One good thing about having a good cook in your house is that you don't have to worry about what dishes to put on your dinner table day in and day out. In fact I don't even have to think about the food at all. I just go back home and succumbed to my hungry appetite and consumed everything that was prepared on the table. As I am not a very fussy type-of-person when it comes into what to tuck into my tummy, any simple dish will do.
On the other hand, it can be a daunted task though in deciding what menu-of-the-day would be. That was the downside of it when you are presented with so many gastronomic choices to choose from. If from time to time you got a call from your significant half, asking what to have for lunch or dinner, sometime it can got on your nerves as well. A hungry man is an angry man the wise man says.
wife : "Hello darling, what do you fancy for dinner tonight?"
hubby : "Anything dear."
wife : "Nasi beriani with Moroccan-style chicken or Nasi Bukhari with mutton cooked Iranian-style ?"
hubby : Anything will do dear.
wife : Or do you fancy a chicken masallah with shish kebab?
hubby: "Better get you hot pan(t) ready or I will have you for dinner instead!"
With such a good cook she is, who am I to complain?
Going abroad was the only time I can reclaim my excellent cooking skill. Thanks to Abang Brahim, cooking beef rendang was as easy as finding your way through London undergrounds. If you look close enough you will notice that I have not forgotten my past time delicacy, even thousand miles separate me from Losong Dato' Amar. (my wife laughed at me when she saw the sorry state of that 'khepok' - apparently the oil was not hot enough!)
hubby : "Anything dear."
wife : "Nasi beriani with Moroccan-style chicken or Nasi Bukhari with mutton cooked Iranian-style ?"
hubby : Anything will do dear.
wife : Or do you fancy a chicken masallah with shish kebab?
hubby: "Better get you hot pan(t) ready or I will have you for dinner instead!"
With such a good cook she is, who am I to complain?
Ever since my last intimate liaison with the "Bujang Club" long time ago, I seldom make myself busy in the kitchen anymore. At the same time, I lost all my skill in handling all the kitchen paraphernalia, thus my cooking skill as well. Skill needs to be practiced, and since the kitchen is not my domain anymore, I can hardly remember now how to make my famous "mee goreng berangan", which has earned me a name among the members of my former club. Fancy that recipe anyone?

lucky man u hubby too sometimes cant understand why i go such into details on what 2 b cooked..i guess we ladies would like 2 serve only d best 2 our darlings..well cooked..well presented..above all..masak dgn penuh kasih sayang..its a way of saying.."honey..i luv u.."..n looking at his "prosperous" tummy..i know he feels d same ye ke ni??
u r s0 lucky t0 have a wife like her =) dah macam restaurant in ur own house!~ hihi`
i am a bad cook. my 1st experience was when i went to germany for 6 weeks. the only foods i cook were spaghetti and instant noodle or instant boneless fish.
wife will do their best to serve their hubby. lucky me.
tomato_masam, please!
Not bad my friend.
alhamdulillah.. jodoh Allah...
dah boleh posting entri cara memasak lepas ni... hihi
With such a good cook at home, what you need to worried more is your waist line.
I can't cook either but I think I know how to cook the best instant noodle in the world with my secret recipe:-)XD
Penoreh getah,
alhamdulillah... masih masak Brahim sekali sekala bila wife outstation :)
Daniel, waistline...that worried me too.
demo masak gapo dio tuu..??
Goreng kupok dak tahu..?
betui ke mu maghi ganu ni?
dak caye aaa..
i don't cook either, and i'm not a fussy type too and i got the same problem .... waistline hahaha
thanks for the wish bro, may the year of the ox brings prosperity, good health, happiness to us all :)
mak teja sgt pandai memasak...n harap teja leh jadi cam day..heee
ps; suami/anak mana yg xpuji isteri/ibunya pandai masak kan?
DR Sam, when I went back to university, my husband took over the kitchen and he could come up with some surprises. But you know, living away, there is no such hard and fast rules abt who cooks. There's no division of labour as such. Thank God for that.
"Nasi beriani with Moroccan-style chicken or Nasi Bukhari with mutton cooked Iranian-style"??
* terpikir2 * never heard tht b4... rase apentah lg... hurmmm... mesti sedap an...lebih2 lg org rumah yg masak...uhurk3~~ betuah dpt wife "iron-Chief"...ehehehe...
hehehe...janji leh makan
caya la dr sam
bnyaknya nasiiiiiiiiii ish2
kawe bukan tak tahu, cuma bila dah kat obersea terlupa - ingatkan french fries ;)
Never mind the waistline, cannot "tahan" when the tummy do the thinking.
tun Teja,
kena belajar cepat-cepat secret recipe dari mak tu.
Kak Teh,
The problem of being too contented has always make one a handicap. But somehow out of desperation, sometimes I managed to pull one or two of my old tricks in the kitchen and came out with a masterpiece (mee goreng berangan le - what else)
iron chef is an iron chief - never messing around in her kitchen.
asal kenyang.
ab geldolfg,
sejuk le..biasa aku tak macam tu ;)
aku suka memasak...tapi tak suka disuruh memasak...huhuhu
resepi apa yang bagus untuk lewat-lewat malam macam ni?
if i may ask drsam...
what field did u take in london?
ive been wondering since the first time i visited your blog
from the pic, i guess researcher?
n if, in what specialty?
mee goreng berangan?
wonder how it taste like..
baked beans on toast...hehehe
dr sam,
tuah ayam nmpk di kaki, tuah manusia takde siapa yg tau...
dr. sam teramat2 la bertuah...
hohoho....tidak pyh pening2 kepala fkr nak mkn apa kan.....
salam kenal..
zino "pandai' masak sebelum kawin dulu bila dah kawin skill tu hilang sedikit demi sedikit sebab mem pandai masak..hehe
Mee goreng berangan?
Let me taste.......
yumm...yumm....slurp...I wan't some more...he..he..
nampak sedap jer...:)
Gambar ni pun cantik jugak... colour tak over, flashing still nature... emmm cantik dan sedap jadinya bihun goreng ni... nk g makan la terasa lapar plak... :)
tq DrSam
more or less yes. The clue is in my previous entry, something about my honeymoon.
it may look like mee goreng, it may smell like mee goreng and it does taste like mee goreng, with some extra local spices :)
talking about baked beans on toast...(now scurrying down the stairs and into the kitchen).
nak kata tuah tu takde le, dah buat auditioning awal-awal :)
salam ukhuwah. sama lah kita, boleh join kelab.
let me try the old-kept secret first, then I will let you know whether my skill has not go down the drain :)
sempat juga ambil foto, walaupun masa tu tengah lapar..terketar-terketar.
haha the waistline... no wonder drsam is getting fatter!
Waaaa. Macam-macam isteri Doc pandai masak ya! Macam chef pulak. Kalau tak keberatan, post la satu dua resipi dalam blog ni :)). Saya pun suka memasak :)
alamak...camni cancel tawaran utk belanja you kek tu (eh..buruk siku pula nanti ye ;)
resepi kena tanya chef sendiri. takut post kat sini jadi ajaran sesat pulak. tuan punya badan sebenornya ada blog juga, tapi dia buat-buat segan :)
I hate cooking and yet I love eating. Tomato is good untuk pencernaan. Hei, I like your work.. keep it up.
Thank you for dropping by and for the tip as well.
dlm perancangan..tapi slow2 la..haha..teja ni bab2 memasak lmbat tgkap sket..hehe..
wahh. laparnyaa !
tun Teja,
tidak mengapa asalkan minat ada.
kalau lapar cari mee gorang berangan :)
i love cooking too...rasa puas je bile nampak orang kenyang makan ape kiter masak tapi one problem, i tak lalu makan ape i masak hohohoho..
nice blog drsam..
lets link each other?
huhuhuhu aku pun tak lalu makan apa yang aku masak...orang kata sedap tapi aku rasa ntah apa2 ntah
wife selalu cakap macam tu juga, tapi saya tengok selera o.k je.
Tq. no problem.
itu dah dikira satu pengiktirafan. atau maksud disebaliknya "sila masak lagi aku nak makan." :)
wahh dasat ah doc..sungguh menyelerakan..laparlah pulak tgk lauk2 tu
salam dr.sam
dr sam org pulau manis gok ke?
umoh kt aner?
umoh cik yana dpn masjid pulau manis..knal dok?
not expert in cooking..still learning, and my hubby is my pengkritik hehehe..tapi skrg minat sgt belajar masak, tak tau lah pembawakan baby ke ape.. :) tapi asal leh ditelan & diterima perut, belasah jelah doc!
dr sam, terima kasih singgah...
blog yang sempurna keluarga yang bahagia...
tq for dropping by.. :)
and yes, karambunai is a very nice place.. lurve it..!
kalau lapar, kena minta catlina masakkan cepat-cepat :)
Cik Yana,
salam. Kg dok jauh mane dari Pulau Manis. nunnng di belakang Kuala Ibai je. nama kg sg. derhaka.
pembawakan abang Fly tu kot.
love is forever,
TQ. memang love is forever!
Malaysia ni memang banyak tempat-tempat yang menarik dan canti-cantik. tak kalah dengan negara lain, malah lagi menarik.
Time belajar overseas memang one has no choice but to cook if not one could die of hunger especially if one does not want to eat katok food. I did... both: cooked all types of dishes that once balik sini i no longer cook. What a waste, all the talent of cooking is only applicable when u are not at home. Laksa, karipap, nasi dagang, name it.. sumer we could and would cook... do we still cook these special delicacies anymore, NOW?? i doubt it.. i think most are like me. used to not anymore.
You lucky, lucky...err.... Dr! :)
Your wife's absolutely fantastic cook! And, I'm wishing I could be like her 'super' soon.
And, I day dream about 'mee goreng berangan'! Sounds fantastic!Perhaps you should consider opening a cafe/restaurant with this signature dish! And boy.... those pics make me hungry (again) though I've just had heavy dinner.
P/S : I love 'nasi' too!
Have a great day!
caya la Dr..aku x suka kena gak msk..hehe
We become too pampered when we have so much choices to choose from.
Brilliant idea! A signature dish would be a good start to enjoy this new year.
PLKN?? loh..
load cheat tu camno
cheat kena tanya anak saya. dia ni dikira gamer tegar juga.
wahh... how lucky u are!!
my hubby pun x fussy sgt..bedal apa je depan mata..ahaks :P
memang tidak memilih pasal makan ni. asal halal aja.
hi DrSam,
untungnya.ur significant half seorg chef yg sgt have restaurant in ur own house...lucky u..
dapur kayu to be more precise :)
salam Doc...
tengok nasi dakam talam tu teringat pulak NASI AMBENG. adui doc dah malam ni...rasa tengok nasi tu macam sedap jek doc!
** doc
tenung ajer lah mata si Aliesya tu
insyaallah nanti doc boleh dapat baby gurl yang cute lagi (hehehehe)
We just had the best "Mee Goreng Berangan" in my whole lifetime...
Guess who cooked?
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