Terengganu was the only playing ground that I knew for almost 18 years, until my first "hijrah" to Bangi, that was to discover my adulthood (and later my first and only love) in our local alma mater. I love this place so much not because this state has been dubbed as a "Little Kuwait of Malaysia", or her generosity for sharing its oil wealth with the Federal Government, but simply because everything here is simple. or at least it used to be. As much as my native friends will concur with me, this beautiful state with their inhabitants who eats nasi dagang as their breakfast and keropok-lekor as their evening snack has so much adventure and colourful activities to offer for the uniniated and season travellers. Even the local the kampung boy like me will always find something new and interesting thing to do whenever I pay a visit to my hometown.
Among the thing that still bemused me is our native dialect, which sometime will tickle even the hardcore Kuala Berang indigenous. For example one makcik describe a strong monsoon wind that hit her house recently "ambe dengor anging piung..piung..piung atas pale, beghooookkk cabut abis atap rumoh. Debok, mokcik terjun rumoh, mujo dok patoh ghiiok jatuh. kalu tidok mapuh bahang tanoh". (sorry could not find suitable manglish word for the translation, maybe Ganu bloggers like bro
madredo1 or
skatype can explain the phrase better than me :)
Food is another thing. I love to visit old market place like Kedai Buloh and of course Kedai Payang just to sample some of the traditional delicacies of which only endemic to this part of the world. Last time I went to this place, I introduced "rojok kateh" to my significant half. She loved it very much.
But now, as the state is now has been upgraded one class higher than her neigbours and showered with the status of "bandaraya", I can see the old charm is starting to disappear fast. So much to the modernization, that is the price we have to pay. This has really saddened me. In fact this rapid changes is happening everywhere. It is a matter of time. But we can still preserve the good old charm and nice memory in the form of photographic record and frequent visit to our old and rustic birthplace and walk the memory lane.
The transparent masjid, Masjid Kristal as part and parcel of Taman Tamaddun Islam. The masjid is situated not far from the infamous Losong, of which you can find Keropok Losong. But now I find keropok Losong is a bit on the salty side. Not to my liking at all.
Sandy beaches and its panoramic coastal lines are always my favourite stopover and regular picnic spots whenever I travel back to Terengganu. This one was in Kemasek.
My kids like to collect shell like this one that scattered with abundant along the sandy beaches.
Local fish produce like this "sata" is gastronomically irresistable. This particular one was mixed with crab meat, something out of ordinary. I was told by little sister (Cendawanintim), we can only find this variety only in Ramadhan Bazaar near Panji Alam.
Life in Terengganu can be as colorful as this drinks.
Traditional marketplace with varieties of choices.
Masjid Tengku Tengah Zaharah or popularly known as Masjid Terapung situated not very far from my kampung. My favourite keropok 007 can be found nearby.
oh terengganu negeri kelahiran ku, rindu lak bila nengok gambor, tq yer bagi saya rasa ilang rindu kat terengganu
crazy beautiful,
Salam siber. Ganu kite jugok nampok gayenye. Yes, Terengganu is crazily beautifull :)
salam dr sam, I was in KT early this year. As a matter of fact, that was my first trip to Terengganu. I really enjoyed nasi dagang, kepok losong, kepok lekor, sata and many more. I went to Masjid Kristal with officer from MPKT, a very generous man to show me around and also Matredo1 introduced me to a marvelous chicken rice but forgot the place..deretan kedai kayu. Matredo1 also drove me to the cottage industry area which sell lots of kepok losong. By the way i like the kepok kat the Bus station, walking distance to Pasar payang.Pasar Payang is the place for all..imagine i met two of my friends coincidently at Pasar Payang...ahahaha. Bertahun lama tak jumpa. Both from KL...but we met in KT. Owh, Dr Dbi also belanja me and matredo1 nasi dagang at the famous Restaurant of "kari kepala ikan"...ahahaha. My sincere comment, I think KT is running to fast...chasing the development but at the same time its loosing the blessing charm. Pembangunan yg macam tergesa2 tanpa mengambil kira perancangan akan datang...entahla...
rindu telur penyu...best..
omg! i understand a bit only for the ganu dialect. i always have difficulty to understand whenever you guys speak fast or the word is absolutely different from the usual malay :)
i like keropok lekor a lot but the one lots of flour rather than lots of fish. most of the time when it has lots of fish it got smell. i don't know why. maybe i was just not lucky enough?
rojak kateh? never heard. same like penang rojak eh? or same like kl rojak?
yes i'm quite upset whenever a city is going to be glamorous they destroy all the heritage buildings. why should they do so? same goes with penang.
what is keropok losong? hehe wondering about. what do you think of masjid kristal bro? good or bad? its more to attract people rather than the usage don't you think?
i never been to kemasek. hehe was at pulau kapas and there where i got my sunburn! still remember till now. i even went to the pasar there without a shirt. body was so sore...
the seashell looks cute :) i used to get the shining one and carve it for my love one. but that was good memory :)
sata? is it something like otak² in johore?
air tebu is nice :P can't resist!
eh you can get mango at anytime there? craving for mango tho.
oh masjid terapung. i went there long time ago. never know got good keropok there :P
p/s: still suffer from the back pain. you know sakit belikat? any medicine or pill?
oh btw, telur penyu! i like it very much.
Lain kali kita gi Ganu same-same, boleh jumpa cik adik comel lote saya, Cendawanintim tu. Dr Dbi ada blog ke?
Hope your backpain is subsiding by now. Ubat..emmm kalau bukan slip disk, balun painkiller aje le apa lagi. apa-apa pun consult the right people and have a good rest bro.
dr sdp ke sata tu..tak penah rasa pun..apa isi dalam dia ek...
sedap tak terkata. Bab resepi ni kureng sket. tapi majoritinya ikan la gamaknye. nak detail kena tanya Cendawanintim. Dia jadi tembam sekarang ni pun pasal asyik makan keropok dan sata lah tu :) cabuuutttttzzz.
Mane gambar kepok lekor...hehehe..anyway..suke tgk gmbr2 satar & masjid tu..cantik! :)
ita.itu: penah mkn otak2 kempas tak?lebih kurang lah rasenye mcm satar..cuma satar ni manis sikit..byk nyior dari ikannye... :)
salam...owhhh si cendawanintim tu ur sister? seibu sebapa? sedarah setanah?..ahahaha apala punya soalan. Terkejut jer...
Boleh..nanti kita saing ke sana..jalang jalang makang anging..betul ker tuh? ehehehe.
Dr DBI ada blog,dia dah ke OZ..
laaaa....ingatkan dah tahu. berbuih dok cerita dan bagi hint-hint.
Tq 4 Dr DBI blog address.
ada satu port lagik kopok best iaitu 008, kat depan food court kelulut tu...
FYI, pasar chabang 3 nanti akan dibangunkan pasar baru... phase by phase...(3 phase)...
tapi bila MB baru sekang, nampak agak lembab pembangunan, tak mcm yang dulu...!!!(ooooppppsssss, tak leh citer lelebih..bahyer!)nanti balik sini..stori mori...
Aiseh...ingatkan 007 je, 008 lagi sedap? Syok duduk termenung mencari ilham ditepi pantai Kelulut tu.
sharing pictures..sharing story..hmm..wers kpok lekor??i didn't see...??? haloo..i'm hungry..krokk..krokk..
ler..napa tak ada keserupaan jer ahahaah..lain bebenor...bro kalau dh berbuih mulut tu baik ler jumpa doc...symptom epilepsy tu..ahahaha
Kita tengok tahun depan..bole ikut bro balik KT
Ada gambo kpok tu. ada cerita kat entry Nov - Salivating over. sure terliur.
serupa tapi tak sama. tahun depan jom kita jalang-jalang cari makang kat Ganu.
termiss plak soalan you pasal Rojak kateh. sebenornya ia adalah sejenis jeruk yang dibuat daripada tendon dan ligamen lembu. masam-masam manis gitu. "kateh" tu maksudnya kaki, dimana tendon dan ligamen tu diambil.
nanti saya post gambo bila balik Ganu.
tganu?must b a nice place kan?
tingin nak p..tapi blom ada rezeki..hee..
Salam drsam..org gout jgn makan rojak kateh..walaupun yg dapat annual gout..ahahaha..nanti dapat gout tegar plak..
erm.. sata! dh lama xmakan nie ..
salam ziarah,
salam kenal, suka entry yg di kuala kangsar...laksa pakngah memang paling femes...sedappp!
last gi terengganu tahun 2000,... na na na na na ganu kite...
banyak perubahan kot...
saya kalau pegi terengganu mesti nak cari sata... keropok lekor rasanya dah jadi nombor dua... rindunya nak makan sata...
the only state that ive never been to! huhuhuhuhuhu sadis!
nice entry n pics Dr
tun Teja,
Good time to visit now before the state lost her charm.
Apo nak dikato. bila dah kena baru le insaf dan jaga sket pasal makan. kecur pun ada.
Cuba cari sata kat Kuala Kemaman. Among the best.
Salam and thanks for the visit. laksa pakngah makan tanpa kuah pun sedap.
salam. boleh buat rombongan blogger ke sana.
betul tu. sata memang sedap kalau kena tempat jual.
better you go there before you berhijrah to Plymouth. Who know, by the time you finish you study, there will be no more sata, rojak kateh or even the scenic fisherman village of Seberang Takir.
salam dr..
thniah cos da g tganu..
nape xgtau.
leh gerak sesama.
saya da rndukamn terengganu semula.
bler tgk blog nie..
i miss tganu.,....
mg cntik foto yg dr snap.
klah saya..
found ur blog while bloghopping...
nice blog....
i lurveeee sata...a must when go to terengganu..sedapnyaaa..
kat lembah klang ni...mana nak cari the good one eh?..
terasa nak makan bila tgk foto kat blog u ni..
ho..nice blog..nice photo..nice writing..
TQ bro. Bila saya balik Ganu, boleh buat projek photography sama-sama.
salam persinggahan dan maal hijrah. Sata memang sedap. Kat Kay El tak pernah terjumpa. Bagus juga kalau ada yang buat franchise ni. Peluang perniagaan tu.
ganu kiter!!
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