Thanks to my fascination with golf, two days ago while fine-tuning my swing at my regular driving range nearby, I got this exruciating pain from my lower limb up to my back. The pain in my lower limb was like a love-hate relatioship, something that I can ignore whenever I am in my good mood. But the recent pain in my back was quite bad so as doing the normal simple task becoming so painful.
So after that skillful massage job by Wak Rem, I am feeling better now, even though the pain in the ass is still there. (Now I now how this ass-word has come about). He even gave me some tips on good diet and advice on proper eating habit. As according to him, my problem was actually caused by improper eating habit, so as the "angin" in my body became unbalance. This "angin" in the body has always made me wonder. Does our body really got "angin" or what's on earth is the "angin" doing in our body? Once I threw this question to my friend who is a medical doctor and he explained in terms that made me more confused. Something about our nerve system.
My significant half on the other hands, has some idea on treating and combating my "angin" problem. She introduced me to another weird herbal remedy i.e "untalan" (banjar word for bulat-bulat) which consisted of zingiber (halia) and black pepper corn (lada hitam).

For the time being I still have another one or two more follow-up massage sessions with Wak Rem. Since I have to rest for a while, obviously for my own good sake, I have to withdraw from participating in a golf tournament next week.
Two things I learned from this unsuspecting event:
Golf introduced me to the beauty of Gout and gave me the opportunity for a spa treatment with Wak Rem. And not to mention a secret recipe from my significant half. Always look on the brighter side of our life.
By all means, i'm too excited reading your blog... the topic that u select is interesting and relaxing.. Thanks.
Traditional massage memang baik untuk kita semua terutama apabila usia mencecah 40an . Bab angin tu betul kot , memang ada angin dalam badan ... so , how's the untalan , ada banyak angin keluar ??
Bila balik kampung singghlah kemaman :)
thanks for dropping by. Life is already so much complicated, and I don't intend to make it even worst here. Salam perkenalan.
Untalan punya penangan ada lah sikit-sikit pagi tadi. Mungkin kena tambah dos lagi kot. Memang kalau balik dari KT, kita tak miss singgah kat kedai keropok belakang masjid tu (opposite direction from Kuala Kemaman).
:) salam
ab geldofg,
salam perkenalan. terimakasih singgah disini.
OOOO DrSam itu kedai keropok Kak Ani tu sedap keropok dia.....
salam dr sam...whoaa..i dun know ur other half is also a well known herbalist. Gambir swak...please dont try it at home or even else where haahhaha....its not scientifically proven k. But Cina purba guna gambir untuk membuang angin dalam badan.
Selamat menyambut maal hijrah
salam M. Hafiz,
Keropok Kak Ani yang mana satu ya?
Selamat menyambut maasl hijrah.
salam maal hijrah doc.
moga hijrah kali ini membawa kita lebih pengertian..
“ Yang paling jauh bukannya bintang, mentari pun bukan, juga bukan rembulan, tetapi adalah masa yang berlalu dan tidak akan kembali lagi. Kelmarin yang luput menjadi secangkir secangkir kenangan, kelmarin yang terluput mengukir sesalan, yang ada hanya hari ini dan akan datang. Gunakan hari ini sebaik mungkin kerana esok belum tentu milik kita, sedangkan semalam telah pergi selamanya”
salam maal hijrah. Nukilan yang indah dan bermakna.
Selamat menyambut Awal Muharram.
get well soon bro.
Salam Maal Hijrah for u and family...
salam maal hijrah n happy new year
kalau pi berurut mesti keluar bab angin ni...angin sepoi sepoi dakper..jangang angin ribut sudoh...
salam maal hijrah
salam maal hijrah..apa azam ko..hehe
Salam Maal Hijrah 1430,
look on the brighter side of 2009 shall we...
lama jugok doh dok gi nguruk nih... takut2 nanti serbis ober...
bro Dr..entry baru pls...gua rindu kpasan bro Dr
Hai Dr Sam,
Untalan tu nampak macam makjun je, tiga bijik tu cukup ke dosnya?
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