Actually, I first stumbled upon this place, to be exact while blog-hopping and circumnavigating the colorful-borderless Blogosphere. Some Bloggers even managed to fool me into believing that alien has already invaded our earth and set up their base in the Bolehland. Others illustrated it as some romantic place in the far land - Winter Sonata. Later I thought it was probably a different dimension far from our reality or perhaps somebody else's dreamland. But it is not. This place is for real.
So one fine cloudless night, I decided to gatecrash this place in order to see it with my own eyes. I brought along my family and it took us almost 40 minutes from our home near Subang to reach this place. Where is I-city? To be frank I was clueless as well, and could not possibly point out the exact coordinate for your GPS gadget. Google map does not recognize this as a significant place to even highlight it in their map - just like my beautiful kampung. I know it is somewhere in Shah Alam. If you know where Jakel is (the new textile shopping heaven in section 7) and the back (?) entrance of UiTM, you are less than 5 minutes away from this splendid place. At night, you couldn't miss this place as you should be able to see the magnificent glow of light from the traffic light junction of this two landmarks.
The place is still in its infancy. If properly developed and correctly tuned this place can beat any theme park in the surrounding area, anytime. This place have vast land for future development and creative innovation. One word of caution though (at least for the time being). It may not be advisable to visit this place if it is raining or during the rainy season as the place will turn into a big swampy paddy field. You may have to bring along your Wellington boot to wade through the wet-barren soil. There are a few good eateries in this place, but many shop lots are still ghostly vacant. The elevated car park is so dusty with flying minuscule clay particles so don't bother to wash your trusty jalopy prior visiting this place. It will surely get a new evenly-coated surface with a rustic but stylish soil color by the time you get to your home.
All in all, the place didn't let us down and live up to our expectation. My family enjoyed the outing very much, except they missed my attention as I was so busy trying to capture those beautiful glowing subjects with my camera. Even though it was not a weekend, the crowd was considerably big. They were not hallucinating but ecstatically joyful.
The place is still in its infancy. If properly developed and correctly tuned this place can beat any theme park in the surrounding area, anytime. This place have vast land for future development and creative innovation. One word of caution though (at least for the time being). It may not be advisable to visit this place if it is raining or during the rainy season as the place will turn into a big swampy paddy field. You may have to bring along your Wellington boot to wade through the wet-barren soil. There are a few good eateries in this place, but many shop lots are still ghostly vacant. The elevated car park is so dusty with flying minuscule clay particles so don't bother to wash your trusty jalopy prior visiting this place. It will surely get a new evenly-coated surface with a rustic but stylish soil color by the time you get to your home.
All in all, the place didn't let us down and live up to our expectation. My family enjoyed the outing very much, except they missed my attention as I was so busy trying to capture those beautiful glowing subjects with my camera. Even though it was not a weekend, the crowd was considerably big. They were not hallucinating but ecstatically joyful.

i just went there two weeks ago adn the parking was rm1. a few days ago someone told me that now the parking rate is rm10.
Hey...probably we stumbled upon each other that night. Yep...Two days after we went there, the parking sky-rocketed to RM5 (and now RM10?). apa daaaa...
siang hari parking free..hahahaha..
but hanya dapat lihat rangka!!
I'll go again. At night of coz..
cantik gambor!
masa zino datang parking 2.00 inggit.. kalau mereka jangka nak untuk dengan collect parking.. pengunjung akan lari.. sepatut mereka memikir bagaimana nak majukan lagi tempat tu.. kedai2 kebanyakkan nya kosong, gerai makan pun tak banyak.. tempat parking pun kotor.. tempat tu hidup waktu malam saje..
Dr Sam..saya tak pernah pergi lagi, walaupun boleh dikata sebulan ada 2,3 kali pi shah alam..huhu...
Salam DrSam
Dah dua kali gie , tapi gie siang hari jer ...
...hoddoou, molek angat lapu li' la'... api llang kacéé... pohong sunggoh ke tu Dr..? ke ye wat khakke je..? ambe duk brase, khakke... aci kkok pong..!
Kata orang Kiwi: Sweeeet :)
Since that was my maiden visit to the place (at night), I am not sure how it looks like during day time. But I am assuming...must be very dull!
parking memang berdebu sangat sebab bila hujan, selut lekat dekat tayar kereta dari luar. Sesak nafas. mungkin bila dah betul-betul dibangunkan dan betul-betul siap, baru o.k.
Never been at this place. Your un-biased review makes me want to visit I-City so bad.
Tak oernah pergi lawat tempat ini walaupun sebelum ini kerja di Shah Alam! :P
Namun telah dengar keindahannya daripada rakan sekerja.
Afida Anuar,
saya saspek pun, ramai yang masih tak tahu atau tak perasan ada tempat macam tu. Malah yang duduk di Shah alam sendiri pun masih ada yang tak tahu tentang i-city.
alahai...kena pergi lagi lah nampak gayanya ni.
bab lapu li' la'... api llang kacéé tu hok pinnar abis mate kita Yohteh. Kalu nok maghi sinning...hok moleknye bawok abis kaung keghabat baru beh...pokok-pokok tu seme hok lolok belake...banyok mane tau bayor bil api tuh...
Ismail Fitri,
Right on!
Sir Pok Deng,
Got light will travel sir!
aliff muhammad,
no worry. tempat tu takkan kemana pnye...(over confident je bunyi)
Open everyday Doc?Will bring my kids during holidays..thanks for the info.
Salam sahabat...
Jujurnya, saya tak tahu adanya dan tempat ini, kerap ke KL tp Shah Alam tu jarang sangat saya pegi..
dr sam... masih belum berpeluang pergi lagi...shah alam bukanya jauh sgt.. kena pergi nanti ni
hmmmm ramai org tak?
Baru minggu lepas bc entry pasal I-city ni kat blog kak NB (norhayati berahim). Masa tu tgk pun dh kagum. sekarang tgk pic Dr. lagi kagum sebab picnya semua indah dan cantik2 belaka...
nok gi etek ah pah2 ning...
nice pics, nice entry. me BW here, all the way from Nottingham UK
Bukan kacang sebarang kacang.
Kacang melilit si kayu jati.
Bukan datang sebarang datang.
Datang membawa hajat di hati.
Anak raja main congkak,
Main congkak punya pelan ,
Boleh saya tumpang bertanya,
salam dihulur tanda persahabatan,
Kami DAtang Ziarah Blog Anda
Salam kunjungan salam ziarah…. Thanks kerana berkongsi story pada kami. Salam sebuah persahabatan salam satu perkenalan dari blog kami... Moga kami mendapat maklum balas dan respont yang baik dari blog anda...
kalau parking tu free alangkan bagusnya ye... belum pernah ada peluang gi lawat i-city ni lah... ade keinginan gak
Salam Dr Sam,
Saya duduk di seksyen 3 Shah Alam dan dah 3 kali ke ICT Shah Alam, dan tak pernah perlu membayar tiket. Rasanya mungkin kena tanya juga pada pemungut tiket tu, ada otoriti nak kutip ke tak. Saya pernah bertekak dengan seorang pemungut tiket di Stadium Shah Alam yang meminta saya membayar tiket untuk masuk sempena karnival Metrojaya, sedangkan selalunya bila saya nak menonton bola sepak, tak perlu bayar parking.Walaupun tiket cuma RM2 sekali masuk, saya tetap tak mau bayar, unless mereka tunjukkan saya kad kuasa untuk kutip bayaran parking.Mungkin orang kata RM2 pun nak berkira, but for me, still, if u are not authorized to collect, its illegal. Budak parking tu siap ugut saya kata "akak ni nak bayar ke tak nak? Kalau tak nak, blahlah! Tapi, siaplah kau", tapi saya still tak nak bayar. Last-last dia lepaskan aje saya masuk. Sekadar peringatan kepada semua. Zaman sekarang banyak orang suka buat untung percuma. Tapi tak taulah kalau memang betul dah dikenakan bayaran parking di I- City. Ada juga saya dengar khabar2 mengatakan nak dikenakan bayaran masuk, tapi tak pula dengar dikenakan bayaran parking.
Anyway,I-City memang fantastic. Masa saya datang awal2 dulu, tak ada lagi yang lampu-lampu tanglung tu, but still saya rasa macam Alice in wonderland sewaktu berjalan antara pokok2 berlampu tu.. rasa tak percaya pun ada.. tetapi itulah kelebihan yang Allah beri pada manusia yang berakal. Subhanallah..:D cantiknya!!! Tak rugi pergi banyak kali. Tapi kalau malam minggu, memang sesak sangat dengan pengunjung.. jem dari simpang masuk di seksyen 7. Malam tadi, jam 11 malam masih sesak lagi. So, kalau nak berkunjung, datanglah pada hari-hari biasa. Sekadar pesanan. :D
wow! this is beautiful :) i haven't been there, someday i hope :)
hmmmm..u are so gooooood in making anything sounds so nice and convincing.Those pictures are awesome. Next visit to KL, its a must visit spot eh..
madam gold,
Not quite sure myself. But I suppose this place should be open all the time as it is a actually a commercial area. Good place for a school holiday visit.
Abd Razak,
Salam sahabat. Inyaallah jika ada kelapangan, boleh kesana suatu hari. Dari K. Lumpur melalui Federal Highway paling senang.
Hari minggu saya rasa paling ramai. Hari yang saya pergi tu walaupun malam hari bekerja, rakyat jelata yang datang pun ramai juga. nak keluar parking pukul 11 malam pun jem.
pergi jangan tak pergi :)
mama zharfan,
Good to have you here and nice of you to leave a comment. We share and we learn from each other. Have a nice day. TQ
Kacang rebus sedap rasanya
tambah enak dimakan bersama
selamat datang pintu dibuka
salam ku sambut ukhuwah diterima
Salam Hani. memang tegas peguam kita ni. kebenaran perlu ditegakkan. Ada benar kenyataan Hani. Saya perhatikan ketika ingin memasuki i-city, yang kutip duit untuk kita parking kereta tu pun cuma pacak payung kat tepi jalan masuk aje. entah ye entah tidak dia tu pekerja sebenar, kita pun tidak ambil pot. salah sendiri :)
Faisal Admar,
Another interesting spot for you to visit if you come to K.L.
Yes...I think this place can become another good attraction for tourist (local and abroad) to come to Shah Alam. Mungkin bulan posa ni kurang lah sikit pelawat kot...
Salam DrSam,
dah lama teringin nak ke mari, tapi tak juga sampai-sampai.
menarik dan cantik.
Salam DrSam,
belum berkesempata pergi w/pun teringin...
"Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa dgn sempurna. Semoga segala amalan dan doa diterima-Nya"
oh ya,
selamat menjalani ibadat berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan.
catz miow
Kami DAtang Ziarah Blog Anda
thanks for balas pantun ni... thanks againt...
yupppp suatu hari nanti akan aku sampai kesana jua... hahhhh eeemmm kalau dah pacak payung kat pintu parking tu alamatnya kena bayarrr lah ye
ckLah belum sampai ke situ....
**Selamat menyambut Ramadhan...dan maafkan segala salah silap cklah
wah.. cantik-cantiknya gambar yang dr sam ambil ni..
saya belum berpeluang ke sini..
bile tengok gambar yang dr sam ambil ni.. terus rasa nak pegi..
Salam catz. Insyaallah. Dari Bangi bukannya jauh sangat tu. Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Catz.
Salam piewahid. Sama-sama kita menghidupkan Ramadhan almubarak kali ini.
nampak gayanya memang kena bayar le parking di tempat tu. Cuma jarak payung tukang jaga parking tu kat tengah jalan raya jauh dari car park. itu yang was-was tu.
Insyaallah jika ada ruang dan masa.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-mubarak buat ckLah sekeluarga.
helo je erieq...mesti cepat je dia bawa ann ke sana :)
Doc, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. Looking at the pics, it's beautiful. However, during day time, the plastic structures are such a put-off. I somehow don't like things that are not natural.
Ass-salam Doc
Long time no news...
Here i am wishing you a joyous Hari raya.
Happy always
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