The picturesque Tanjung Jara, a quiet but uncompromising bustling coastal village in Dungun so long had been existed by her own without a hint of glamour. This status didn't last very long though, until some years back when the F1 world champion Michael Schumacher during his restful retreat at this peaceful sanctuary decided to treat himself with his newly found talent in football and challenged a local kaki-ayam FC for a friendly kick-off. This single event very quickly became the much-talked about subject in local and international news and managed to shift the spotlights from Sepang to this sleepy fishing village.
This blissful beach is hidden from the untrained eyes but not that further away from the trunk road of Dungun-Terengganu. This less known beauty is only a few kilometers away from another more popular beach of Rantau Abang. Its enchanting beach golden beach washed by inviting turquoise waters, sloping gently into the greenish wide open sea is very prominent. There is a cave below the end of the hill near the shore, where visitors can go in and get to another side to embrace another breathtaking view of the blue-green water of the South China Sea. The water is so clean and calm enough for a dip. There is also find a lanai-style gazebo on an elevation where one could get a bird-eye view of the coastline. Close to this beach is Tanjung Jara Resort, which won the Aga Khan Award for Best Muslim Architecture in the 80s. For the unwary travellers who are a bit adventurous, further away we can see Pulau Tenggol and Nyireh, prolific diving sites for avid divers.
Having all these intoxicating beauties lingering in my mind, this led me one find mid-afternoon to re-route my journey back home and stopped for a while at this beautiful spot to rekindle my sweet memories living in Dungun 35 years ago. The charm is still there even though I could not find the exact jutting barnacles-covered rock formation where at the very young age I stood facing the sea and braved the splashing wave that kept hitting my face. As I was strolling along the sandy beach in a less fashionable manner, under the watchful eyes of bemused local dwellers, I suddenly realized nothing stays the same, not even the hill, the beach or even the people around me. But those changes are most welcome. They add some charm to the place. In a way they made me feel that I am once again belong to this place.
I then said to myself "ahhh....what a refreshing feeling. I am coming home !!!!!
This blissful beach is hidden from the untrained eyes but not that further away from the trunk road of Dungun-Terengganu. This less known beauty is only a few kilometers away from another more popular beach of Rantau Abang. Its enchanting beach golden beach washed by inviting turquoise waters, sloping gently into the greenish wide open sea is very prominent. There is a cave below the end of the hill near the shore, where visitors can go in and get to another side to embrace another breathtaking view of the blue-green water of the South China Sea. The water is so clean and calm enough for a dip. There is also find a lanai-style gazebo on an elevation where one could get a bird-eye view of the coastline. Close to this beach is Tanjung Jara Resort, which won the Aga Khan Award for Best Muslim Architecture in the 80s. For the unwary travellers who are a bit adventurous, further away we can see Pulau Tenggol and Nyireh, prolific diving sites for avid divers.
Having all these intoxicating beauties lingering in my mind, this led me one find mid-afternoon to re-route my journey back home and stopped for a while at this beautiful spot to rekindle my sweet memories living in Dungun 35 years ago. The charm is still there even though I could not find the exact jutting barnacles-covered rock formation where at the very young age I stood facing the sea and braved the splashing wave that kept hitting my face. As I was strolling along the sandy beach in a less fashionable manner, under the watchful eyes of bemused local dwellers, I suddenly realized nothing stays the same, not even the hill, the beach or even the people around me. But those changes are most welcome. They add some charm to the place. In a way they made me feel that I am once again belong to this place.
I then said to myself "ahhh....what a refreshing feeling. I am coming home !!!!!

Tanjung Jara is like a forbidden kingdom for most of Dungun folks. Randomly select 20 Dungun's people and ask them whether they have been there or not and all you will get is disappointing answers. It is indeed hidden but the beauty of neighbouring shore, Pantai Teluk Bidara (which is also hidden) tells the poor folks how Tanjung Jara looks like.
I have taken my Sarawakian friends to stroll about Pantai Teluk Bidara. They fell in love with it instantly.
Salam dr Sam..
think i recognize that 'pondok'laa..
owhh btw, I'm from keropok lekor land too.. my village just nearby Losong... Pulau Rusa; well-known village in terengganu.. eceh..
...were thousands of times through and past the junction to Tanjung Jara, not even strayed into the world-renowned location... just enjoy the sceneries on the billboards...
viewing your pictures, just feel like tomorrow I will be there for the breakfast on the beach... heh...
fuh...... keindahan alam
bersiah je nampak,..
Dinda, may I say les photos sont belles :)
Salam Dr...
Moga Dr sihat hendaknya..
Subhanallah...sungguh indah penciptaanNYA.
Insya Allah, mudah-mudahan Allah berikan kesempatan untuk sampai di tempat ini.
Doc,what a beautiful scenery...mcm x percaya ada kt Dungun..kalau ada org Dungun yang x tau perihal pantai cantik bersih ni mmg la x patut.apatah lagi org luar yg sekali sekala dtg for me,considered as org luar sbb x pernah membesar kat Trg.But I always claimed myself as Org Terenganu.walaupun sebenarnya x tau sgt pasal banyk tmpt kt Trg.hihihi...
sir pok deng,
frankly speaking, I was not sure at first which one Tanjung Jara and which one Telok Bidara. Both are a stunner!
Afida Anuar,
Salam and welkang here Afida. During my childhood time, i spent many in the river close to the Manir bridge as my aunties and cousins lived there. Now they have to moved out due to the road expansion - what a pity.
I presumed by this time you has already strayed onto the beach and dipped your feet into the shallow clear water. How was the breakfast yohteh?
saya pun terpana. Subhanallah.
masih lagi mood balik kampung, walaupun sudah 2 minggu berlalu :)
I take it as a compliment kanda, merci...merci...bila mau ke Ganu kite?
Abd Razak,
Salam Sdr Razak. Insyaallah semoga diberi peluang untuk kesana sambil menikmati keindahan pantai timur.
As long as Seberang Takir is still in Terengganu's map and not being walloped by the current rapid development, I think you can still claim yourself a ganukite :)
salam Dr...
moga sentiasa dlm redha ilahi.
tq 4 sharing. wish i was there... :)
If i am not mistaken, ten years back or more, Tanjong Jara beach resort being promoted in one of TV3 tv programme/magazine. Lebih kurang macam ini 'hadiah pertama, percutian ke Tanjong Jara Beach Resort untuk dua orang!'.
Masih memasang harap untuk ke Paka Hotel and Residence apabila berdua kelak ha!ha!ha!
Yes...orang Trangganu beruntung dgn pantainya!
tak pernah tahu pun tempat tu, mesti pergi ni.
pernah juga ke sana...Terengganu ada banyak pantai yang airnya masih jernih...mempersonakan.
perghh! peaceful..klu dpt duduk kat bawah pokok sebtg tu sambil makan kupok dgn satar, sambil merenung kaki langit dan ombak kecil yg memutih dan ditiup pula oleh bayu cina selatan
rindu pulak nak balik dungun...
re...being strong is not an option for me...:-)
dungun.. kg halamanku....
mmg bangga r jadi anok ganukiter yg mewoh ngan pantainya yg comel2.
dulu masa kecik2, tiap2 minggu gi mandi kat teluk bidara tu.
tp lening sejok kawen ni.. payoh sunggoh nok gi situ, dop dang sokmo..
(doc.. picnya cantik banget!!!)
Salam piewahid. It is just a blink away from Kuantan. Just pack you bag bro.
aliff muhamad,
Salam aliff. Tanjong Jara Beach resort may be a bit out of reach with the price on a higher side. But the beach is there for us to roam free.
Jangan tak pergi.
hazeleyed lady,
saya sendiri sebenarnya jarang sangat berendam kat laut tu :)
wow...shahdu betul bunyinya. Saya pun jadi teruja sekali lagi :)
dah lama ke tak balik sana PC?
orang Dungun memang beruntung. Cuma sepelaung aja dari rumah dah ada pantai :)
hazeleyed lady,
saya sendiri sebenarnya jarang sangat berendam kat laut tu :)
wow...shahdu betul bunyinya. Saya pun jadi teruja sekali lagi :)
dah lama ke tak balik sana PC?
orang Dungun memang beruntung. Cuma sepelaung aja dari rumah dah ada pantai :)
cantiknya gambarrrrrr,...
rasa macam duk tepi laut dah.
bestnyerrr...kita rasa kita pun ada lalu kat situ...lalu jer...cantik tak terkata.
Somehow I missed this entry..
Gambar yang diambil sangat menarik..boleh tak saya simpan dalam file saya and guna didalam kertas kerja etc. dimasa depan...DrSam..?
Awal tahun ini, saya ada hajat nak buat hotel , and boardwalk with water filtering mechanism di Teluk Bidara.. .. dan buat pertandingan power boat from there to Melaka..
Tapi ngingatkan arak yang akan menjadi menu setengah pelawat (silap haribulan umat Islam yang terlupa pun sama naik juga).. saya tangguh dulu lah hajat tu..
anyway nak dapat kebenaran untuk projek tu sangat sukar nak dapat finance lagilah.. kot banyak yang tak betul.. he,he
Dr Sam please email address ke email saya (EZRARA) sbb saya nak jemput ke majlis saya.
Terima kasih.
Dr sam
Lovely beaches.. actually pantai kita tak kurang hebatnya kan..
memang impian dan cita-cita nak berumah ditepi laut kita ni
memang ramai yang tak tahu sebab jauh sedikit dari jalan utama. Saya pun dah laaaaama sangat dah tak singgah di situ.
Wan Sharif,
No problem Pak Wan. In fact I would be very pleased if you use those beautiful photos and promote the beauty to the others.
Bunyi macam projek mega aje Pak Wan.
Terimakasih diatas jemputan. saya dah email alamat saya.
Zareda Norman,
Memang betul. Banyak lagi yang perlu diterokai di negara kita sendiri sebenarnya.
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