Apart from the slimy but tasty keropok gonde or keropok lekor, the 2-plates-in-a-go of nasi dagang and the rare opportunity to practice and perfect my 'G' force, stunning beaches along the Terengganu coastline is actually the one that keep my heart close to my dear keropoklekor motherland. These beaches (better pronounce it right) never failed to mesmerize me every time I put my feet on their sandy and golden sand. I can spend many hours sitting on those beaches and let the salty sea breeze blows softly across my face like the whispering winds that sway the palm trees. When time is not the one I am chasing after, I can just lay under the coniferous shade and allow my gaze to explore the empty blue sky above. Time stop and become just an empty space.
Ganukite is one blessed nation for a God-given stretch of pristine 225 km of picturesque shoreline in the Bolehland. Pantai Kemasik of Kemaman is one of them. It is strategically located very close to the main Terengganu coastal trunk road, between the two major Keropoklekor town of Kijal and Kerteh. If you drive slowly enough from the South upward you won't miss this beautiful scenery just a few meters beside the road. Other popular beaches in this blessed state are very close to the road as well. In fact you can just head-dive straight into the sparkling seawater from the comfort of your moving car if you don't use your head properly.
On my last trip to the Keropoklekor land, when I stopped there i saw many thing that have changed in a very short time span. There are new food courts close to the beachfront, an addition to the existing food courts near the entrance, a new jetty and a big gazebo in a small lake, a tarred car park and a spanking new unsupervised toilet.
The beach, the sea breeze, the blue sky and the sublime scenery however are unspoiled and remain captivating. The soul is very much lively. These whole pictures put a big smile on my face.
Ganukite is one blessed nation for a God-given stretch of pristine 225 km of picturesque shoreline in the Bolehland. Pantai Kemasik of Kemaman is one of them. It is strategically located very close to the main Terengganu coastal trunk road, between the two major Keropoklekor town of Kijal and Kerteh. If you drive slowly enough from the South upward you won't miss this beautiful scenery just a few meters beside the road. Other popular beaches in this blessed state are very close to the road as well. In fact you can just head-dive straight into the sparkling seawater from the comfort of your moving car if you don't use your head properly.
On my last trip to the Keropoklekor land, when I stopped there i saw many thing that have changed in a very short time span. There are new food courts close to the beachfront, an addition to the existing food courts near the entrance, a new jetty and a big gazebo in a small lake, a tarred car park and a spanking new unsupervised toilet.
The beach, the sea breeze, the blue sky and the sublime scenery however are unspoiled and remain captivating. The soul is very much lively. These whole pictures put a big smile on my face.

...nampok gayanya dok wi chang lasung... di sepanjang jalang DrSam ranyaar abis..! hehehe...
bukan dok wi chang nok ranyaar abis Yohteh...tiap kali napok patta...jadi geletek gelenya kaki nok singgoh :)
...to the last sentence of the second paragraph... HAH HA HA HA HA HA HAAA...!!!
biasanya budok-budok lah...orang tua-tua macang kite ni slow-rock doh sikit.
nice shots!!
Thanks. Pernah singgah ke?
Cantik pemandangan tu Doc..
Like the last picture..:)
indahnya pantai kemasik...
lawa gambar yang dr sam ambil ni..
the boatssssss and the beachessss!!
How come when you were there..the beach seems more beautiful..
I went to look at the rock twice on geological field trips (read : to study the rock and to relate the rock in the subsurface).
The flare of Anding Utara.. I posted on my blog, JUNE 18, 2010.. was the reason for those geological field trips. The exposed rocks on the beach are the metasediment rock which reservoired the oil in that well.
Maybe I was too busy looking at the rock and failed to see the more beautiful beach.. yeah.. comei molek..
Nampok gaya saya kena gi ita batu batan tu sorang sorang.. kelih lamma baru lah nappok kebesaran kejadian Allah ni..
Petronas tengoh dok berkira nok majukan lapangan minyok tu.. Eih!! dang lah Ayoh Wang penceng skali lagi.. lagu ning .. betat ka'loh (kerana Allah??).. he, he..
At last, we see the beach pics taken by Dr Sam. Kemasik has a lovely beach with those unique rock outcrops.
Another lovely place is muara Sg Kerteh. Sandy beach on one side and rocky hill and jungle on the other.
Salam DrSam
Dekat 20 tahun kot tak ke Ganukite! The golden beaches, ikan aya, gulai ayam kg resipi ibu, sayur lemak putih, nasi dagang & kerabu, kopok gonde & mas sejemput, etc. etc. that you have mentioned in your entries are indeed enticing! Walau dah tak kuat memandu, kena berazam ke Ganukite sebelum Disember. Sambil tengok perubahan lanskap + pembangunan.
selamat hari bapa dr sam...semoga sentiasa diberikan kesihatan yang baik, dirahmati Allah selalu dan sentiasa bahagia bersama keluarga tersayang... :)
p/s; terlari topik..ehehe
the picture is beautiful bro!
you can eat nasi dagang 2 plates at 1 go?
i prefer nasi kerabu :P
Pantai Kemasek, I learned of a new place today :) the beach looks amazing, serene and tranquil. Hope it stays that way
my internet is slow tonight so i can't get to see the lovely pics. ssob sob.
Abd Razak,
Salam sdr Razak. Masih belajar dan cuba mengenal Pencipta melalui keindahan dan kejadian alam ini.
Sebenarnya banyak lagi tempat di pantai itu yang cantik. Kena melawat sendiri ni Ann.
Maca deja vu je kan :)
As always, nice photos, DrSam.
Wan Sharif,
Wah...now you are revealing some top secret information on the hidden wealth somewhere in Kemasik. I wish the underground well will naturally be channeled somewhere near my home backyard. I heard the chilling rumors that the gas extracted around the Ganu offshore will be dried soon. Is this true Pak Wan?
p/s: kalu nok pecceng sekali lagi tu ghoyat lah ke ambe sekali Pak Wang deh :)
Those jutting rock formations are really unique indeed and they really give some personality to this particular beach.
Thank you for the info on the Muara Sg. Kerteh. Will explore more next time I passed by this place.
lama tu 20 tahun. Banyak perubahan dah berlaku di Ganukite dalam tempoh tersebut. Memang kalau ingin mengenali Trengganu dgn lebih dekat, memandu dengan santai sambil membuat beberapa pit stop di sepanjang perjalanan adalah cara terbaik. Tapi kalau bulan Disember, mungkin dah musim monsun...boleh main boh kat sana :)
Miss Teja,
Terimakasih Ema. Tak perasan sebenarnya hari ni sambutan hari bapa.
Faisal Admar,
I am serious bro. Two plates is my normal consumption whenever I go back to my hometown. That was my main concern actually...but kenot help one. Wat to do :)
Did you venture into K. Trengganu town during you Pulau Kapas trip recently?
I hope it stays that way too, so that many generations after us can still enjoy and share the same beauty as it is now.
In the next series, I will try to reduce the file size of the photos. Perhaps that will help.
Encik Ariff O,
Thank you.
Dear DrSam,
This is my response to your questions..
1. I heard the chilling rumors that the gas extracted around the Ganu offshore will be dried soon.
When I join P'nas in 1979 , it was said Malaysian O&G reserve can last another 15 years then.. When I retired last year the concensus was that the Malaysian O&G can last another 17 years.. Semua milik Allah.. Dia beri pada siapa yang Dia suka.. berapa lama Dia suka..
2.p/s: kalu nok pecceng sekali lagi tu ghoyat lah ke ambe sekali ..
my present contract will end 31 june 2011..
If P'nas did not find it fit to renew my contract then I will have to go to cattles,goats and integrated farming in July 2001..
cantik nyaaaaaaa
Mase ambo gi kursus di Kemamang tempohari, sempat duduk ambil angin tepi pata Chendor. Daki jugok bukit chendor, cantiknyolah pemandange! Allahuakbar!
Two plate at one go? Wow!
pantai tu dah banyak sangat berubah
dulu lagi cantik, lagi natural
teringat masa remaja dulu, selalu je bawak diri ke pantai kemasek tu bila merajuk ngan ayah dan mak
selalu je bila boring waktu petang, ambik teropong dan meneropong ke pantai kemasek
emandangan yang sungguh cantik
saya membesar di situ
Wan Sharif,
Thank you Pak wan for your enlightment regarding the life span of Ganukite underground wealth. Yes...I am quite agree with you. Nobody knows exactly what is happening down there, where it actually comes from and how long it will stay. tapi harap-harap hasil bumi ini akan terus memakmurkan rakyat jelata sekelian (bukan segelintir yang terpilih aje)
Ambe tanya pasal pecceng tu bukang ape...manelah tahu kalau ada rezeki buleh ambe tuppang sekaki. tukang tukang jaga ladang/kandang lembu pun dok apelah Pak Wan :)
kena pergi dan alami sendiri keindahan tu. Banyak lagi spot yang lebih menarik yang tidak dipaparkan disini.
alif muhammad,
Pantai Chendor dok brape jauh dari Kemamang. Pantainya pun masih lagi tidak tercemar atau ternoda :) Kursus kat INTAN Wilayah timur ke?
memang sesuai sangat pantai tu jadi tempat membawa hati yang rajuk :) Saya lagi suka jika tidak banyak dibangunkan pantai tersebut (dan pantai-pantai lain). Hialng keasliannya. bangun sikit-sikit tak mengapa. Tak tahu pula bozzo orang Kemasik.
Doc, harap2 pantai ni tidak dicemari oleh beekeenee spt di pulau2 sana
pernah! actually we had the same shot/angle taken, tu yg ada two big rocks tu..cantik pantai tu kan..
pssttt!! next month i'll be fascinated with another enchanting island in the keropoklekorland of yours..
rase bangge jd anok ganukiter... hehehe...
patta ganukiter mmg lawo2 belake...
(comel gambo dr. ambik!!!)
Wahhhh Doc nice shot, nice compo..syabas2 :)
Buat masa ni memang tak dicemari lagi oleh sotong-sotong kering yang terdampat ber'sunbathing' di pantai :0
Good choice and good timing. I hope you enjoy your honeymoon in that enchanted island. Which one?
patta comel lotte sokmo.
thank you bro Fly. Alam semulajadi memang dari dulu dekat dihati.
Bozzo bukan orang kemasek..orang kemasek tu my sister,bozzo nyer buah hati sekarang..haha..(mesti dia log in bozzo punya blogspot ni..heheheee)
kami orang kemasek..rumah dekat sangat ngan pantai kemasek.jalan kaki 5 minit sampai lah..pantai ni banyak kenangan..dari zaman pantai ni tak cantik macam sekarang sampai lah laaa ni,memang dah banyak perubahan..kalau dah sampai kemasek lain kali singgah la rumah..:p
Ye ke...itu le, selama kenal dan menjengok di blog bozzo tak dapat pula 'hint-hint' yang mengatakan dia orang Ganu. tapi bila buah hati dah orang Kemasek, kira jadi orang situ le juga tu.
bakpe mung dok ghoyat mung orang Kemasek awal-awal @xim - cuma tahu orang Ganukite je. Kita memang teringin nak lepak lama sikit kat situ dan terbayang bila bangun pagi-pagi menghirup udara bersih Laut China Selatan tepi pantai.
i suka pantai... walaupun panas...
Salam Dr Sam
Aaahh, didn't your picture of the 2outcrops of "Pantai Kemasik" bring back some memories of my many first encounters in Ganukite!
Way back then I had walked to the outcrop and after just an hour of lonely daliance, I found as the tide had suddenly came in I couldn't walk back but had to swim furiously to shore what with the waves also turning fearsome.
But all the Ganu people I get to know are never like their seas one moment beautiful and placid and then can turn fearsomely dangerous!
Pantai punya pasal...panas hujan pun kita main redah aje. Terimakasih kerana singgah. Jemput datang lagi :)
Red Alfa,
Salam kanda RA. Really..! That must be one frightening experience.
I had almost the same unforgetable experience once in Pantai Kuala Ibai in the 80s (now where Masjid Terapung is). I walked with a bunch of friends toward the sea, hopping from one sandy banks to another (200 m from the road). Until suddenly I realised my previous small sand banks were all gone and fill in with gushing water. It happened so fast, panick strickened we had to swim fighting against the swirling current back onto the other side of the bank. Luckily my friends were strong swimmers and helped to to the safety. Lucky me!
But those experience never deter me from keep going to the beaches whenever I had the chance.
But yes...most Ganukite seldom go to sea for a swim. They would rather sit in a shade and enjoy their keropok lekor while watching the seafarers pass by :)
doc, i always got stomach ache every time i eat nasi dagang. why eh?
Doc. Sam,
Manelar lagi tempat ore gomen kene gi kursus :)Cantik tempatnya!
Faisal Admar,
I will experience that problem if the nasi dagang (or the kuah) was prepared a day erlier (nor fresh). My tummy becomes sort of a detecter :)
aliff muhammad,
Pokok Ru yang cantik-cantik di Monica Bay (Pantai Mak Nik) dekat tempat latihan tu paling ketara.
went to terengganu last month.
but limited time, tak sempat spent time dekat beach.
salam kenal.. :)
nice pic you have there. how i wish i could have one dslr camera...
and the pic that im gonna snap definetely would be sunset... :)
salams Dr.Sam,
Lamanya x Ziarah blog Dr.Sam
Nice pic..i like..buat as makin rindu dgn Msia.. hanya rindu diangin lalu buat tanahair tercinta..
salam DrSam
sungguh indah dan permai..seolah2 menggamit daku untuk kesana.
Vee violet,
The beaches of Ganu will always be there for you to wonder :)
Salam kenal dan terimakasih kerana menjenguk serta meninggal komen di ruang ini.
being and watching sunset beaches are surely something very pleasant to do.
Salam Pn. as. semoga terubat kerinduan dengan cerita-ceriti dari tanahair.
Datin El,
Salam Datin. Pantai yang mendamaikan sebegini, sambil duduk-duduk dibawah pepohonan ditipu angin China Selatan memang dinanti-nantikan betul.
Salam doc,
Cantik sungguh pantai tu. Saya tak berkesempatan nak berhoneymoon kat pantai...asik bawak askar segerabak je...
Salaaam DrSam,
these are beautiful shots. Well done!
I used to celebrate raya at my mother's hometown in KT too, but that was a looong time ago. Skrg dah jadi org bandar! hehehe
p/s: thanks for dropping by :) and happy father's day.
wow!! cantiknye!!
Walaupun saya hanya duduk kat Terengganu just for one year masa matrikulasi dulu, tapi setiap kali baca entri pasal terengganu, hati saya akan rasa sayu. Rasa macam salah seorang orang terengganu sahaja, walau hakikatnya saya lahir di KL.
salam puspawangi. Ciannye dia :)
Salam Elyn. thank you for the wishes :)
Counting the years, I think am spending more time now outside my beloved keropoklekor land. But deep inside I know...my heart will always be there.
Sitie Bum Bum,
Kejadian Allah S.W.T untuk kita merenungfikir KeesaanNya.
Ismail Fitry,
Orang jauh pun lagi kan terkenang, apatah lagi orang diseberang banjaran ni...lagilah terkenang-kenang :)
matrikulasi kat mana tu ye?
Dr sam! da scene is awesome! cant take my breath away... :)
lame doh dok gi teganu! ghindu gok nok makang ikang fresh2 dari laut! nok makang kepok lekor takdok tulang! hihihi...
nice to know u Dr Sam! :D
Dr Sam, saya last batch matrikulasi UPM Terengganu (1999/2000) sebelum ianya ditukar kepada KUSTEM.
keropok takdok tulang sebab guna mesin yang canggih kot...habis tulang hancur lebur kena kisar.
Ismail Fitry,
KUSTEM memang menarik sebab dekat dengan pantai.
saya dah banyak kali ke kemaman dan Kijal. kenapalah saya tidak pergi ke kemasik ini kan.
lawanyaaaa gambar. right angle, soooo perfect!congrats.
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