My previous maid worked for us for a mere 6 months stint. The shortest among all maids that we had. In fact she was not our ideal maid at all. The nice description given by the "tekong" was a real misleading. It was like expecting Siti Nurhaliza but you got a monkey from our National Zoo. In fact she is the reigning no one from our list of "maid from hell". My suspicious wife told me probably she wanted to charm me. This was judge by her flirtatious manner, especially with several Indons that worked as labor in our neighborhood. Even the stray cats did not escaped her affair. I found this out one afternoon, while doing my spot-check on her. While both my wife and me were not in the house, she did went out and "bercengkerama" with her indons friends. So as gentleman I was, I kicked her out from the house. Now I start to think that that half-shoe did really served her right after all.
So the morale of the story is never..never keep your old shoes. Burn them to ashes or auction them on lelong.com.
It is no mystery bro, that some resort the metaphysical ways of getting what they want.
But thank Allah...it was unrevealed.
Alhamdulillah...no harm done.
Some people will do anything, even to the extreme of hurting others. I think most of us have gone thru that road before.
wah lau eh... nasib baik tak kena pikat oleh maid. why not rekomen pada kawan sorang tu memandangkan skg ada budget utk maid.
kalau saya usulkan cadangan ni, nanti kena spin plak. Silap haribulan dituduh dengki plak. apa-apa pun pesan sahabat dari Hamilton, biarlah si Luncai dengan lahabau-lahabaunya...
hmmm.. this senario happen to me before.. adoii laaa.. sakit hati sampai skrg.... nasib baik u and family cepat sedar...
Ye lah Mummy Cool,
Alhamdulillah tak ada apa-apa. tuhan nak tunjuk. memang berurusan dengan maid ni pening kepala dibuatnya. silap haribulan keluarga pun boleh jadi haru-biru.
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