Putting aside the beaches story and onto the football front, the fate of some favorite teams in this year's football world tournament have already been decided. French has been kicked-out from the tournament and even as the president of the French football association resigned, that doesn't stop the team to become Les Miserables. So does the glory of the British empire crumbling down before the mightier Germany and befall the disgrace of a whooping four.
It may looks a bit puzzling at first. Both French and England look like a great side, full of club pedigree but on the pitch they were a shambles. I don't blame them for those disgraceful defeat, as inadvertently both share the same passion in almost similar diet. I would prefer to blame the sluggish French fries and overcooked fish and chips for that really.
While the storm from the South Africa is still looming, the shameful fiasco on Argentina, one of my favourite teams is still hard to digest. Thrashed by the same team that sent the British to pack early was really a harsh reality. This on a second thought, made Engand looks less bad. Perhaps the players had become so overconfident after beating Mexico or having a joyful night karaokeing 'don't cry for me Argentina" the night earlier. Just perhaps....
But what really took my strenght from continuing keeping up with the tournament was the unexpected defeat of Brazil by the cheese-eating people of the Netherlands. Even thought the magnitude of heartbreak was not as bad as the 1982 defeat by Paolo Rossi's hatrick, still I don't really have the mood anymore to sit on my potato couch, rooting for ages waiting for my heroes to make me jump in joys with spectacular goals.
But in the end, that is the reality in football and it is quite unpredictable sometimes. Say this to the hardcore punters though, they will laugh at you without mercy. Since the heat is still on, I would say South Africa will experience the sausage blitzkrieg or the orange tsunami for the first time in their football history. Probably it is the right time for all the losers to ditch their boots for a while and pamper themselves in paradise beaches while at the same time learning one or two tricks from the kakiayam FC on how to play the real football.
Didn't I say I've had enough of the beaches?
It may looks a bit puzzling at first. Both French and England look like a great side, full of club pedigree but on the pitch they were a shambles. I don't blame them for those disgraceful defeat, as inadvertently both share the same passion in almost similar diet. I would prefer to blame the sluggish French fries and overcooked fish and chips for that really.
While the storm from the South Africa is still looming, the shameful fiasco on Argentina, one of my favourite teams is still hard to digest. Thrashed by the same team that sent the British to pack early was really a harsh reality. This on a second thought, made Engand looks less bad. Perhaps the players had become so overconfident after beating Mexico or having a joyful night karaokeing 'don't cry for me Argentina" the night earlier. Just perhaps....
But what really took my strenght from continuing keeping up with the tournament was the unexpected defeat of Brazil by the cheese-eating people of the Netherlands. Even thought the magnitude of heartbreak was not as bad as the 1982 defeat by Paolo Rossi's hatrick, still I don't really have the mood anymore to sit on my potato couch, rooting for ages waiting for my heroes to make me jump in joys with spectacular goals.
But in the end, that is the reality in football and it is quite unpredictable sometimes. Say this to the hardcore punters though, they will laugh at you without mercy. Since the heat is still on, I would say South Africa will experience the sausage blitzkrieg or the orange tsunami for the first time in their football history. Probably it is the right time for all the losers to ditch their boots for a while and pamper themselves in paradise beaches while at the same time learning one or two tricks from the kakiayam FC on how to play the real football.
Didn't I say I've had enough of the beaches?
bola itu bulat,
kalah menang itu adat,
Sally tak berapa minat,
tp kalau nonton suara Sally paling kuat..
wahhhhhh..first rupa2nya..yeay!
salam drsam,
moga ceria dan sentiasa dlm redha-Nya.
baru je nak belajar tengok WC, pasukan yg sy sokong (argentina) dah kalah... terbantut lagi, kena tunggu final pulak, baru tengok semula :)
dr sam... brazil vs holland mmg seronok.. german vs argentina lagi seronok, tapi spain vs paraguay..hambar la.
harap2nya semi ngan final nanti
akan menghidangkan permaianan yg
menghiburkan kepada penonton diseluruh dunia...
final pilihan..lebih elok jika..
uruguay vs germany(antara benua)
spain vs belanda(kedua2 negara ini tidak penah menang piala keramat ini lagi)
barulah best
Moga sihat hendaknya..:)
Belum pernah lagi menyaksikan satu perlawanan hingga ke penghujung, setiap kali akhirnya saya yang terlena...
orang kat kedai mamak dok tiup horn pukul 3 pagi... haiii, cepat lah piala dunia ni habis :(
No tv, no mamak. It just me n my book :)
Bola itu bulat,
disepak melompat
gol siapa entahlah dapat
piala dunia selang berempat
Here is to world cup..
Hoping Holland could overcome the Uruguay and later beat the hell ou of Germany /spain..
We will then have a new champion..
Ayoh Wang dah kurang perhati dah..
sejak dan sampai angka 55 nie..
Follow bola gak ehh Dr.Sam nih..
LIBL tak follow kali nih...
Doc,bila piala dunia nadia akn ada habit baru..which is tido awal.biar hubby tgk bola sorang2 sbb saya x minat.wife doc mcmana?peminat bola jugak ke?
...balik awal Ajéngtina, Maradonna éték ékpoung... nok llanjang lah kalu menang... macang-macang...
Hi DrSam
The moment of sadness ... when Referee Subkideen was not given the chance to go into the field! Tak faham camane depa kira?
suka datang sini, boleh improve bahasa inggeris! bahasanya pun mudah untuk difahami..
errr ( boleh terima sebagai komen kah ini?)
World cup datang 4 tahun sekali..semua menunggu di depan TV..tua muda suami isteri..pakat stay up pagi pagi!
at last
WC sudah tamat.. lega, kalau tak asyik terdengar dengar goal sana sini sampai pagi.. :)
spain!! spain!! tetibe.. =p
Salam piewahid. Bila pasukan yang disokong dah tak lawan lagi, maka semangat nak tengok sama luntur.
ramalan semuanya meleset :)
Abd Razak,
Salam. Saya pun kebanyakkannya tengok siaran ulangan sahaja.
Kedai mamak takpe, ni jiran sekampung pun ikut sama juga lagi haru. tapi semuanya dah berlalu...
aliff muhanmad,
bagus tu aliff. tidak terikut atau terpengaruh dengan arus semasa.
Wan Shariff,
My update normally came from my juniors. They were more enthusiastic than me these days :)
Tak ikut sangat, cuma jeling-jeling aje.
Ramai yang lega bila WC dah habis. Wife saya tak ambil pot pun pasal bola ni.
ni keh beghat ni yohteh...llanjjang bulat kalu duk nussuk dalam sungai dok ape :)
I am not sure actually what happened there. But as usual, the colonial mentality is still apparent.
Saya pun masih belajar juga. sama-sama kita belajar
tua muda cerah mata
bertempik sorak dipagi buta
empat tahun sekali bukannya apa
kalah menang takde hal punya
Zareda Norman,
betul...hari final tu, saya terbangun pukul 5 pagi terus dengar GOAL dari rumah sebelah :)
Sitie Bum Bum,
mesti mengigau ni :)
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