Despite having to spend almost an entire evening at Subang Jaya Medical Centre Emergency Unit, assisting a friend who was admitted for a motor accident, this weekend was considered as a blissful one for me.
I have been waiting for these joyful moments with full of excitement and anticipation. The soothing feeling was just like a child waiting eagerly for their beloved parent coming back home from their daily chores. The feeling never fade away.
My parent came last Thursday for a short weekend visit. As usual, they will spend one night each at their children's house, just to be fair. I have 2 other siblings staying in Kay El. Siblings' rivalry could be very complicated if not handled properly and my parent knew this very well. A dispute over a candy is something that can be considered as a childish tantrum, but parental love is withoug doubt any children craving for - even for a cool guy like me :)
During my childhood and adolescent years, I seldom talk that much to my father. I only got to talk to him whenever there was some good reasons to do so or the subject was really need his urgent attention. Most of the time, my mother became my medium. I figured out it was because I have so much adoration and utmost respect to him, and not out of fear.
But now, I fell very relief and happy at the same time as we can talk and discuss at length on almost any issues. That was what we did last weekend. Heavenly!
My beloved mother - a wonderful woman in my life. She has done so much and devoted her entire life to our family. I can't possibly describe my feeling, but she will always have a special place deep in my heart. However, those golden treasures of which could probably weigh in tonnes that she displayed openly has really got me worried (it is very typical and a norm for a Terengganu lady to flaunt those jeweleries in public) . "Kat Ganu takpe Che'...kat Kay El kena hati-hati sikit - terjojol biji mata orang nanti".
Next on my parent tour itinerary was to visit my other sibling in Kelang. Ustazah Hjh. Hazlina is a very independent individual who has never believed that working for somebody else could be as satisfying as and more rewarding than becoming her own boss. I admire her hardworking and perseverance attitude. Since she came back from Al-Azhar, she operates her own Islamic daycare centers and doing freelancing works for various religious departments. Now she and her husband (later I found out he is one of the silent readers of this blog :) has committed heavily on looking after a privately run rehab center, looking after the unfortunate ones. May God bless you and your good deeds.
One of my younger brothers is still in the course of doing his technical training at Seremban. So on the second day, off we went to Seremban for another stop-over. I've just found out that this cafe, "Temiang Cafe" serves a very delicious 'roti pisang'.
Taking the new LEKAS highway from Seremban to Kajang (I can vouch on the 'lekas'ness of this highway), our next stop in the itinerary was the famous sate outlet at the heart of the Kajang town for that delectable indulgence . p/s: cool bloggers' meeting is another agenda in our exciting weekend. I will write and share the cool experience in the next entry.
Salam Doc, kasihnya ibu membawa ke syurga, kasihnya ayahanda sanggupkah berpisah .... part of senikata lagu P.Ramlee yang never fail to move me
-C ya
dr sam.. highway LEKAS ok ker? mmg cepat seperti yg digambarkan ke?
salam kembali. nice song and nice melody. Evergreen.
Memang lekas sebab kosong dan luas (4 lanes). Mungkin malam-malam saspen nak lalu kat situ. sunyi sepi.
You're so lucky!
I still haven't spoken to my father till todate, hehe...
Rehab? What kind of rehab your bro in law have in mind? Do update?
P/S: You really had busy but pleasant weekend I see..:)
"Temiang Cafe, here I come...coz I love Roti Pisang so much"!
Cheers DrSam.
he he he..
I thought only 'Mami penang' has the habit of displaying GOLDEN TREASURE..
( like in one ustaz's ceramah._Orang pompuan ni kalau solat bunyi 'Cemparang...Cemperungg' bunyi gelang berlaga..tu dah kira kena zakat emas tu..)
he he he...
DrSam, I seldom talk much with my dad when I was much younger, but we become quite close in this few years, we talk everything from sport, business, politics and hot chicks too:-), we are more like brother now!
Look forward to your cool blogger gathering post, I hope that I will be able to join you guys next time, it will have a lot of fun man!
gambar2 anda chantik..
Maria, have not spoken to your dad till todate?
So many untold stories. I seems another meeting is almost inevitable :) Our hot investor Daniel is long craving for that teh tarik session soon.
ha..ha...cemperung...cemperang sounds very heavy indeed!
I think we became closer and appreciate each other more the older we are. We should have another cool bloogers' meeting soon. Bro, which part of KL are you in actually?
en ariff,
TQ. Photography is one of my newly-found passion. I just like to see beautiful thing and share it with others.
untungnya mereka yg masih ada ayah dan ibu..sementara masih ada ni..appreciate and express ur utmost luv towards them..cuz bila dah tiada,,they'll leave behind such a big empty space in ur heart,,d pain of not having them around anymore is me..cuz i've been through it..still am..
Many thanks for sharing your feeling here. That is what I am trying to do now. Cherish the moment when they are still around. Just could not bear myself having a thought of losing them. Hope God will give me more time to be able to give back the many loves they have showered me with all these wonderful years.
DrSam & Daniel,
Looking forward to the next meet-up.Teh tarik & Roti Pisang.Considered YES for my RSVP:)
(doesn't matter where actually...*wink*)
About my biological dad, I'm quite open about it.Not even my fault.Really!
Not sure where he is right now.So, how to talk? hehehe..
You are right, we will be appreciate more of each other when we get older and you will actually understand the feeling of DAD when you become DAD.
My office in Damansara and I stayed in nearby your place right?
>> Maria, I will suggested we have some "cool" place that more quiet & cool(with aircond)...don't jump know I am damn HOt what? what to do!!! if you guys really choose mamak store make sure you prepare a box of tissue for me, ok?:-)P
anak lelaki slalu jrg rapat ngn ayahnya..
ayah slalu lebih rapat ngn anak pmpuan.. :)
sebab apa ye?
'Speechless'. I hope and God will you will find your father one day.
Another plan!
With so many hiways, cosways and noways...distance won't keep us apart :) But since Maria is very fond and affectionate about D'curve and Ikea (Ikano), the places are not bad either.
Dr sam, it is nice when your parents can still visit you. I remember when my mother used to come to London and she spoilt me rotten during those visits. believe me or not, I was so spoilt that I didnt know my way to the kitchen!
Your mum is from Trengganu? Have you heard of my husband's book "Growing Up in Trengganu?" hehe - a bit of a plug there.
TuN TeJa,
Kurang pasti pula. sebab saya pun memang jarang sebenarnya berpeluang untuk berjumpa dan dpt bersama-sama semua adik-beradik serentak (untuk memerhati dan mendapatkan kepastian) kecuali jika cuti-cuti sekolah dan Hari Raya shj. Mungkin perempuan manjanya terlebih kot?
Kak Teh,
Indeed and very true. I even treasure it most now.
LOL...or was it because your London's house is so big you couldn't figure out the way after having your mom's signature cooking:)
Actually I got to know Awang Goneng (through his beautiful journey in his blog) for quite some time and became his fan almost instantly. I watched with my significant other the series (5 series documentary) on yourtube recently and it really touched my heart. The experience was so heartwarming.
(My wife has become your silent reader since we got in touch through this blog and she really admires your work and your writing)
haven't spoke to dad the past 3 years
roti pisang? sate kajang?
anyway, memang best bila dapat berkumpul dan berjalan sama-sama ngan family. huhu...
eventhough the journey may only be two or three steps, the moments you spend with your family was ultimately priceless..huhu
Seronok ye dr dapat jumpa ibu kan. Hargailah mereka selagi mereka ada di sisi kita.Dr beruntung kerana masih punya ibu dan ayah....
What happened? Sad to hear your predicament.
yes, ultimately priceless.
Masih terkenang-kenang untung badan, dengan harapan ia berpanjangan.
Me loike The Curves. Spoilt with choices!
Daniel,have you been to Citibank CENTRO Klang (near Berkeley's roundabout)?
Menyinggah di blog tuan, merehatkan minda. Tulisan yang bagus, teruskan.
Saya sangat suka berbual dengan ayah, sebabnya ucapannya ringkas namun penuh makna yang perlu dicerna.
Emak pula suka bercerita dengan saya.
Heh. Anak bongsu memang begitu.
Keep up the good work. :)
Good idea. The plan...the plan..
fusarium solani,
Salam. Jika ada kelapangan sila singgah berkongsi pengalaman dan cerita.
singgah baca
makan..makan...roti pisang n sate...hurmmmmmm
It seems that, when we our age adds up more, the more we want to be closer with our parents. Spending time with them is like a treasure that is priceless and can never be replaced ;D
Lucky you for a loving and caring parents.
Bes kalo kenang balik kenangan dulu. Persitiwa yang hampeh pun jadi bes. Hehe.
Tq. Hope you like of what you read. Did you find the book?
tu le...rugi tak mari sining.
I concur.
Memang ya. Pahit atau manis kenangan lalu, tetap membuat kita tersenyum pabila terkenang. Kita belajar dari kenangan.
re:...hehehe...where there's smoke, there's doc?
you are a very good writer. I think you already know, I am one of the silent readers since u told me about your blog...just tak tau cara nak reply je masa tu.
How about the book/manuscript of history that you received yesterday..
muka mak DrSam macam muka ustazah saya :D
r u from Terengganu? I was just back from Kemaman last 3 days. sempat mkn otak2 & lepak kt Kedai Kopi Hai Peng. the best kopitiam in town khabarye..
betul ke?
Ganu kite ori. Otak-otak Kuala Kemamang is the best. Hope you didn't forget to take home some keropok lekor too.
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