I am not in the mood to write or type much these past few days because my fingers felt numb from typing numerous reports that need to be submitted before the end of this year. Mind you, apart from copious amount of time spending on the meeting rooms, we have so many reports to write and type, and at the end of the day you can't even distinguish between you finger and your son's fish finger. To make the matter worst for me, the canteen, a popular hang-out place among the gossip-mongers and eavesdroppers, was almost empty. Even though it was a good news to me, as I can talk freely and without any fear of any story spinners around, but I need a break and a place to chill out.
Luckily my eldest son has to go to
Kuala Kangsar for his school team debate camp. It was a good excuse for me to visit this royal place again and sample their local delicacies.
Kuala kangsar is a quiet and beautiful place which boasts a reputation for politician-wannabe breeding ground. The infamous Malay College of which their student will miss their prime adulthood and become old in no time- thus the word Old Boys so
synonymous to them, stood proudly in this town. I, however became so convinced, especially after reading a book on "Confessions of an Old Boys", that my son will someday become a successful figure if he rub his shoulder regularly with the sons of dignitaries and royalties who go to the same college.
I can't imagine how many people who walked this corridor before is also walking in the corridor of power nowadays.
A row of shops that sell nice traditional crafts. The price is very reasonable here. The shops also sell clay pots or "labu sayong" here.
If you drink the water from this "labu sayong", the taste, the smell, the freshness reminded me of the water I used to drink from "tempayan kampung" during my childhood.
A trip to this place will usually give me a good opportunity to spend some time at their small but interesting marketplace near the riverbank. You can go to a small village accross the river by taking a boat ride from this jetty.
Before - "ikan sebarau or ikan air laju", the owner of a restaurant along the river told me. This delicacy is always my top menu whenever I visit this place. With "air asam" and some "ulam" to tickle my taste bud, now I am salivating!
The aftermath - this is what left after a sumptous feast- a fossil.
This fish however could not be found at Kuala Kangsar for a very good reason. This is "ikan terubuk masin Sarawak" of which I did not get by fishing in any river, but through blogging. Seriously. The taste is phenomenal. Blogging is quite fishy after all, and its kinda paid off. Thanks mates.
I was told by my son that laksa Pak Ngah is very popular here. The texture and the taste is a bit different from other laksa that we used to consume from other part of the country. 
A nice bowl of cendol by Hj. Mustafa is a must after all those sinful indulgence.
My eldest son staring at the rapid flow of Sungai Kangsar, trying to figure out what a great future lay ahead for him. The question is, to be or not to be.
salam..owhhhh grilled fish is always yummylicious....tastefully delightful! cicah air asam some more..fuhhhhh
Eating is my hobby but Lin told me kena jaga diet...i shld eat more fish and vege....reduce seafood n red meat...coz gout run in my family for two generation already..
Jom fishing kat freementle..lama tak fishing coz kena memancing journal...
sorry bro to make you drooling like a baby mengidam buah jeruk :)
I have known gout for the past 4 years. It has been like an annual celebration for me, once a year. It was not primarily because of the meat or seafood, but thanks to golfing (dehydration normally.
This evening I am off to KK again to fetch my son. So here we go again.
p/s: ikan apa ada nak mancing kat Freemantle tu?
the grilled fish and the sambal looks really yummmmmmy hehehe
Hi greg,
Hope your festive preparation is all geared up by now. got grilled fish onot?
eww i simply hate gossiper especially in the office. most of the time i will just ignore them and show my not-interested-face to them.
malay college kuala kangsar? i always wanna go there when i was a teen. but guess i wasn't bright enough to go in or even get the offer!
looking at your photos remind me of my old schools and it has been a long time since i left school and visit them? not yet.
ikan sebarau? never heard. from sea or river? i'm hardly eat those come from the river... just can't stand with the smell.
about the laksa, better than penang laksa eh? :P
Bro faisal,
Bergossip ni kadang2 tu syok juga, kita pun tumpang sekaki. tapi kalau dah telebih sangat dan boleh memudaratkan, tu yang tak larat.
Ikan Sebarau is a freshwater fish just like the other delicious fishes i.e tengalan, jelawat etc. sodap tu.
Penang laksa is more to my liking, no question about it.
ikan sebarau bakar memang sedap tak hengat. ditambah plak ngan air asam yg menyengat...pergh....
grilled fish..
huh huh huh...yummy...
lapo lak rasa..kui3..
best ler..
buat prut brkroncong jerk.
best ler..
buat prut brkroncong jerk.
Hello brother,
You should take the pic of the notorious big tree...in front of the Koleq Big School.
Anyway, see you some time in January bro
bazzo, anntaj, tun teja, skatype,
baru sampai dari KK. ikan bakar dah habis :( sempat balun chendol aja.
Bro Gampang,
sampai pun dah gelap, pokok besar-besar ni aku seriau sket petang-petang ni nak rapat. Are you seriously cuming back this jan to tap the rubber tree...again?
hi dik..1st ttime dgr nama ikan laju..hehe..salam kenal
saya pun tak pernah dengar sblum ni. main balun aja.
ishk ishk ishk ..napa xabis kan kepala ikan tu sekali... sedap tue ...
salam singgah dr sam!
hmmm sedapnyeee ikan bakar itewwww... nice pic bro...
salam kini,
ikutkan hati teringin juga sapu kepala tu, apakan daya...
TQ, memang sodap sehingga menjilat jari.
i cannot survive if there is only freshwater fish available. i tried to eat patin gulai tempoyak. *fainted*
salam bro..i posted the photo we took that day but unforturnately I dah crop ur head...ahahaha coz im not talented to touch up and turn you to a macho hairdo ahaks!
Thanks...tapi tak patut. you exposed me and keep yourself as an anon.
Nak kena hantar paparazzi ni :)
you fainted becos of the fish or the tempoyak?
Salam kenalan....its nice to read your blog...i think your son will have a bright future like his father....Just to let u know that Desa Melor is at Serendah, Hulu Selangor...near to Rawang or Perodua..I've made a link to your blog...hope u don't mind...
Hi DrSam, thank you for visiting Stories of Picture. I hope you enjoy your visit there just like I do.
You also have a nice blog here, even though I can't read your post yet. :)
And seeing your profile, we have a same age as blogger! :P
Thanks visiting this blog and also for the info. I hope your predicament is getting better now.
thanks for dropping by. Is your life also begins at 40? :)
Wah, kalau macam tuh punya makanan, memang confirm terlajak makan. Hehe..
wah.. kole kangsooo... lama tak ke sana.. lama x bsakan di situ... hohoho... ikan bakar mmg sedappp...
Dr sam saya memang tak pernah muncul di khalayak cyber ahahaha...only 4-eyes meeting maaa.
I dont know u r wearing wig coz it seem make no different..ahahaaha
terlajak makan takpe, jangan terlajak dot.dot.dot.
kena plan jalan-jalan cari makan ke sana lah nampaknya.
Oooo...gelakkan kita ye. takpe..takpe..
thanks Dr for the compliment..saya rasa x sabar nak menanti gambar2 terbaru dari bro lah.
bro fly,
tengah cari ilham dan sumber inspirasi lah ni :)
first i don't eat tempoyak as durian is not my favorite. 2nd i cannot stand with the patin smell. dad told me it was tasty and when i tried it, he laughed! as he knew i couldn't eat it. grr.
I love that pics of fish (ikan bakar) on red plate.. before and after 'makan'.
haha... I always did that during makan... snap pic before u makan and then snap another one after makan...
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