalu ingat bila-bila masa aja boleh pergi. Akhirnya, sampai la ni tak pergi-pergi pun. Saya pun macam tu juga :)
Jauh juga nak menapak dari kolek tu. takpe janji semangat ada.
mind to tell me which masjid that has the tahfiz macam Semerah padi tu. Boleh masjid-hopping too. But if too mendayu, the jemaah will become too 'khusyuk' pula nanti.
Saya pun kira pertama kali juga menjejakkan kaki disitu. Ada peluang dan umur panjang boleh ziarah ke situ.
doc, dia lupa nak ingatkan ke beli tiket ke, saja² taktik supaya dapat balik naik kereta with the family :)
salam merdeka doc..:)
Salam Dr...
Salam kemerdekaan sdra Dr...
Pengalaman 2 hari lepas solat terawih di salah sebuah masjid di tempat saya, imannya terlampau laju sehingga saya nak baca al-fatihah pun xsempat...ambik pendekatan adjust bacaan fatihah dlm masa imam membacanya...
teringin nak pergi masjid tu..
salam merdeka dr.sam....anak doc saja je nak bermanja extra ngan doc n hikmahnye, dapat terawih kt masjid tu....patut trima kasih kt ur son.;p
Kita dah biasa pergi ke masjid ituuu..tapi LONG LONG time ago..when I was a little kid.
Wah nostalgic lagi..
Dr Sam,
Thank you for appreciating the beauty of Masjid Ubudiah!!
rasa macam aku lak yang designnya. he he he
mungkin juga le. Bila you dah cakap ni baru terfikir :)
Semoga kita semua merdeka dari belengu-belengu yang merantai diri.
Salam sdr. Masih ada lagi ke imam yang macam tu? Kalau masa kecil-kecil kat kampung dulu tu ada lah begitu sebab nak kejar 21 rakaat punya pasal.
tak jauh tu. Insyaallah ada rezeki dan umur panjang.
oUt oF My MinD,
Betul cakap you tu. Ada hikmah. Mulanya berat juga nak drive kesana. Tapi bila teringat peluang berterawih dimasjid tu, ada motivasi.
Macam mana keadaan masjid tu dulu-dulu masa you kecil? Ada banyak perubahan ke?
I appreciate anything that is beautiful ;)
Doc,dapat menunaikan terawikh kat masjid adalah sangat indah.Saya dh lama x berterawikh di masjid since berkahwin n ada anak.PAling best berterawikh di masjid UIA masa belajar.semua tu jadi kenangan sekarang.
Nasib baik anak doc x beli tiket bas.kalo x ,x merasa solat terawikh kat masjid Ubudiah.hihii...selamat berbuka doc!
Menjaga dan mengurus rumahtangga dan anak tu pun dikira ibadah juga jika dilakukan dengan penuh keikhlasan dan keredaan.
Saya pernah sekali saja menjejaki kaki di masjid UIA. Cantik juga senibina dia.
Betul tu. Itulah hikmahnya. Selamat berbuka untuk Naddiea sekeluarga.
Memang indah Masjid Ubudiah tu. Adalah sekali dua solat di situ. The last time hubby and I detoured to Kuala Kangsor was last year on way home from Penang, to pay a speeding fine. Dapat 50% diskaun bila bayar kat Balai Polis Daerah. Careful driving in your beemer, polis KK very efficient one.
Balik raya camne budak koleq tu?
Itu le. Abang Red alfa bawa macam F1 kan dah kena. I am a slow driver driving a fast car, so not a problem I guess :)
Koleq dia charter satu bas this coming school break, easy for me - just fetching him at Stesen Jalan Duta.
::: salam bro dr.sam, ive been to kuala kangsar before as usual laa atas nama kursus, bukan di situ tapi di perlis.. dlm perjalanan ke utara, saya singgah sebentar di kuala kangsar.. anak bro belajar di mckk ke? mmg benar masjid ubudiah tuh cantik sungguh luaran mahupun dlman, awesome mosque.. dlm aircond lagi [hehe] tapi a little bit small bhgn dlmnyer.. sama gak dgn masjid zahir di alor setar.. maybe dibina berdasarkan kapasiti jemaah pada zaman dahulu.. sonok kan bila berpeluang ikut-serta dlm pembarisan hari merdeka.. pengalaman yg sukar digambarkan hanya melalui gambar2 foto.. very niceee..
~ selamat berbuka bro [huhu]..
Salam Doc..
long journey, pack tentative but full of love and joy. I'm so happy reading this post and it was really remind me of something sweet memory happened in my past time. I do had a long journey back home during Ramadhan n break fast at RnR highway... pernah jugak berbuka dlm kete je sbb jammed giler kat RnR.. huhuhu.. I was so touching when your lucky boy really forgot to remind you to buy his bus ticket. betul2 terlupa ke saja nk manja2 ngan ayahnya neh.. hehehehe.It seems like not to bother you for sending him back to school but he was helping you to create another good photos for your post entry in this archive of time.. Credit to the brilliant boy.. hehehe..
Selamat Berbuka Puasa and hugs n kisses to Sis Zayda =)
Owhh...Jambatan Kuala tu.....
Di situ, sebahagian hati pernah ku tinggalkan....aduuhhh!Memang penuh tawarikh!!!
Selamat meneruskan terawikh...
i will for sure run away from the city doc! :D
i hate bad traffic and crowded places. argh!
my colleague who sits just next to me lives in kuala kangsar.
he did tell me about it and we actually plan to go there someday.
yes, him as the tourist guide of course :P
i know that they sell beautiful lampu labu sayung too!
he always give it as present to some other colleagues.
i like the boats picture doc :D
salam merdeka.
salam merdeka dan terawikh, doc =)
Hari ahad tu juga zar berada di Kuala Kngsar.. sempat pergi ke pasar pagi dan beli lauk pauk basah. pergi ke tepi sungai sambil baca suratkhabar..
Masjid kuning tu memang nostalgik.. kalau naik perahu lihat dari tepi sungai.. Subhanallah.. memang cantik
salam kemerdekaan doc.
Seronok berterawih di surau beramai2 rasa tenang hati nie..
:D cantik gambar masjid ni Dr Sam...
salam doc,
such a nostalgic moment but yet beautiful memories..happy terawikh & merdeka!
Salam Dr. Sam,
I simply love the Iskandariah Mosque pic above, such a magnificent sight.
When you mentioned Kuala Kangsar, being a true Perakian, I truly miss my home state (not that I hail from KK, but I am Ipoh mali).
Just a few days ago, I was thinking of getting myself a Labu Sayong, did you get one for yourself?
BTW, I am glad you've enjoyed the trip there and yes, the Merdeka celebration has concluded after a brief ceremony. I was glad the government was at least concern with the rakyat's fear of the epidemic. I myself has just recovered from high fever, alhamdulillah, it was not H1N1.
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to you and your family, Sir.
salam Doc, apa khabar? selamat berbuka puasa bersama keluarga tersayang, apalah agaknya lauk Doc ari ni yek?
Salam sdr Zul. memang kalau ada peluang saya akan singgah tempat-tampat yang cantik, termasuk masjid-masjid. Saya selalu terpesona melihat senibina terutama yang lama-lama ni. Yang MCKK tu anak sulong.
Perbarisan merdeka tu sebab dah sampai giliran. Pengalaman yang unik dan menyeronokkan.
Salam lyra. NKVE has many good RnR. I especially like Tapah and Hentian Sg. Perak RnR. As I seldom travel further than that, i'm not sure about others. Probably my son knows the trick already and just trying his luck :)
Selamat berbuka di seberang sinun.
Ni kes hati terjatuh dalam sungai Kangsar lah ni ye?
Semoga mendapat keafiatan dan meneruskan baki Ramadhan dengan sempurna.
Faizal Admar,
Penang and KK is just a couple of hours away. And that place is surely not a crowded place. Suit you well Faisal.
Selamat berbuka puasa bersama keluarga tercinta.
Sama-sama kita mengimarakkan Ramadhan yang berbaki ini.
may the merdeka spirits remain in our mind body n soul... :)
Zareda Norman,
memang boleh tahan meriah bazaar Ramadhan dipekan tepi sungai tu. Petang ahad tu bawa anak-anak jalan-jalan ditepi sungai sambil melihat anak tempatan memancing ikan. Tengok kepada deruan air sugai yang mengalir agak laju tu hari tu, terbantut keinginan nak sewa bot. Mungkin jika ada rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur, Insyaallah akan menyusuri juga Sungai Kangsar yang bersejarah itu.
hari ni orang UMP berbuka dengan apa?
sesekali tukar tempat, dapat pengalaman baru. Terapi solat terawikh selama sebulan memang boleh memberi ketenangan.
Ambil gambar pun tergesa-gesa (dan tersipu-sipu) sebab ramai jemaah yang lalu lalang ;)
One good memory worth a revisit one more time. Salam Ramadhan almubarak.
Ida Hariati Hashim,
I simply love the small but lively riverbank market at KK. I can sit for hours at the jetty watching the river. The choice of food is also mindbogglingly irresistible. Nope, we didn't buy the labu sayong (not yet). But drinking the ice-cold water from labu sayong is another interesting experience.
Salam second trimester of Ramadhan (maghfirullah) dan selamat berbuka bersama keluarga tercinta.
alhamdulillah bro, sepanjang bulan yang mulia ini diberikan keafiaatan olehNYA. Menu hari ni belum ditentukan lagi. Makan aje apa yang ada (biasanya ikan tongkol/aya singgang :)
How is your Ramadhan at Plymouth bro?
salam Doc
pernah sampai ke KK tu , tapi rasanya tak pernah lagi sembahyang dimasjid tu...
Kalau senang , silah lah dtg ke Puchong. Solat terawikh di Masjid As Salam pula.
Shah Alam Puchong bukan jauh mana pun...
Besnya dapat terawih kat masjid. Saya belum berkesempatan lagi nak buat terawih kat luar rumah...harap-harap (insyaAllah) tiba Nuzul Al-Quran nanti, saya dapat meramaikan masjid :)
bestnya terawih...tak berpeluang lagi nak buat sunat muakad ni....
anyway, salam merdeka...
very nice place
Awang Mesu, you've got MAIL. Do check it OK? Abang RA kata nice of you to drop by :)
selamat meneruskan ibadat puasa...dan salam merdeka..
Dr Sam
Thank you for the traditional buah tangan you had left behind. I am sorry I was not home! There shall be a next time, please.
Usually, I am at home if the Ferrari Red is parked outside.
Salam pB. Puchong tu arenya luas juga. Kat mana 'exactly' masjid As-salam tu? Buat masa ni belum ada peluang lagi bermasjid-hopping disekitar KL :)
Insyaallah. Dah masuk trimester kedua sesi tahun ni, jika ada keafiatan sama-sama kita rebut peluang dan tawaran keemasan ini.
Cahaya hidup,
Buat terawikh bersama keluaga pun tidak kurang pahalanya juga jika berkesempatan. Lagi seronok dan ummph jika dapat bersama keluarga yang lebih besar di surau atau masjid.
email replied. Send my warmest regards to him.
Sama-sama kita meneruskan momentum ibadah yang telah dilalui selama 14 hari yang lalu. semoga diberkati.
Red Alfa,
No problem at all. Pardon me sir for gatecrashing to your lovely home. I was in SS19 meeting a friend. Next time I will make sure to stop by only when I see your Italian beauty parked near the house :)
wah..nice experience..
sembahyang terawih at different place..
comel2nya askar2 u drsam.
salam jumaat buat DrSam...
Very nice pic of the mosque at night time. You pakai tripod for the long exposure ke?
This is one mosque that I dearly would like to visit. Tak pernah sampai Kuala Kangsar.
selamat hari merdeka!
salam ramadhan dan salam merdeka...memang cantik masjid tu...sekejap jer kita dah melepasi separuh daripada bulan yang mulia ini...
wow... nice moment doc. . .
cantik masjid tu..
sorry lama x singgah sini... kerja assignment terlalu banyak..
Sekali sekala tukar angin CATZ. Bulan posa ni tak kemana-mana ke?
alhamdulillah. Empat askar penghibur hati.
salam berhari minggu.
Actually, I was playing around my new toy. The image taken without the tripod (leaning myself on the lamp post) and the IS lense really does the trick.
laki cikgu kimia,
Salam kemerdekaan dan juga Ramadhan almubarak yang berbaki.
Salam bulan Ramadhan almubarak yang telah memasuki dan hampir menghampiri penghujung trimester kedua. dah buat keputusan ke sdr?
thank you Ejump. Dahulukan mana yang perlu didahulukan.
Salam Ramadhan almubarak.
cantik gambar masjid Ubudiah tu
Saje cuba try test toy baru :)
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