"does size matter dad - I mean with bigger power-tool my baby will become more chubby?"
"will I get pregnant if I share a swimming pool with boys mom?"
"If I borrow and wear my friend's underwear last night, would I contract STD next week dad?"
"When I grow up, can I raise my baby in a test-tube mom?
The unthinkable list of confusion can goes on and on. Those sort of innocent questions one way or another might some day haunt the unsuspecting parents. However, it is probably better be caught off guard rather than to be caught with our pants down... for sure. Like it or not, we just have to accept the fact that sex is not the subject whispered in the kelambu anymore.
Youngsters these days are more informed and well educated than us when we were at their juvenile age. Information is easily available over a cup of tea-tarik in a wifi-free kopitiam or in the comfort of their room. They are not easily contented with shooting aliens on their PlayStation anymore. Kids by nature are very curious and curiosity normally kills the cat. Internet explosion has given them abundance of choices and its all free, so much so they become very confused and disillusioned.
Sex education in a classroom is like eating satay and dip them with cencalok as the sauce. Or even worst - eating satay with cencalok and flush it down with a jug of tea boosted with super-potent tongkat ali. A total mismatch. By bringing this sensitive subject into the classroom and lifting the veil of this big taboo subject the schools are now facing with a totally new set of game to deal with. I remember during my early exposure with this subject at school, blushing teachers occasionally skimmed over reproductive system in class. Thus leaving us even more curious.
The intention is noble - to curb social ills, Internet pornography, abstaining from pre-marital sex, sanctity of marriage, incest, sexual abuses and harassment, unwed mothers, unwanted babies, be more respectful of gender and sexuality, to respect our bodies and one another, and probably at the end en masse castration of pupils at school. This subject if poorly implemented with no proper syllabus or well structured course ( and monitoring) this will backfire. Students for example armed with the knowledge of contraceptive might be more daring and confidence in experimenting with each other thus committing immoral activities freely. With the popular love-birds' motto 'if you love me, let's do it', thing could even get much nastier than one's thought .
When everything in place, teachers might have to take liability insurance just to cover themselves from being sued by horny parents who could not possibly think with their head anymore and believe that their kids are now turned into a celibate. That is another issue.
You know what. I got a brilliant idea. In addition to teaching sex education in school, why not teach parents too. Teach parents to teach their children at home. I would love to go back to school and learn this exciting subject. It can be a very refreshing experience indeed.
Personally I believed the best way for us, the mortals to handle this prickly issue is by going back to the basic. Our religion. Sex education has been readily discussed and taught in Islam (sleep separately when children baligh reaching the age of 7, women should properly covered etc.) Strengthening the family institution as the core value is also some thing that need to be addressed as well. Most parents neglect this responsibility and left the school to handle.
I genuinely do have concerns over this whole kinky scenario, none of which have anything to do with sex education in our court regarding sodo-mee or semen tainted love-bed of which Bolehland reporters faithfully reported in such lurid details usually reserved in specialty magazines abroad. My main worry is that our kids will be overdosed with pheromone and not knowing how to deal with it. This could be a potentially dangerous predicament.
As the sign of judgement day becomes clearer, you don't be surprised one day not far in the future you might find some parents named their kid with Mat Siphilis or Mek skrotum.
Youngsters these days are more informed and well educated than us when we were at their juvenile age. Information is easily available over a cup of tea-tarik in a wifi-free kopitiam or in the comfort of their room. They are not easily contented with shooting aliens on their PlayStation anymore. Kids by nature are very curious and curiosity normally kills the cat. Internet explosion has given them abundance of choices and its all free, so much so they become very confused and disillusioned.
Sex education in a classroom is like eating satay and dip them with cencalok as the sauce. Or even worst - eating satay with cencalok and flush it down with a jug of tea boosted with super-potent tongkat ali. A total mismatch. By bringing this sensitive subject into the classroom and lifting the veil of this big taboo subject the schools are now facing with a totally new set of game to deal with. I remember during my early exposure with this subject at school, blushing teachers occasionally skimmed over reproductive system in class. Thus leaving us even more curious.
The intention is noble - to curb social ills, Internet pornography, abstaining from pre-marital sex, sanctity of marriage, incest, sexual abuses and harassment, unwed mothers, unwanted babies, be more respectful of gender and sexuality, to respect our bodies and one another, and probably at the end en masse castration of pupils at school. This subject if poorly implemented with no proper syllabus or well structured course ( and monitoring) this will backfire. Students for example armed with the knowledge of contraceptive might be more daring and confidence in experimenting with each other thus committing immoral activities freely. With the popular love-birds' motto 'if you love me, let's do it', thing could even get much nastier than one's thought .
When everything in place, teachers might have to take liability insurance just to cover themselves from being sued by horny parents who could not possibly think with their head anymore and believe that their kids are now turned into a celibate. That is another issue.
You know what. I got a brilliant idea. In addition to teaching sex education in school, why not teach parents too. Teach parents to teach their children at home. I would love to go back to school and learn this exciting subject. It can be a very refreshing experience indeed.
Personally I believed the best way for us, the mortals to handle this prickly issue is by going back to the basic. Our religion. Sex education has been readily discussed and taught in Islam (sleep separately when children baligh reaching the age of 7, women should properly covered etc.) Strengthening the family institution as the core value is also some thing that need to be addressed as well. Most parents neglect this responsibility and left the school to handle.
I genuinely do have concerns over this whole kinky scenario, none of which have anything to do with sex education in our court regarding sodo-mee or semen tainted love-bed of which Bolehland reporters faithfully reported in such lurid details usually reserved in specialty magazines abroad. My main worry is that our kids will be overdosed with pheromone and not knowing how to deal with it. This could be a potentially dangerous predicament.
As the sign of judgement day becomes clearer, you don't be surprised one day not far in the future you might find some parents named their kid with Mat Siphilis or Mek skrotum.
Pendidikan Seks!!!! wajarkah ia dimatapelajarankan....
ajar mak bapak untuk ajar anak ghitewww.. where got time maa.. uhuhu
budaya kita pendidikan seks tidak diajar secara terbuka tetapi di sekolah disisipkan dalam mata pelajaran tertentu seperti pendidikan islam dan moral..
tetapi bagus cadangan untuk melatih ibu bapa tentang pengajaran seks kepada anak-anak kerana ibu bapa umumnya berasa malu dan tak tahu pendekatan yang sesuai..
pendidikan seks atau apa-apa jenis pendidikan sekali pun tidak seharusnya disempitkan oleh ruang lingkup bilik kelas sahaja.
zaman P.Ramlee ada kelas dewasa. Ramai ibubapa yang masih keliru...alif ya mim jadi buaya.
penjejak maya,
Banyak tanggungjawab guru/cikgu/pendidik ni. Kekadang tu, tanggungjawab sebagai ibubapa pun terpaksa dipikul juga.
Usaha yang baik, dengan niat yang murni memang patut disokong. Perlaksanaannya pun perlu bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak hangat-hangat tahi ayam (atau ada niat lain)
Berharap agar pendidikan seks itu menjauhkan manusia dari zina atau tabiat yang tidak sepatutnya ada pada manusia...di samping semua muslim jangan menghampiri zina
dalam silibus biology semmgnya ada topic 'Reproduction'..kiranya ada jualah sedikit info penddkan seks tu..
yang mana satu2nya topic yang ditunggu2 pelajar...msg2 bersemangat jek..aduhaii..:)
Even the hard-core educationists are of two mind about sex education in school thingy..
I think only with strong foundation of religion can the school children handle the desire.. but then some religous adults were found to be inadequate to handle the desire..
Hoping that with some knowledge, especially on the consequence.. we can reduce the zina, rogol etc..
Uh .. very tough one here..
lama tak jenguk kat blog dr sam!
menarik entri ini!
bagi saya budak2 ni kena bagi diorang faham, apa itu sex, at least asas nya kena tahu..
jgn tunggu mereka eksperimen sendiri dengan cara tak betul! no no no!
dan penting sangat perlu ada asas agama dalam diri! yaa.. itu penting! supaya mereka ada benteng dalam diri mereka!
Ish... mungkinkah budak-budak tu akan tanya gitu ? Err... seram pulak.
Kalau diajar secara dalam subject science sebagai ilmu kejadian manusia, boleh kan..dan diselitkan juga dalam subject moral dan agama.. Cuma anak-anak ni berbeza penerimaan masing-masing. Ada yang matang, tapi ada yang agak 'nakal'. Susah wey, nak didik budak-budak yang suka mencuba ni...
betul betul betul, go back to basics, saya sokong... orang yang cadang sex education in school tak pernah letak dirinya sebagai seorang cikgu yang kena mengajar, mungkin cikgu nangis dulu nak masuk kelas!
kena didik elok2 la kot..
tak semua yg diajar kena practical
berat la kalau camtue
Salam Doc,
Parents back to school??I definitely agree with you.When my students did something wrong at School, I always said to them..ei mak bapak ko orang tak ajar ke..
Then they will say mak bapak kita orang tak kisah pun,cikgu sibuk apa sal???
I suppose parents need to acquire all the ilmus of parenting to curb this social problem among kids..
Budak-budak sekarang, dah terlebih advance..informasi di hujung jari katakan..
apa pun, jika pendidikan seks bisa menjauhkan zina, seperti komen saudara abdul razak, saya sokong!!.. cuma jangan nanti ada budak2 lepas belajar pergi praktik sudah la..seriau jugak tu..
salam doktor,
secara peribadi saya berpendapat, pendidikan seks memang perlu.
ianya mjadi taboo bila masyarakat memikirkan pendidikan seks dlm skop yg sempit.
agaknya mereka sentiasa fikir ianya hanya untuk mengajar cara2 untuk mengelakkan hamil apabila melakukan seks semata2.
wallahu a'lam!
itulah susahnya doc, patut bila makin 'moden' things should become easier & simpler. skrg mak-bapak lebih byk 'melayan' anak dr mendidik...itu yg anak-remaja skrg byk yg 'lorat'. zaman saya (about 20-25 years ago - masa remaja dulu) takde pun dengar penyakit remaja bermasalah cam skrg. my humble 2-cent words...jom balik pd agama...samada anak atau mak-bapak.
...bbolo' wwo' abih doh akhir zamang ni
...setuju sangatlah, balik kepada petunjuk agama...
Salam DrSam :-D
I agree that in every matter we have to go back to the basic - our religion. There is a lot of problems that could be settled only if people take more interest in being more readily submit to strengthen their basic knowledge - because in it, there is a lot of wisdom.
asas agama itu yg penting. kalau asasnya berakar umbi tunjang dan kuat, insyaallah anak2 pasti tidak menyimpang. doa ibu bapa juga penting di samping tawakkal.
Bila ada sahaja masalah maka berbagai idea akan dikeluarkan mengikut logik akan dan akhirnya apabila dilaksanakan akan gagal dan terpaksa fikirkan pulak cara lain. Sampai bila....
Cara untuk selesaikan semua masalah tak lah susah sangat hanya perlu kembali kepada Allah dan ikut cara yang telah Allah tunjukkan melalui A-Quran dan Hadith pasti manusia akan mendapat bantuan dari Allah untuk selesaikan masalah yg manusia sedang hadapi.
Abd Razak,
Salam sdr. Dunia akhir zaman menonjolkan begitu banyak sekali tanda-tanda serta dalil, yang dengan selamba rock tidak diambil peduli oleh umat Islam. Maksiat berlaku terang-terangan. Mungkin kita sebagai umat yang perihatin boleh memainkan peranan, tak besar pun kecil tapi berkesan di dalam menangani kesongsangan hidup yang menyimpang jauh dari agama.
Pn Kartini,
Salam pn. Tidak dinafikan guru-guru alaf baru ni dibebankan dengan tanggungjawab yang besar. Penyampaian yang berhemat (fatonah) perlu dipraktikkan agar ilmu-ilmu sensitif ini sampai dan dihayati dengan betul oleh anak bangsa kita
Wan Shariff,
Salam ayoh wang. As I clearly pointed out, let's us go back and refer to the Al-quran and Sunnah. In fact, in almost anything. Selamat dunia akhirat.
Itu yang merungsingkan. Bebudak dulu dan bebudak sekarang memang banyak beza. Paling ketara tahap kematangan. Jadi pendekatan yang setanding dan setara dengan tahap mentaliti bebudak sekarang ini perlu ditala dengan baik oleh kita semua.
harap-harap begitu le. kalau nak bereksperimenpun bior le bertempat.
cikgu-cikgi memang dibebankan dengan banyak tanggungjawab, terutama berhadapan dengan anak-anak alaf baru ni. bagi penggubal sistem pendidikan negara, tersangatlah afdalnya jika dapat turun padang dan menyelami suasana sebenar persekolahan sekarang serta berganding dengan guru-guru, sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan. kalau setakat main teori aje, pakcik kat wakaf main dam pun boleh buat, malah lebih terer :)
berat, memang berat. Saya percaya buat cikgu-cikgi alaf baru ni, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.
madam gold,
salam madam. I hope you are coping well with the students at your school. I need not emphasize more on the important of family upbringin and parents responsibility towards their children. Many social ills these days happened because our family instituion break down, thus leaving the teachers to shoulder the responsibility. That needs to be changed.
Afida anuar,
cabarang dan dugaan yang dihadapai bukan sahaja oleh ibu bapa dan guru-turu, malah kita semua yang berakal normal ni semakin mencabar. Dengan pendedahan yang tiada batasan (media barat dan tempatan, internet, media massa, pergaulan sekeleling dsb) dan juga niat anasir-anasir jahat yang semakin berleluasa menyongsangkan fikiran umat islam, usaha yang lebih gigih diperlukan kita sama-sama menangani isu penting ini.
memang pendidikan seks perlu. cuma cara dan penyampaiannya perlu diperhalusi.
betul tu nahmy. kekadang tu sebagai ibubapa pun terikut-ikut dengan rentak dan kemahuan anak-anak kita.
kalu dok mmikir sangat hal ning yohteh, jadi mussing palle. Harap-harap gitu le, balik semula ke Agama hok syumul...
Mia's mom,
Salam sis. I couldn't agree more. Back to the basic, seek the guidance and embrace whatever wisdom that has been 'rewarded' to us. Everything is there all this while. Just put more effort, pay more attention and tawakkal.
memang itu yang kita harapkan. semoga selamat dunia akhirat.
selalunya itu yang menjadi masalah. Logik akal yang tidak bersandarkan nas-nas dan hadis serta sunnah yang betul...songsang jadinya. Masalah yang menimpa merupakan cubaan dan dugaan oleh Yang Mencipta. Itu 'assingment' kita dariNya. Siapa yang dapat menyelesaikan setiap 'assingment' dengan baik berpandukan rujukan yang betul, insyaallah rahmah Allah balasannya.
pendidikan Seks bagi saya perlu bagi kanak kanak tapi mesti kena pada caranya lah..yang jadi problem bila Cikgu sendiri pun tak reti nak deliver that message sampai bebudak silap tafsir..
setuju dengan dr.sam,back to basic..agama kita dah taught us everything..praktikkan macam quran kata dan Insya Allah ibu bapa tkkan hadapi kesukaran untuk membendung masalah seks bebas..
satu lagi bagi saya pokok pangkalnya kerajaan jugak kena ambik serius mender ni..kalau tak kes buang bayi kat mana mana ceruk macam takder hati perut still akan berleluasa..bukan peringkat sekolah jer,peringkat university lagi lah maha dashyat..
Pasang re tweet button cuba cara ni http://ilmucipta.blogspot.com/2010/08/pasang-button-re-tweet-untuk-blogspot.html
dalam hal ini semua mesti memainkan peranan masing-masing dengan baik dan bersungguh-sungguh. Anak-anak sekarang bakal pemimpin masa depan negara. kena didik dengan betul.
mantap bro. thank you. ada masa (aku ada masa aje) aku belanja kau sate mengimbau nostalgia lampau.
Harap-harap mata-pelajaran ini tidak memerlukan modul praktikal... hehe
ooops mungkin raktikal harus diwajibkan untuk syllabus khusus-parents sebagai homework :DDDD
Cayalah kanda. mesti ramai yang ingin masuk kelas dewasa kat sekolah kalu lagu ni punya modus operandi syllabus baru tu nanti.... agaknya :)
i watched this sex education in TV and it personally it worth watch. it's not about sex semata2, but on how to have a safe sex, implication of this and that etc.
but being malaysian, i dont think it's appropriate to have such tv programme in malaysia. it's good tho, tapi tulah, our culture kan.
Curiosity killed the cat.
in our Bolehland actually there are actually not very hard to watch those type of educational programs, if you know how to look for it.
Sir Pok Deng,
Spot on Sir! Noted with thank.
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