The truth is I don't really want or very keen to write or talk about zionist laknatullah (or their evil cahoots). The more we talk about them, the more arrogant they would be. In fact it would boiled my blood up just thinking about them and this is not good from my health view of point. Their cruelty and inhumane acts are unforgiven and so disgusting. While at the same time I am quite reluctant at first to contaminate this blog with upsetting stories and gross pictures of dislocated human limbs as this would probably make some feel uncomfortable or having sleepless night for days. But their sheer bloodlust for innocent victims really annoyed me and so disturbingly blatant. This is purely atrocities of the devilish crime. Stink to the highest heaven. I would rather bath myself in budu rather than to just sit and do nothing about it.
The recent tragic event on Marvi Marmara has clearly demonstrated to the world their true color and proven their evil intention. It was really a shocking news to our nasi-lemak-nation and to the whole world population. In a way that single event has managed to wake up and unite vast numbers of world population who have been in deep slumber for so long. But I am least surprised myself. What do you expect from this nation? A nation that has been condemned by Allah S.W.T. A nation who disregard others right, disrespectful to others whereas peace and harmony is not in their daily vocabulary. This nation is not fit to be called a nation in the first place.
Zionist will be a Zionist, no matter how hard one is trying to justify that barbaric acts and atrocities. We are accountable to what we do or say, more so if what we do is absolutely wrong. Those atrocities shouldn't be condoned and let diluted with time or camouflaged with cover-up stories that will surface in time to come. Serious and stiff action should be taken, not to teach them but to show our support, unity and determination to instill justice.
I would strongly support any effort in showing our discontent towards that unacceptable behavior. Lets us boycott any products or companies that have any direct or indirect connection with this Zionist laknatulllah. The list of associates were already published in many blogs (even last year the same effort was called upon). Some companies or products may well disguised as unsuspecting and innocent labels, but the stinking smell is so strong they will finally be revealed.
Some of these associates are big and multimillion companies, but I strongly believed if we as one nation work together and do it seriously, continuously and with istiqomah, a small dent in their pocket wouldn't be ignored after all. Lets do it together guys.
Thank you Zionist for uniting the world and thank you again for giving the people of Gaza or the Mujaheddin the rare and sought after chance to be a martyr. But still I would pray that you and your evil cahoots would be sterile for life. Nope... on a second thought, impotence would be much better.
The recent tragic event on Marvi Marmara has clearly demonstrated to the world their true color and proven their evil intention. It was really a shocking news to our nasi-lemak-nation and to the whole world population. In a way that single event has managed to wake up and unite vast numbers of world population who have been in deep slumber for so long. But I am least surprised myself. What do you expect from this nation? A nation that has been condemned by Allah S.W.T. A nation who disregard others right, disrespectful to others whereas peace and harmony is not in their daily vocabulary. This nation is not fit to be called a nation in the first place.
Zionist will be a Zionist, no matter how hard one is trying to justify that barbaric acts and atrocities. We are accountable to what we do or say, more so if what we do is absolutely wrong. Those atrocities shouldn't be condoned and let diluted with time or camouflaged with cover-up stories that will surface in time to come. Serious and stiff action should be taken, not to teach them but to show our support, unity and determination to instill justice.
I would strongly support any effort in showing our discontent towards that unacceptable behavior. Lets us boycott any products or companies that have any direct or indirect connection with this Zionist laknatulllah. The list of associates were already published in many blogs (even last year the same effort was called upon). Some companies or products may well disguised as unsuspecting and innocent labels, but the stinking smell is so strong they will finally be revealed.
Some of these associates are big and multimillion companies, but I strongly believed if we as one nation work together and do it seriously, continuously and with istiqomah, a small dent in their pocket wouldn't be ignored after all. Lets do it together guys.
Thank you Zionist for uniting the world and thank you again for giving the people of Gaza or the Mujaheddin the rare and sought after chance to be a martyr. But still I would pray that you and your evil cahoots would be sterile for life. Nope... on a second thought, impotence would be much better.
(Below are the photos I received from a chain-email. I am at first contemplating as to whether to share this photos with others or not, but finally give a go in hoping it will give us a moment to reflect that life is so precious)
Israel bombing with white phosphorus at UNRWA school in Beit Lahia, Gaza, PALESTINE (undated photos)

semoga allah menghancurkan mereka
There are the strong three countries Israel, US and England.. then there are European supporters who believe Israel is the last bastion to stop Islam from coming their way..
We have to have this in our mind when we do any business transaction.. even if we can not boycott them all..
My 2 cents thought..
salam sejahtera..
sedihnya tengok kanak-kanak yang terkorban akibat kerakusan zionis... memang kejam mereka ni...
syukur... sekarang banyak negara dah sedar betapa kejam dan biadapnya zionis terhadap Palestin... Setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya...
Sememangya doa kita semua.
Wan Shariff,
...and don't forget Egypt. The pharaoh spirit is still close to them. Personally, I am not that convinced with the lukewarm effort from the Western counterparts. Agreed with you. At the end, the Muslim world has to unite and take stern action against Israel (and their cahoots) and not to always 'begging' to others for mercy.
Salam ann. Memang kita yang berada di negara yang aman damai ini merasa sedih dengan apa yang berlaku di sana.
saya ada terima email gambar gambar tu.. masaalah nya kemarahan kebanyakkan umat islam ni bermusim sekejap nanti doa org lupa..bila berlaku lagi marah lagi lepas tu lupa.. tiada tindakan jangka panjang yg memberi kesan
Hakikatnya kekejaman dan keangkuhan Yahudi sudah dinyatakan oleh Allah SWT di dalam al-quran. Yang pentingnya kita sebagai umat Islam kena kuat, kena kembali kepada ajaran yang sebenarnya, sehingga mereka (Yahudi) merasa gerun dengan kita.
yes, ironically they are uniting the world. Let us all pray that sufferings would end very soon..
the last pic really stabbed my heart..
dr sam.. mereka sombong kerana kuat, tetapi jgn lupa yg lemah tidak selama lamanya akan lemah..
semoga seluruh umat islam tidak putus harapan ........
Salam Dr. Saya pun menerima e-mail gambar-gambar tersebut. Tak dapat bayangkan bagaimana kalau saya sedang bersama anak murid di kelas...tiba-tiba duhujani peluru dan motar....
memang betul tu. manusia ni tabiinya pelupa apatah lagi yang bernama melayu. Kalau tak lupa pun...buat-buat lupa. Jadi tugas kita bersama untuk sentiasa berpesan-pesan dan ingat-mengingati.
Abd Razak,
Salam sdr Razak. secara syariahnya kita mengutuk segala kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh regim zionis ini terhadap penduduk di Palestin, secara hakikatnya kita menerima dengan redha dan bersyukur dengan anugerah Allah kepada umatnya yang benar-benar beriman dan faham tentang hakikat rezeki (Al-Razzaq)
I really hope, the world and her inhabitant who love peace and justice would be united forever.
kuat mereka pun sebab ada orang kuat (big brother) kat belakang. kalau orang kuat tu dah tak ada atau tak kuat lagi, memang lembik Israel ni. Pengecut.
Jadi kesimpulannya...tangani si Big brother dahulu, baru boleh tapau si lembik yang perasan kuat tu.
Salam ckLah. Buat masa ni, murid-murid dan cikgu-cikgi sekolah sedang gigih nampaknya membuat persiapan untuk menepis peluru berpandu dan serangan bom bernama UPSR, PMR dan seangkatan dgnnya. Semoga tabah menghadapi dugaan.
aduh sedihnya gambar. ish..
yep doc...jgn citerkan mengenai mrk tapi lemparkan saja 'kutukan' dan 'caci makian'...mrk adalah musuh yg nyata
i really can't wait to see them die.
klu nk berperang sy fikir kita belum bersedia menghadapinya..dan apa yg termampu cumalah boikot,doa,derma dan kempen kesedaran..kalaulah ini pun tak mampu jgk x tau la nk ckp..kadang2 terfikir jgk(x tau la btl ke x),perlu ke kte bersaudara dengan orng yg tak mampu buat semuanya ini..
Is Zionist Blessing From God?
I know WorldCup is.Sadly that during this WorldCup, people might have 'forgotten' what's going on in Gaza. Thank you for reminding us about our brothers & sisters who s fighting for their lives every single second.The Cup means nothing compared to their sufferings.
Take care Doc.Regards to sis & 'askar2' :)
Bila hati sekeras batu
Egois yg membuak2..bongkak..
megah kononnya berkuasa
Hilang perikemanusiaan
Mati nilai simpati..
Itulah mereka yang bakal dilaknati Allah....
.......mungkin bukan saat ini..namun di sana PASTI!
Salam DrSam
Insya Allah kita berkemampuan berdoa. Maka teruslah kita sama2 berdoa semoga mereka yg teraniya itu mendapat perlindungan Allah. Juga kita sepatutnya amat mampu memboikot barangan kumpulan yg dilaknat Allah itu, dgn barangan sekutu2nya. Terima kasih kerana turut serta memaparkan kisah 'kezaliman Yahudi' utk tatapan ramai.
saya tak tahu nak komen apa.
semoga ALLAH akan membalas perbuatan zalim mereka..
laki cikgu kimia,
kita yang melihat keganasan rejim zionis itu melalui photo itu pun terguris, apatah lagi yang didalam foto tersebut.
kita sendiri kena boikot diri kita sendiri...daripada melayan semua perkara yang bersangkutan dengan zionis
Faisal Admar,
There is a saying...only the good dies young and the evil will live forever...(so that the evil has more time to repent)
kita buat ikut kemampuan. Yang masih tidak berusaha atau mempunyai kemahuan untuk tolong membantu...sama-sama kita ingat mengingati.
Every times there are issues that need serious attention from the wold, new cover-up stories will pop in...history had proven it many many times.
Pn Kartini,
Itu janji Allah. Syurga dunia hanya sementara...balasan dan azab yang dahsyat pasti menunggu mereka (dan kuncu-kuncu)
Salam. Sama-sama kita menghulurkan bantuan setakat mana termampu. Usaha memboikot adalah salah satu tanggungjawab bersama kita membantu saudara kita di sana.
sama-sama kita berdoa
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