Well, being a nasi-lemak nation, it is not surprising at all that we have so many superstition, taboo, fallacy or myth surrounding our daily life. These superstition have embedded in the culture so deep, it has passed down from generation to generation for us to live in harmony. I am sure one way or another, in carrying out our daily chores, we have our personal preferences or habitual behaviours to every tasks. For example, I remember during my childhood, the children were not encouraged to eat fish head or fish brain, fearing that one would be stupid. Now I know the reason behind it. That is to discourage us from having unproductive lunchtime hours, eating "kari kepala ikan", like the one in Kg. Pandan. Or a girl eating the neck of a chicken will marry an old man and having stiff neck during the wedding. But nowadays I believe chicken neck is not a popular dish after all because many young artists end up marrying ageing Datuks or dignitaries.

Some of the superstition, even though at first it seem quite absurd and outrageous but after some conditioning we will get used to it. Personally I have experienced some of this nonsense. In some places, people believed if you are of a difference opinion with your superiors, going against it or saying NO is a big taboo. Like saying no to a motion to upgrade your office, so grand one would have mistaken it for a five star hotel. You will be kicked out from the office before you can open you big mouth again. As usual, this thing has been passed down from a generation to another. No wonder nowadays meetings are more or less a venue for having a long tea break or a chance to meet your old buddies.
The shoe? Being as superstitious as the other nasi-lemak nation, I threw the shoes into the murky river of Paya Jaras. Discreetly, I am so ashamed to admit that I have joined the other uncivilised people in polluting our river in doing the deed. Ampun my mother nature. Now you know the very reason why I am so hesitate to reveal my little secret. I hope Karam Singh Walia was not on duty that day.
salam..Dr Sam tanak kawin young artist ker..ahahaha...
Jom ngeteh...
memang saya dah kawin dengan young artist pun. Ada tu kat rumah :)
Ngeteh no problem kalau you singgah di Sg. Buloh.
fuyoo...nak autograf la,,ahaha. I will be fying to KL malam ni and stay in KL till 20th dec before balik australia. Nanti la kalau ada free InsyaAllah bole mengeteh..sungai buloh ada stesen comuter or lrt ker? nak drive tak reti ahaha
Sg. Buloh ada komuter. Boleh jumpa bila free. Saya akan ajak sekali young artist kat rumah tu untuk autograf. Sure glamor punye.
thats great..InsyaAllah..bole jumpa kat station sungai buloh..lunch time ker klu free... email me ur contact no, my email; arsaili76@gmail.com
* sapa la artist tu agaknya...my brain cant stop thinking..lol!
dah email contact no saya kat you. pasal artis pujaan saya tu biarlah misteri sikit. baru saspen.
tapi pembayangnya:
.saya kawin artis ni 16 tahun dulu
.juara lagu merdu didalam bilik air
.terernye memasak ngalahkan Chef wan
.asal kat Bt Pahat
mana aci jumpa arsaili dulu??
elok la buang ajer kasut tu kat air tuh, kalu diikutkan petua (petua ker??!!) memang kena buang kat air lalu...
BTW, pastikan jugak takder pape barangan hakmilik maid dulu tertinggal lam rumah tu...
cuber check jugak kot2 ada barangan yang digantungkan...
papepon, saya doakan abang sefamili senantiasa dibawah lindungan Allah Taala selalu...amin.
tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, apatah lagi tempat mengeteh. Jom le Cuni datang kay el mengeteh bila lizang habis exam.
Dah periksa semua bahagian rumah. Yang tergantung takde. cuma hangpong maid no.2 yang tertinggal ada lah.Tak lelong lagi kat lelong.com
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