I walked to school everyday. Almost all my friends walked to school as well. It was fun. On one of the bad days though, while walking to the school, the latch will just snapped open, throwing everything inside the bag onto the open road for everyone to see your precious treasure. And it contained just about everything from my exercise books, the stationary, my favorite comics (among other were Bujal and Wak segan) and also my lunch pack. If it was raining a day earlier, everything that fell into the puddle will look more or less like bubur asyura.

Nowadays, our kids have so many bags to carry to their schools. One for their primary school, one for their religious school and one or two more bags for their tuition classes. The bag weigh many kilos too, by the time they reach their puberty, their back will look similar to the hunchback of Notre Dame. If you have many kids, then I am not surprised to see their study room will resemble a store full of bags.
With so many bags around, you'll never know what to expect or find if you peek into one of those bags. Once in a while the parent should do just that. Have a peek into their bags. I just found out recently that in one of my kids' bag there were several scrap books and they were full with sketches similar to these ones. I found some interesting but yet peculiar sketches in one of my second son's bag. It was very interesting to note that my second son has started to show sketching skills since he was about four or five and this was evidence on the walls of my house. Never mind about that, since I don't have to pay a single cent and yet the interior designing has been taken care off by my second son. What more interesting was, he managed to sell few of his collection to his peers. What a good combination. Creativity plus entrepeneurship skill.

I must confess at this point , when I was at their age, If I wasn't playing with friends, I will spend almost every evening watching cartoons. Especially the English one. I realized later on, apart from reading comics and books (of which sharpened my writing skill) my command of English getting better and better the more I indulged myself with this obsession. It was hard those days when almost all of your keropok-lekor peers who did not converse in English and you want to practice that language at the same time. It became more difficult because I did not attend ordinary school, but Arabic school (in my hometown, sekolah arab = sekolah agama) which did not emphasize much on English subject. I attended Arabic school and then the Arabic college until I was seventeen. Why didn't I became an Ustaz then? That was another interesting story though :)
Even today I am not ashamed to admit that I still fancy watching the many cartoon shows on TV, especially the Japanese anime. As for now, I am trying to learn and pick up the Japanese language as my other foreign language. Just for fun. We'll see.
tgk ktun..buat mnda jadi krtif
ab geldof,
setuju sangat.
mmg kan..beg drg lagi beso ek dr dorang..hehe
Salam Dr..
Hmmm betul kata2 dr tu, seronok baca..dan dalam dunia pendidikan pun cikgu2 digalakan menggunakan kartun sebagai set induksi dan meransang minda pelajar berfikir..
dr Sam...i luv katun very much....hihihi....
katun ni byk bentuk minda kita kpd new things yg kita tak terfkr...
kan cam katun....
men redah ajeeee......
Moshi moshi Dr Sam!
Ogenkideska? Puspa pun ada beg kotak mcm tu, takut asik terbukak je, puspa pun kunci latch tu, tapi yang harunya kunci tu pulak asik je terlupa letak..
Like your story...cheers doc!
dr sam..saya pun masih layan cartoon lagi...kalau astro chanel 715..jepun mari...
tapi tgk je..tak belajar apa2 pun
saya tak suka kartun...entah knp...tapi kdg tgk jugak...saya tgk detectif conan...mcm mengajar cara berfikir yg kreatif..masa dia duk siasat2 jenayah tu...hahahaha..tuh je yg saya suka tgk....ops..previously suka sinchan....hhahahha..
btw,org yg suka tgk kartun..lukis kartun...kreatif katanyaaa..
Kids have to play to be smart. Let the Picasso and Vincent to be draw... I used to love drawing human figures but now I am more focused on drawing trees... dying trees that are barren. Why do people want to send their kids to Arab Schools? Not that we speak arabic here in malaysia.
ha..ha...memang betul. kesian pun ada.
saya yakin dengan cikgu yang berjiwa kreatif macam you, pasti murid akan bersemangat dan ada motivasi tinggi. untung sekolah you.
Otak kartun...kadang-kadang berguna juga bila hendak menyelesaikan masalah diluar norma(lateral thinking)
paling best Samurai X, bahasa Jepun hero dia guna bahasa yg anggun.
sama-sama tengok detektif conan dengan anak-anak. jadi aktiviti keluarga plak :)
I like drawing too but didn't find my talent there. Now I am drawing with light (photography).
In my place they called "sekolah agama" as "sekolah arab" as we were taught in Arabic.
Still could not get into your blog. it seemed that you've disabled your profile. could you give your blog address pls.
a'kum Dr Sam
cantik lukisan saper lukis..:)
beg sekolah budak2 sekarang ni lebih besar dari tuan... heheheh.... kadang2 kesian tegok budak2 tu bwk beg yg besar lagi berat... heheheh..:)
wsm bro fahmi,
lukisan tangan anak kedua. memang betul. kadang-kadang tu, tengok dia orang bukan pikul lagi beg tu, main seret aja dah. sebab tu tak sampai setahun dah kena tukar beg lagi.
salam doc...
aku dulu pun jalan kaki ke sekolah...lalu ikut kebun getah...dari std 1 sampai form 5...
now, i walk in the evening...if I have time after work...sort of my 'alone time' plus my keep fit time...hehehe 2 dlm 1...
Salam DrSam,
Yep agreed 100%..with cartoon gak our life more interesting kan.. plus make us feeling young everyday :P hehehehe
aiseh...walk with me babe..
dulu kat ofis aku pun ada kelab jalan-jalan tu. tapi tak tahan sebab nyamuk kat kebun getah banyak.
Sekadar mengingatkan. Amalkan doa ini.
Dari Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286, bermaksud;
"Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami melakukan kesalahan. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebani kami dengan beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tidak sanggup kami memikulnya. Maafkanlah kami, ampunilah kami, dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Pelindung kami, maka tolonglah kami menghadapi orang-orang kafir".
long time ago - eat..drink...sleep...and tonnes of cartoons.
salam ziarah dan ukhuwah. Doa yang bagus untuk dikongsi bersama. afwan ya akhi.
salam drsam...
thanks sudi drop comment di blog sri
jemput amik award ok
salam kenal
Setuju dengan DrSam. Bebudak sekarang tak merasa fesyen gantung tali beg silang kat dahi bawa buku ke sekolah.
Hey Bro. congrats to you have such a talented son, very creative indeed so beautiful, like father like son ya!!
I am also impressed that you actually study in Agama school which not emphasize much on English, mind to share your secret how could you master the English language so well???
I like Pink Panther
Hmmm..zaman da berubah..sometimes i pity our kids..they missed so much fun of being a kid..pegi skola..beg mcm nak pegi buat haji..after school..xtra classes..mlm..tuition classes..even on weekends hv to attend classes..during my time..( our time ?? )life was much simpler n happier..
drsam..nk tao tak..sye lau blek umah suke aa geledah beg adek2..
eEeEeE..sgt mengerikannnnn.
ade kueh karipap dlm plastik yg sudah bercendawan.uh!
sekarang sudah serik.
lau ape2,i told em,kemas beg korang dulu before uya tgok.kang uya ninggal sbb terkejut kang..hahaha
psl melukes tuh..sgt suke tgok buku2 dorg..mesti ade katun pelek2..ske sgtt,sbb tu sume jujur dri pkiran dorg.cmpur pulak bile dorang wat ucpn ayat2 yg skema tp sgt tacing.huu..
terimakasih banyak-banyak. salam ukhuwah.
ha..ha..beg galas tapi galas pakai kepala. ada lagi ke bebudak buat macam tu? sure patah tengkuk kot.
TQ. I will share the story later.
hidup KOKA,
showing now on TV. the original Pink Panther.
pity the kids and also the teachers. Both have to work harder these days. Tq teacher!
Wow kreatif adek2 you. projek bela cendawan dia orang menjadi lah.
tringat zaman mudo2 dulu...lolz...
anyway DrSam..thx 4 dropping by...
salam bloggers...
zaman comot.
Your bag 'reminds' me of mine :)
Now these kind of bags (beg kotak) are pretty expensive due to their vintage value :) (hence, that shows that we're as vintage as the bags :).
Cartoons? I'm into classic ones like Donald Duck & the 'gang'
Good luck with your Japanese classes :)
Saw similar one in the antique shop. yes you are rite, we are a vintage now!
A'ah, naper Dr tak jadi ustaz eh? hihi..minat ke arah lain yew =)
Beg kotak yang macam abang n abg. G ada satu sorang tu ker???
Yelah, naper abang tak jadi ustaz erk???kan impian ayah nak anak lelaki jadi ustaz tu???
**BTW, 2 ari lepas tangan ayah kena mesin yang ketam kayu tuh...kebetulan masa tu tak guna sarung tangan...so far dah ok dah...letak minyak kambing gurun!
Jadi ker balik CNY nanti?
ketentuan Ilahi begitu. sebab musababnya nanti saya buat story.
Ya. Ada lagi ke beg kotak tu kat kampung? Boleh masuk muzium kalau ada.
Ayah pun tahu sebab musabab tu. kita hanya merancang, tuhan yang menentukan.
Baru telefon kg. alhamdulillah tak teruk, jari je katanya (ayah bagitau le).
memang ingat nak balik tapi tak sure lagi. Esok jumpa ustaz kat Pusat Islam. belakang masih lengoh bila duduk lama-lama.
alwiz bring such a nice feelings when someone appreciates us as teachers..tenkiu..tenkiu..
sye pn ske tgk cartoon tym kecik2...n plus sitcom...yg lame2 lak 2...mcm giligan's island, the cosby show,the nanny...--->haha nerd x?
mmg membantu english sye...wlaupn xde la jd bagus mne pn..but still, mmg membantu...
kids today...tah la...main console games lg bes kot!hehe
saya pun.,saya sangat suka tengok cartoon n baca comik.,best
guru dan ilmu sebagai penyuluh hidup.
Ada juga nilai-nilai dan contoh baik yang boleh dijadikan pengajaran.
Belajar dan menuntut ilmu dimana-mana, tiada had dan sempadan.
Haha! What you wrote about you & your son reminds me of my brother. He was like that back then. And he still is. Suka melukis & sampai sekarang minat sangat ngan katun (tak kira katun apa pun)!
P.S. Doc ada nengok Slamdunk? Hilarious!
Yes that basketball anime. good storyline, but did not pay much attention that time since engrossed too much with Samurai X.
Spot on...dan cikgu markonah.
menonton kartun dalam english memang blh mengajar kanak2 bahasa english. contohnya adik sepupu saya, tak pandai membaca tapi boleh bercakap dalam english dengan fasih hahaha dan ini semua gara2 menonton anime d astro,rasanya pihak astro berjaya mencapai matlamat mereka untuk menjadi kan channel astro sebagai education selain entertainment. Kesian pelajar bawa buku banyak2 lebih2 lagi kalau kawasan pedalamn yg terpaksa naik perahu jalan kaki selama sejam baru sampai sekolah huhuh (kat sabah banyak). rasanya setiap sekolah perlu menyediakan loker untuk kanak2 .
suatu ketika dulu memang sudah diadakan sistem "locker' kat sekolah. tapi entah apa yang tak kena, tidak diteruskan lagi.
memang kasihan melihat pelajar terutamanya dari pedalaman yang terpaksa meredah hutan, paya, sungai dsb. dengan beban sebegitu untuk mencari ilmu.
my lover is learning japs and looks like it isn't easy :(
sg derhaka knal la
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