I spent several years in this small city, in the northern part of the UK, The city of Durham, Land of the Geordie and big castles. A small city off the M1, used to be a coal mining territory not so long ago. We can still smell the strong and hard stench of coal fuming out from the chimneys if we stray a bit further into the many remote and scenic villages scattered along the valley.
Whether I was too smart or it was just a pure luck, I actually got several calling from the Alma maters over there and across the continent. I didn't fancy to go to the cheese and tulip land simply because cheese is not my staple food and i was too worried that the Dutch soil will be submerged under the water in no time. Even though Durham was not in my dictionary at that time and I have to search the globe for it (mr google was not invented yet that time), it became my playing ground for four splendid years later on. And other Alma maters have really turned me off as the name of my supervisors-to-be didn't sound much like a British at all. No point going over there, spending 12 hours in a plane and what you got was merely immigrants who have just got his/her permanent resident status. Vepeenikee or Veyenthomou...what the heck. I think "karipap" sounds much better than that. hiiiii..hiiiii (with a devilish smile).
So I chosed Durham not because her university is the third oldest university after Oxford and Cambridge, but obviously because Prof. Nick Harris sound very much close to the fish and chip and he did mentioned earlier that his favourite movie were "Mind your language" and "The Benny Hill show". A true Englishman. Such a nice mentor and a good friend at the same time. He was very accommodating and I felt very honored to have that golden opportunity, spending many hours in laboratories which resembled much like a dark dungeon, trying to figure out why the cells in the plants didn't evolved into a human limb. We almost had a breakthrough if not for my sponsor sending a warning letter to cut my scholarship for having my honeymoon too long over there. Hey..how come I didn't have any photo of him. Bugger!
One thing I noticed over the years was how nice the locals treated us as a foreigner and at the same time respecting the difference in our belief. We made many friends along the way and whenever we did something or buy something "thank you love" or "thank you dear" is just a norm with a big and sincere smile in their faces. People will give ways to the elderly and parents with small children. This is something that I missed in our own society, so much so for a "masyarakat bersopan santun dan berbudi bahasa". And in that far land, Zebra crossing is not for a zebra to cross you big head!- for crying out loud.
p/s: this observation was however only apply in places where local (read = British) is the majority. And I hate big cities for that very obvious reason, London included. It sucks!

Angel of the North is the icon of Gateshead, a small city in the northern part of Durham. As the name suggest, it is a steel sculpture of an angel, 66 ft tall that was erected in 1998. This photo was taken during my experiment with my newly bought 16mm fisheye lense.
Durham market square where the bronze Statue of the 3rd Marquess of Londonderr in the background. Every saturday morning this place becomes very lively with people selling their local produces.

We seldom hear 'our people' say TERIMA KASIH as if the word is too precious to be spelt out.
Yes, wonder where the 'sopan santun' is..?
angel brought me through...
a very nice blog!
you have a good writing skill. keep it up..
i am following you sam! hahahha
by the way... do drop in to my little archive shall you have time..
no obligations!
Salam BEiB,
Yes, that really saddened me. Do not now what and where goes wrong in our society.
salam cabaikering,
thanks for dropping by. It was good to see you are fallen from the sky with the angel.
Blogging is part of my effort to sharpen my writing skill. Still learning like others as well.
You follow me, I follow you. Pas de probleme :)
no more 2 say..
the great photo..
luck bro..
syoknye dok sana ek..bila la aku nak mai sana..hehe
bro M1 luton dah siap lum? hehehehe
canteknyeeeeeee tmpt2 neyh!!!!nk jugak pegi!
tunggu sihat untuk kembali ke ganu. boleh memburu sekali.
mintak che abe beli tiket. bonus dah dapat tu.
ab geldolfg,
what happen to the M1? lama dah tak kesana.
kalau pergi sana jangan pergi secret-secretly :)
i love the benny hill show. it was wacky. oh i love to go to UK, one day soon. been to auckland city, n love it there but still malaysia is in my heart.
i dont know why but i really tak suka org yg tak ucap terima kasih bila perlu. damn rude isnt it.
Happy New Year 2009...
"my honeymoon in the land of fish n chips" --- :)
Yes, benny hill was so hilarious.
Happy New year to you too.
dr sam banyak berjalan luas pandangan... caya la lu bro
dpt info tempat oversea nak pegi
tak dpat la kot...
like seriously..i like your language. not exactly the way you write, but the fact that it's comprehensible and friendly. *^^* happy new year to you!
selalu menginsafi diri pabila melihat kepelbagaian ragam manusia.
Hanna J. Potter,
Thanks Hanna and glad that you like it. Happy new year to you too.
Hey bro. seriously you are very good in writing, I like the way you write...(in a serious face).
After reading your post, i miss my university days very much, those days are the colorful days of my life which contained the most beautiful and joyful moments. I wish i can go back to those good times one day.
Have a joyful day and get well soon.
TQ (blushing pink :)
vasrity days...priceless moment. Happy days. (now singing "hello sunshine goodbye blues")
Now my back getting better. Thanks.
cop! first the title make me horny.
like the too smart part. a doctor should be too smart don't you think? after all, who can possibly debate over a doctor? i won't risk my life haha. btw, i love tulip :P it is simply true love. i know it doesn't has good smell like rose :P
how i wish my supervisor got british accent :P i just thin the accent is sexy lol. hey! sexy accent is not obscene :P
what is that? Vepeenikee or Veyenthomou? sounds so new castle :P
hehe about the lab thingy you sound like harry potter :D like that part...
love and dear sound so scottish. i got a friend from there once upon a time ;)
i love the pictures! angel of the north? aik macam dalam blog danial ma! love it! sexy tau :P
Ahaha. Y'know, 'Karipap' was what my 'fellow schoolmates' called me back in primary school. They couldn't say my name properly and thought Karipap was cute and funny. So the name got stuck. Apa la dey... Hehe.
hai...i like ur blog.
make ur colourfull life.
While having that feeling, it is not advisable to date your GF. Pity that girl if you do so :)
haaa.haaa..didn't know people will call others with such a name. But it sounds nice though.
TQ. we paint our life to be that colorful. Hope yours is as colorful as well.
yeah...uni days were the best of times...really missed fish n chips...n top of the pops...eastenders and neighbours...huhuhu...lousy weather isn't it?... :-)
Once we have a very wet summer . One whole summer it was raining. nothing much to do except watching our favorite TV sitcoms.
salam..wahhh...remind me old good days...dont get me wrong..Malaysia still in my heart.. but really my journey to that far land changed myself to become more civic in person. So are you on medical leave bro?
Salam, I got here via Mummy Rokiah, I think. Your walk down memory lane in Durham is indeed interesting, never been there myself but i have certainly read about its beauty.
Alas, it makes London sound so dull. and perhaps it is.
lama menghilang. thought you are busy with your literature rev.
yes, now I am on medical leave. until next week.
Hope time will heal.
Salam Kak Teh,
Welcome to my blog. Perhaps I am not a metropolitan-type of person. Cozy, quiet and scenic environment is probably my choice.
'Zebra crossing is for zebra to cross'
...he he he..
padan la orang berkereta kat sini tak berhenti kat zebra-crossing..sebab tak dak zebra yang nak cross!!
oh..baru perasan hmm medical leave yer?
Sakit belakang?
Slip disc??
Semoga cepat sembuh..InsyaAllah.
Gambar2 kat blog you memang very nice..
Thank you for sharing them with us.
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