Have you ever wonder of late why there is a sudden surge of a new human breed among our population? I do. Neither this human extraordinaire is a newly developed species nor a mutant from the underworld. It is neither a chimeric of origin nor a product of laboratories blunder, but a silent evolution of our genetic makeover in direct respond to the ever changing environment and surrounding condition. In the One-Nation world this new insurgence of the one-of-its-kind inhabitant is popularly known as 'mat lembut'. Though lembut is sometimes a preferred quality (as in soft skin, soft spoken counter attendant, soft and comfy airport limo etc.) but in this case it tells a totally different story.
This abnormal phenomenon is quite a concern as the prevalence has become alarmingly high each years. I remember once while visiting my Alma mater last year for some academic endeavor. I was really taken aback by what I saw. I was greeted by the sweetest voice in the lecture hall by almost all graduates - boys and girls alike. I am not complaining about the girls as they are supposed to be sweet and gentle, but boys put up their hands for questions and attention just like a ballad dancer performing one of his/her masterpieces. On another very important occasion, I even got confused, fumbling nervously with the zipper when I visited a lavatory and almost step out apologizing profoundly for my mistake as I though I was trespassing in an uncharted territory. From time to time while having my quiet moment I heard a very familiar feminine giggle echoing from the next cubicles. But I was in the gentle-man lavatory alright sir.
Audience...Please! It is not my intention to belittle or make a mock out of this unique being. They are created equally important and with special purposes only God knows. But imagine if our future forces - our arm forces for example. What will happen if these forces of muscular entity one day penetrated and swarmed by these generation. Can we be honest for a moment. It is a joke of the century and outrageously going to be haywire. The classic Malay adage of 'bukan salah ibu mengandung' applies here though. The reason I will reveal later.
I have been cracking my wilting pinnacle and tickling my peanut-size brain on this issue for a while, searching for some light to satisfy my curiosity. We are talking about our future generation here. The generation that will spearhead our nation into the next challenging millennium. The image of our country is also at stake.
After months of preposterously looking for the elusive clue, I finally found what I thought to be the answer to this pertinent issue. The first clue comes from none other than a distant creature living in the river. Male fish in the UK river started to change their sexual appetite and become err....err....ah yes... lesbian. I am not making this up, seriously. This scary event took place somewhere in the UK (not Ulu Kelang) rivers and this interesting study was carried out by several UK universities and well published in a journal (The Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives). They singled out the culprit to this freaking phenomena was polluted underground water. The same source of water that we consumed daily.
Well, if you may ask what potent substance that had caused this unimaginable harm to that poor fella and single handedly changed the original assortment of human genome? The answer are female sex hormones (estrogens) and chemicals that mimic estrogen (which inhibit the function of the male hormones (testosterone) reducing fertility and propagating feminization in male). Scientists who conducted the research blame this particularly powerful form of estrogen in urine from the contraceptive pill, which is flushed through sewage works into the rivers and slowly sip through the female reproductive system. Over a long period of time, this exogenous hormone slowly alter the hormones balance while still in the fetus form.
So there you are ladies. For those who are currently using and actively engaging in the sperm-killing mission, Achtung bitte! When nature's call, a more thoughtful consideration from the fairer sex is very much appreciated. For the sake of our nation ladies, don't just simply do it anywhere and any place you like please.
Now at this point, I shall put down my pen, sit back and enjoy watching my all time favorite war movie of Shaving the Ryan's Private, while at the same time anxiously waiting for my female/male-feminist counterpart shave me bald.
Auwwww no...tak rela I. No pun intended sir.
This abnormal phenomenon is quite a concern as the prevalence has become alarmingly high each years. I remember once while visiting my Alma mater last year for some academic endeavor. I was really taken aback by what I saw. I was greeted by the sweetest voice in the lecture hall by almost all graduates - boys and girls alike. I am not complaining about the girls as they are supposed to be sweet and gentle, but boys put up their hands for questions and attention just like a ballad dancer performing one of his/her masterpieces. On another very important occasion, I even got confused, fumbling nervously with the zipper when I visited a lavatory and almost step out apologizing profoundly for my mistake as I though I was trespassing in an uncharted territory. From time to time while having my quiet moment I heard a very familiar feminine giggle echoing from the next cubicles. But I was in the gentle-man lavatory alright sir.
Audience...Please! It is not my intention to belittle or make a mock out of this unique being. They are created equally important and with special purposes only God knows. But imagine if our future forces - our arm forces for example. What will happen if these forces of muscular entity one day penetrated and swarmed by these generation. Can we be honest for a moment. It is a joke of the century and outrageously going to be haywire. The classic Malay adage of 'bukan salah ibu mengandung' applies here though. The reason I will reveal later.
I have been cracking my wilting pinnacle and tickling my peanut-size brain on this issue for a while, searching for some light to satisfy my curiosity. We are talking about our future generation here. The generation that will spearhead our nation into the next challenging millennium. The image of our country is also at stake.
After months of preposterously looking for the elusive clue, I finally found what I thought to be the answer to this pertinent issue. The first clue comes from none other than a distant creature living in the river. Male fish in the UK river started to change their sexual appetite and become err....err....ah yes... lesbian. I am not making this up, seriously. This scary event took place somewhere in the UK (not Ulu Kelang) rivers and this interesting study was carried out by several UK universities and well published in a journal (The Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives). They singled out the culprit to this freaking phenomena was polluted underground water. The same source of water that we consumed daily.
Well, if you may ask what potent substance that had caused this unimaginable harm to that poor fella and single handedly changed the original assortment of human genome? The answer are female sex hormones (estrogens) and chemicals that mimic estrogen (which inhibit the function of the male hormones (testosterone) reducing fertility and propagating feminization in male). Scientists who conducted the research blame this particularly powerful form of estrogen in urine from the contraceptive pill, which is flushed through sewage works into the rivers and slowly sip through the female reproductive system. Over a long period of time, this exogenous hormone slowly alter the hormones balance while still in the fetus form.
So there you are ladies. For those who are currently using and actively engaging in the sperm-killing mission, Achtung bitte! When nature's call, a more thoughtful consideration from the fairer sex is very much appreciated. For the sake of our nation ladies, don't just simply do it anywhere and any place you like please.
Now at this point, I shall put down my pen, sit back and enjoy watching my all time favorite war movie of Shaving the Ryan's Private, while at the same time anxiously waiting for my female/male-feminist counterpart shave me bald.
Auwwww no...tak rela I. No pun intended sir.
Dunia akhir zaman ....
manusia kadang2 lupa
Salam Dr Sam,
Mereka tu (auwww) dalam latnat Allah & Rasul selagi mana tak bertaubat.. andaikata mati tak taubat kekallah dilatnat. Ingatlah Wahai semua jika sudah kekal terlaknat tahulah di mana tempatnya di akhirat kelak..
akhir zaman. isy2..
Dr Sam,
Really, could that be the cause, I mean the female hormones.
Yes, I agree with you that there are more 'pretty' and lembut men around, it is bad enough when you go to the IPTAs and IPTSs you see more female than male students. Go around KL and you will see men wearing earrins (both ears now) and wearing make up, complete with eyeliners wearing designer togs and carrying desginer bags!But I must admit the lembut men make good and safe friends for single and/or ageing ladies and marvellous 'walkers' (escorts).
doc..pertama, saya x dpt nk tahan gelak dgn title film doc tgk tu. membayangkan, soldier2 itu bila jumpa ryan, mereka2 akan shaving kepala dia...hahahha. funny giler rasa.
2nd...saya pernah tanya lec yg ngajar broadcasting science saya, kenapa rmai orng lelaki lebih ke arah fiminin..jwpannya, mungkin sbb pemakanan kita skrng ini yg terdedah dgn byk bahan seperti yg doc nyatakan itu. mcm ayam yg disuntik utk cpt besar..etc.
dan di ofis saya..of course sgaaat ramai golongan lelaki lembut nie. malah saya lagi gagah dr dorang sebenarnya. yang cuaknya, ramai dr kita terikut-ikut stail mereka nie.
Lg 1, lelaki lembut mudah glemer..!!sbb tu makin ramai nk jadi camtu...
Haha. Nice one from you. ;)
Kat ofis Cahaya pun banyak yg makhluk yang diceritakan. Kadang2 jeles tengok diorang cantik sangat.
Tak kisah sangat kewujudan diorang ni. Cuma terpelik la bila dia join kita dalam washroom. Rasa kekok sebab memang tahu diorang tu lelaki. Eeeuwww!
sayangkan.. mereka tak menghargai apa yang telah diberikan oleh NYA..
tanak jadi macamtu.. bersyukur dengan apa yang ada...
Auuww saya pun tak rela..hehehhe...
salam dr..
Ape dah jadi?..mmg merisaukan..
salah satu tanda dan peringatan.
lupa memang sifat semulajadi insan.
Abd Razak,
Salam. Setuju sangat. Mati sebelum sempat bertaubat memang amat merugikan dan amat malang sekali. Golongan ini juga sebahagian dari ciptaan Allah S.W.T. Ada hikmah dan mukjizat tersendiri, mungkin terlindung. Menjadi tanggungjawab kita membantu memperbetulkan dan membawa mana yang terpesong dan tersongsang ke jalan yang diredhaiNYA. Sama-sama kita buat mana termampu dan terdaya.
Encik Arif O,
Zaman pasti berakhir, cuma bila.
That was the finding from a study in the UK. Scientists can come out with many theories and hypotheses to explain certain problems, which at the end have to be proven scientifically. sometimes it works the other way around.
During my Uni time, the number of my lembut colleague simply could not occupied even fingers in either one of my hands. But nowadays...they becoem an unaccountable noun.
Yes, you pointed it quite right. They can become a good friend but at the same time need need extra Tender-loving-care (TLC) and attention than our other normal being. During their tantrum, it can be worsed that a three years old baby.
Out of my mind,
kalau tengok cerita tu dan seangkatan dengannya, mesti tangkap emo punya :)
berkenaan kesan hormon suntikan pada ayam tu merupakan satu isu yang perlu diambil SERIUS tu. bukan sahaja oleh kita pengguna malah oleh pihak berwajib juga. Sebab kesan dari penggunaan berterusan dan berkala itu pun SERIUS juga.
So kat ofis kira you paling MACHO lah ni...
Aik...kat ladies washroom pun depa boleh join sekali? Itu lagi seram. Ni yang jadi haywire ni...
masalah...masalah...masalah ekonomi...kena buat satu jenis washroom khas lah pulak...labelnya NEITHER, NOR :)
Ya. kita bersyukur dengan anugerah yang sempurna.
Datin El,
Salam Datin. Soalan Datin tu teringat saya pada satu lagu yang popular suatu masa dulu lah pula :)
Pagi tadi , dengar HotFm. Berkisar pada gerabak komuter hok kaler pink.
Rami yg sokong ,tapi ado jugok hok tok setuju
Ada satu caller ni , mitok gerabak untuk kaum lembut nie ....
Ada jugok caller mitok , gerabok khas untuk pendatang asing ....
Ha...ha...menarik juga topik dan wacana di radio tu pB. Dah nak jadi sistem kasta, kelas, aparthead etc lah kita ni jadinya. Masokloh...masokloh...
Bab pink yang tak lalu tu :)
in the late 80s-early 90s spesis 'sotong' dipelopori oleh s.u.e sam (2+1)
refer to smart proverb on the blurred pic - 'Kalau asal BLOG yang baik, dicampak kelaut menjadi pulau,' kannns,
salamm doc,
alamak...namapun dah hampir serupa. sama tapi tak serupa.
Mungkin ada signifikan juga 2+1 (dulu drama ni dilakonkan di dewan eksperimen UKM - penuh dengan peminat). Bila dah popular, mudah mempengaruhi minda dan perlakuan peminat. Sekitar era itulah, perubahan dan transformasi ini mula ketara...mmmmm...
Blog dicampak dan terus menjadi pulau satu konsep yang baru ni...good idea.
Dinda, not only lelaki lembut but the percentage of perempuan tomboy in the population seem to be on the rise as well. While we can point to estrogenic substances as being one of the possible causes of the lelaki lembut phenomena, we can't really use that to explain the tomboys, can we?
Susah-susah, we get them to marry each other and hope that the next generation turn out ok after a re-balancing of the xy's and xx's chromosomes hahaha...
PS - I remember seeing something in a medical book about vague genitalia, what our religion term as khunsa - it may be due to massive over-exposure to estrogen by the foetus in the very early days of pregnancy, when the mother wasn't aware that she was pregnant and thus was still taking her contraceptive pill. She must have missed a few days ish,ish,ish
Doc,this happened in my college.The counselor told me that there is 1 student who stay with a female students in the same house.And he act just ike them.wearing female attire etc.Suprisingly after being advise by the management n counselor he still don't want to change n remain with the female students.Wallahauallam...
Takutkan??harap2 x berlaku la kepada anak2 keturunan kita ameen...
Pardon me Kanda, I mislook on the tomboy issues of which posing the same problem as the one described in my entry. You know kanda...this I have to blame on my rusty teropong iman, I left idle for quite sometimes.
Your idea is quite interesting and for the research sake and scientific curiosity, probably it is worth some seriuous exploration. Hopefuly the outcome won't be a distorted triple X pervert. Mother earth would cry foul for years to come.
p/s: khunsa is way different from the lembut in some of their physical departments, especially the genitalia. If I'm not mistaken they are the the member of baina manzilaian - I stand to be corrected.
For non-muslims, XX and XY staying togethere is a norm. But for muslims, then it is a serious issues and need to be dealt properly by the authority. nanti subahah. Paling tidak pun langkah pertama, periksa dulu XX tu sunat ke belum...wallahuaklam.
Na'uzubillahi min zaaalik...
Sally & Xiinam,
mungkin cikgu berdua boleh berkongsi pengalaman dan cerita (first hand experience) bagaimana senario di sekolah masakini. Atau mungkin permasalahan di sinun @ peringkat itu tidaklah seberat sebagaimana dijangka?
...hahaha... macang-macang ade Doc... doh terang lagi bersuluh..!!!
sabit kate yohteh wei...
yet shockingly true
hazeleyd lady,
things are happening, sometimes without even we realised it - even if it happened right before our eyes.
Err... bila sebut pasal hormon ni..
Tak boleh ke kita bantu mereka yang lembut ni dengan beri male hormones tambahan pada mereka ? Ada pernah buat kajian tak ? Mana tahu, menjadi... lelaki sejati semula, hihi...
Kekadang Tie dan anak-anak naik keliru, tika terserempak dengan mereka ni, terutama yang berambut panjang dan 'lawa'.. selalu tersilap panggil 'kak! Adoi laa..
Dr Sam,
let us all hope and pray that these 'special' creature be blessed with knowledge and awareness of being a true man. the rulers, communities and parents need to cooperate to fix this gory situation.
masa muda2 dulu hampir mjadi mangsa cabul puak2 ni :D
kekadang lembutnya terlebih-lebihkan...diaorang ni amik buat bibik sesuai tak?
Salam DrSam :-D
Could it possibly be?... So, if that is the reason, so, in other word, a result of mutated genes? Why at this point of time I am reminded of the Theory of Natural Selection? Oh No! I hope it is not the Theory of Spontaneous Generation!!!
Salam DrSam
I wonder whether JAKIM has done anything (eg. research, programs of activities, etc) about this 'neither here nor there' group. We know that the govt has now shown greater concern for the aged, and many other 'special groups' such as matrempits, single parents, and drug addicts. When the figure becomes really alarming, may be our govt will then give more attention to the mat lembut group. Do we have the statistics? Have a nice weekend!
Salam Dr...:)
Tapi ada juga yang baik (perangai) dikalangan mereka...
akhir zaman doc...'macam-macam adaaaa'. letih kekadang tu nak pikir semua ni...dahlah otak pun 'peanut-sized'...
Dokter Seng,
I had a light debate with my buddy about she-males. I opted that 'Sarawak does produce the highest number of she-males in Malaysia'. He said, 'No, you can spot many of them in Kolumpo!'
And the debate continued. No significant conclusion finally made.
I hope our Keropoklekorland won't partake such industry.
i blame most of my stupidd mistakes on my hormones...hehe...
re: burung yang bebas terbang, jarang sempat bermimpi...
sebab itu manussiaa ada banyak masa untuk bermimpi...:-)
kalau nak tu seribu daya, cuma tuan punya badan kena berusaha lebih. Memang masalah dan janggal juga situasi bila kita tersalah sebut...err...akak...abang...silap haribulan kena baling kasut tumit kita :)
Everybody is responsible, but the parent is the one who should be more accountable.
p/s: nasib baik you masih tidak tercemar gitu :)
meamang mantap cadangan tu dalam keadaan kita dilanda masalah berurusan dengan bibik dari luar ni. Ada yang sanggup?
Mia's Mom,
Salam Mia's mom. Spontaneous combustion should be the one apply here to ensure the world is still in an equilibrium.
Salam Temuk. I am sure the authority is doing something about it - but to what extent, wallahuaklam. But one thing for sure, Malaysia is one of the hot spot for cosmetic surgery in this region and the clinic are fluroshing.
memang kejadian Allah S.W.T begitu. bermacam-macam.
salam. memang meletihkan. Letih bukan sahaja kerana memikirkan masalah keselamatan dalam negara ni, tapi kita lihat pun letih mata. Apatah lagi kalau dikejar oleh golongan in yang semakin ramai berkeliaran di K.L ni...letih kaki berlari.
Sir Pok Deng,
These group of special being can only be spotted in abundance during certain hour and at certain places. You must be at the right time and the right place to see such a calamity.
So far there is not sign of the invasion in the Keropoklekorland. What a relief!
Mood swing caused hormonal imbalance or the vice versa?
Owhh..Dr.Sam..wht a good writing..sesekali menegur..am a bit afraid to bring up tht topic.
I knows a bit of dunia lembut since i got fren with few of them.. i also got gay fren...and i know who lesb aming my fren.
Owhh..my... headache..
All of them are well perform in work and academic.. all graduated.. low class NO..NO...
dunia dah akhir zaman...
Life is beautiful lyric.
Yes...as you pointed out, there is no problem with their brain department. It is their physical and behavioral atributes that in serious question - in the eyes of us the so called the 'normal' being.
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