This car has never failed me before because I have put so much TLC on her all this while. That should not happen man. I pushed her gently beside the road, check here and there (pretending to be a mechanic just to cover my waterface from the other busy-body passerby), but still I found nothing weird. So I called my regular mechanic, Ah Foo and after following some instruction and a long teleconferencing over the phone, the car still refused to come alive. Our last resort was to call the trusty AAM tow truck (luckily I renewed my membership days before that) and sent the car to his workshop. I have to leave my bimmer overnight at the workshop, because it was almost 11.00 pm by the time we reached there.

The next day, when I received a call from my mechanic, he cheekily asked me "semalam abang mengelamun ke apa?". It turned out I have filled my car with DIESEL instead of Petrol. Oh no! There goes my RM50 worth of petrol and another RM300 for cleaning and cleansing the tank and replacing the fuel pump. No wonder why so many people stared at me when I fiiled up the tank. I thought I am popular or what, especially when few awek also start to smile at me. Kes perasan lah ni. Now whenever I met my fellow bimmer owners who frequent the same workshop, they will always tease me "Ah Fo cakap ko bagi kereta ko minum Diesel ek?" and I couldn't stop myself from smiling because how "perasan' yours truly can be. Now I have to be really cautious whenever people smile at me, especially at the petrom pump station. Achtung Bitte!
4 comments: musti aweks tu senyum before...sebab tu tersalah isi diesel instead...keskes..ahahah
sebenarnya nak buat eksperimen kot-kot kereta tu boleh atau tidak terima biodiesel bila dijual tahun depan :)
hehe the title is so german
"to fill her up..." lol. i like this sentence for some reasons :P
alamak! macam mana boleh isi diesel lak? adoi la. haha. its like i'm allergy to seafood and you are feeding the whole aquarium to me. killing me? lol.
ich spreche kein deutsch. achtung bitte? lol. alles guten.
guten nacht.
this one so funny dr.. hahahaa, i cant imagine your reaction at gas station!! hahahaha
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